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How about multiple melee weapons. You can only have one and you specify it in options. You could have types of swords, like a kitana etc..

[ JediCatch ]
my translater is busted, lol!!


I don't like the idea of a spear. Too old. A Katana (not Kitana /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif ) would make the mod look like a f*#-. game called 'Shadow Warrior'. And again: Who would carry a longsword AND a MP5. a bit contradictious, don't you think?


who cares?? I, personally, would like to cut someone in half with a kitana or a broadsword.

[ Jedi Catch ]
SOB Clan and Jedi Forums
Wenn jedermann mir mit Deutschem helfen kann, lassen Sie mich wissen. Ich werde Lektionen bald nehmen.


A sword is considerable, but not a broadsword for it's weight. A person can carry a sword in a sheath without problems.. so this weapon is obviously a possibility. And allowing the player to choose his melee weapon would be a cool touch- but might not be possible straight out with version 3-- might be added in an update after that.


that's cool. I think it would be awesome if there were more animations for unreal. You could make the guy really get cut in half and stuff. Or do you know how to do that/is it possible?

[ JediCatch ]


I'm tellin' you guys, though.. if we are talking a sword that takes up little space, light sabers are the way to go!! you could even specify color /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif lol. Ok, I will shut up about it now.

[ JediCatch ]


I think there already is a model animation where you get cut in half (at the torso). I agree, it would be wickedly satisfying to split someone with a for— er, uh, katana.

I still think a fork would make an ideal "comic relief" weapon. Or maybe I'm just obsessed with forks. /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif



I've just read the topic of this messageboard: INFILTRATION; the military conversion for Unreal...
please keep it like it is right now.

Michael Bain

I agree, if Unrealistic weapons are your game, then get away from infiltration.


um... guys... CHILL! and if you think a sword (or even a fork) are unrealistic, WHERE ARE YOU!?!? They ARE real weapons. Many military organizations even keep swords because they are traditional. It is just ideas anyway.

[ jedi.catch ]


Swords....a marine recon with a sword....a SEAL with a fork....great!
A bayonette would be great (attachable on the G11)


You've already covered the major food groups(sidearm, Longarm, Sniper, Support) maybe an LMG or GPMG(M249 or HK36 or maybe the German MG3)? Tear Gas would be nice, or at least smoke grenades. A suppressed SMG(MP5SD3 or MAC-10) or 9mm pistol(Hush Puppy style). Parachute(pop) flares, trip flares, concertina wire that causes damage, NVGs, Flamethrowers, emplaced weapons. Imagine an assault versus a position with .50s and Mk19 HMGs on Guard towers...

Oh Great... another Mac

Michael Bain

What I really want to see is a more realistic use of Body Armor, to see what I mean you can go to:

To summarize this, a class III or IV vest is
capable of handling at least 48 rounds from an M16(.223) /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Michael Bain (edited 08-06-1999).]


I like the bayonette idea, but maybe you could have that already on the weapons like the light is on the shotgun. Other than that, I think you need a big melee weapon. Anything small like a knife would be hard to do. It would be hard to calculate a correct ammount of damage.

[ jedi.catch ]


Oh my god! Class III! I wouldn't want to run around with such a fat protection!


talking about food groups:
We've got a sidearm and another is to follow (a bigger calibur)
We've got a Shotgun (semi-auto)
We've got a suppressed SMG. (I'd prefer the German HK SMG2 with an ATTACHABLE silencer)
We've got a 223.
A 4.7mm will follow. A German HK G11 (great one)
We've got a sniper (semi-auto)
A bolt action is to come
We've got an antitank weapon
A melee weapon is to come with V3.
As Warren said about a thousand times: Gas is impossible with the U-Engine without loosing speed.
Flares would be a nice idea. (But why do I really need them in a Deathmatch? They'd be great for a military total conversion like Force Recon
BTW: Is there any possibility to get some beta maps of FR? I've seen some shots. It was an entrance to some kind of base or a tunnel. This one looked great!

Sorry Warren, if I steal your work! I just thought it'd be boring to write always the same /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


no worries-

the problem with some of this stuff is it fits more for a total conversion with single player levels.. flares are good examples.. if you can't see a darkened corner, and you're hidden yourself, I doubt you'd fire a flare in there, giving away your position. The only practical use for this item in our mod is trying to get the attention of other players in an outside level.. have blue and red flares.. of course this would give away your position for more enemy troops to show up, but that'd be a realistic scenario.

Melee weapons.. even though it's hard to justify a melee weapon that normal soldiers don't use, our mod can never be totally 'realistic' for many reasons.. so if we throw in a knife and a sword and something else- making it a user's choice in the options or whatever, it'd be purely for fun. After all, why bring a knife to a gun fight? If you can throw it, that's one thing, but the only other practical use would be hiding in the shadows until someone passes you, then jumping out, slicin' and dicin'. ...but this is impossible with bots because they don't 'see' shadows.. these same thoughts can be applied to any melee weapon, so why not make it fun. Each would be balanced somehow.. ie swinging a sword might take a bit longer than a knife- and you could also throw the knife- but the sword could kill in one slice.. there are plenty of options here. At this time we will most likely not have more than one melee weapon with version 3- but then add more as things progress. but we WILL consider other 'unrealistic' melee weapons- frankly because we can.. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

A bayonette would be a lot of fun and might just have to make it's way onto the G11 somehow.. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif It would be a fixed item that's always there like the flashlight on the shotgun.

A heavy MG like the M249 will be likely.. we'll look at the different possibilities. Something like the MK19 would be sweet, but at this time- unless UT has more to it- that would be a brush turret a level designer adds in. I could possibly design one in Max, along with the textures- then simply add the functionality to our code for turrets.. more possibilities..

We'd also like some realistic vests that have realistic physics.. ie arm/leg/headshots will still get ya.. and thicker vests could cause you to slow down dynamically- if that's possible in UT.

There are many possibilities to make this mod very realistic-- even to the point of making a single player TC out of it-- but this kind stuff is pretty far in the future, so one thing at a time! /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif We love the ideas, and we're always writing the good ones you folks mention..

As far as FR goes, we don't deal with that TC any longer, so what's on the old site is what you get.. sorry-


The M249 a HMG???? Gahhhhh the 60's more of a HMG than the SAW. Okay, I get the gas problem with slowdown and your points on the flares...but there really are no suppressed weapons in the mod. What about the Skorpion or the Berreta 93R?