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Re-edifying the post-panarchic duodonemy
Jan 28, 2001
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Okay...take two (first time crashed)

Personally, I'd like a Harpoon launcher, that fires out an instant kill harpoon that is attached by a chain to the gun. The secondary fire reels it back in, but it could get stuck in walls.

Also, I think that weapons in general should have an upgrade, so possibly have a machine pistol as the first weapon, but have better defenses (natural, not including armour) so its still about the same.

Things like the ASMD could become true weapons of mass destruction.


Warm Pudgy

Feb 18, 2001
i think u2 should have some kind of sub-machine pistol
like a zmg or a better shotgun design like make the primary fire shoot a tight radius of pellets and alt fire would make it scatter more
i think a multiplayer paintball mod would be cool too and of course there has to be mines eg: proximity remote and timed those would kick a$$:D


The vikings are coming...
Feb 27, 2001
I am a Nomad.
Ok, I haven't read all of this thread, mainly because I couldn't be bothered, but here's what I'd like.

Robar .50 cal sniper rifle. Takes sniping to a new level. This would have a similar effect to a railgun from QII.
Punch through 10 guys in one shot, provided they're lined up. You know, and I know, that the UT sniper rifle felt too light. Admit it. It was an M-16 with a scope, and they do not make sniper rifles.

Side by side with either Slug rounds [muhahahaha!] or 12 guage buckshot. Very good, close to medium range shotgun, use buckshot for close range and slugs for medium range.

I want a pistol with FMJ rounds. Like, puch though armor. and you can see the holes. Kingpin, as far as I know, had this, and seeing a Skaarj [assuming they're in Unreal 2] with 15 holes in his back after you've emptied a clip into him would be a nice sight. Provided he's dead. Otherwise, run. Faster.

Yeah, I like the idea of multiple ammo types. Maybe cyanide for the Goop Gun, real hand grenades that you can throw and actually do damage.

No miniguns, maybe protable rocket launchers like LAWs or something.

I might be the only one to complain about this, but I've honestly not used the pulse rifle from UT a lot mainly because the primary fire mode is too slow to kill someone at medium distances [say, 40 meters game distance] and the secondary fire has a short range.

Maybe the flak cannon, assuming it is returning too, should have a longer range, or maybe its just me.


New Member
Jan 7, 2000
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Anyone here played Gunman Chronicles? In U2, we need to have the next-generation weapons system that Gunman uses. For those that don't know, it features programmable weapons. For example, the chemical gun has loads of modes of fire, because you can choose to have different mixtures of acids, bases and alkalis in the mixture you fire. You can have an amount from 1-5 for each type and mix-and-match amounts. This gives the system amazing depth.


Re-edifying the post-panarchic duodonemy
Jan 28, 2001
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Trouble is, its clunky as hell

What we need, is an updated version of that, so it actually works without having to shout 'break!'


New Member
Mar 7, 2001
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Hi was wondering if you had heard of U4E it has every weapon you could wish for. And also you are talking about what stays in and what doesn't on U4E you can choose old and new a combination.

also I know it has nothing to do with weapons but go to
to digimask and think of what they could do if they did a whole body you could have your friend on your team or play against your worst enemy.

Team that reminds me what about a 4 way capture the flag.

I am sorry for um going off the subject a bit well cya Imrtun.


Re-edifying the post-panarchic duodonemy
Jan 28, 2001
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Erm...this happens to be a U2 forum

But yeah, U4E is imaginative, but the models for some of the weapons suck.

And it dosen't have every weapon I could hope for (Where's my orangutang gun?)


Surfing the edge of underconfidence.
Feb 21, 2000
York/Norwich England
Oh, and if we are still talking about U4E, well it is fun to have all those weapons...

but they are wildly unbalanced. I certainly wouldn't want to play a game with that kinda weapon balance all the time, I think it would pall in a short time.


New Member
Mar 7, 2001
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look you choose the weapon balance so it's really up to you you choose what goes out and what stays in. I just had a thought what do you think of something that can upgrade any wepon so it becomes more powerful or gets more modes of shooting thinke the wheel of the mose could choose or somthing.


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Mar 10, 2001
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U2's weapons

We need the Shock Rifle. It is THE weapon I associate with Unreal, in almost every screenshot I saw during development. A Ripper would be nice, but replace the secondary fire with a chainsaw mode that would spin the blade without launching it, so you could get up close and kill things really fast. You could also maybe cut down a tree and watch it fall on some poor unsespecting rabid psychotic Skaarj. An Eightball, but better. It wasn't that big in Unreal, and from what I've heard about U2, you play as a guy in mech-ish armour, so AKIMBO EIGHTBALLS! Basic instinctual weapons, like the basic machinegun, rocket launcher (like the one from the mission pack), a super-shotgun with the primary fire shooting one barrel at a time and secondary fire shooting both. We need that nailgun thing from the original Unreal, the Stinger or whatever. A staple-gun would be COOL, shoot a guy and if he's close enough to a wall, and the wall isn't to hard, he'd get stapled to the wall. You could also staple his arm to his body or something, but that might make the ESRB mad :). We need a weapon of mass destruction other than the Redeemer, which was just a more powerful version of Na Pali's guided rocket launcher. Maybe some kind of antimatter hypergun, so you could configure how the matter balance would work (matter/antimatter ratio, protons and $h!t, etc), or if you know nothing about physics, use preset configs. Either way, you'd blow stuff up. A railgun. The ASMD is NOT a railgun. A railgun shoots a thin red line that goes through 10 guys in a row and makes a voice say "impressive" after you kill something. A lava gun, replacing the goo gun, would be neat. You could recharge it when you saw a lava pit, and if you shot it into water you'd see it slowly disperse, killing stuff in the water. Or, a mix between a goo gun and a lava gun would be nice. Primary fire would shoot goo, secondary fire would shoot lava, and you could use both at the same time and shoot goo-lava. The Enforcer/Auto-Mag was disappointingly weedy. Give us a REAL magnum six-shooter. If Unreal 2 is set "after" unreal, maybe we'd see updated versions of the Unreal guns. Is the mech-ish armour confirmed (please say no please say no) and WTF are you playing as some sort of space-cop?! The magic of Assault mode. Let's not go there. Oh well its too late to change that no :(.


Surfing the edge of underconfidence.
Feb 21, 2000
York/Norwich England
I like the idea of a configurable weapon - although not necessarily an "antimatter hypergun" ;)
Something where you can set up custom firemodes, with tradeoffs between fire-rate, accuracy, ammo consumption, range etc would be cool, although it would probably slow the game right down and make it a lot more tactical.
Something for Deus Ex 2 rather than Unreal 2 perhaps? :)


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
From the Unreal ][ website:
You'll find some favorites from the genre in addition to new and exotic weapons that you've never seen before. Old stand-bys include a powerful rocket launcher, a combat assault rifle, a scoped sniper rifle, and a multi-mode grenade launcher that fires incendiary, fragmentation, poison gas, EMP, and stasis grenades. New weapons include a leech gun that can slow an enemy down or drain his life force, a Takkra that releases hunter/killer drones that can track down and fire on an opponent, and a fearsome psi weapon known as the MindClaw. All told there will be 15 guns, launchers, lasers, and assorted instruments of mayhem.

Looks like more military styles of weapons. That makes sense, though, given the story line.

Interestingly, only 7 weapons are named, so that leaves 8 more (since 15 are mentioned) ...unless the different grenades count as 4 more of the total. That still leaves a little room for old favorites like the ASMD.
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