Having all the weapons is pointless - there's far too much overlap between weapon roles and it introduces a ton of redundancy that isn't worth the development effort.
Does it matter? If an included weapon isn't part of the established default set, it should only be able to be accessible through use of mutators. The weapons that didn't make the cut for default are there mainly for modders and for tinkering. Also, relying on mod authors to do ones work for you is an unreliable prospect. Just look at UT99, UT2004, and UT3.
There are some basic mods that I thought would have been made a long time ago for them but were never created at all. Never. And even if someone DID create an old weapon that wasn't included in the base game, there's no guarantee that it will be done well at ALL. In fact, chances are, it will be mediocre.
I can also understand workload. I really can, but since these are weapons that are NOT expected to be used in competitive play, they don't have to be balanced at all, so that alone takes a load off. Epic looks very positive that they can fund this game with their current model and they've given NO indication that this UT will be any different in quality and size. I didn't come up with their pricing model and personally would have been more than willing to shell out $60 for another Unreal Tournament, assuming it would be up to snuff.
But they don't want to do that, and that's perfectly fine. I will, however, still expect the same amount of work and time to go into this UT because they've given me no indication that it should be otherwise. Many other AAA studios have made and fully balanced a lot more weapons than UT's standard 12 or so (Bungie, Free Radical, etc.) and all while fully delivering on everything else. So, please don't tell me it can't be done. And not only THAT, you guys have already written the engine (really good work BTW), so that's all out of the way too.
Having said all that though, if I'm missing something here, please point it out to me. I'm not trying to be a selfish snob. I just see awesome possible potential.
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