Weapon Balance Thread

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New Member
Sep 28, 2004
\/\/0RF said:
Mag - I would suggest looking in the first post of this thread. You know: the one I wrote when I started it.

I had read that post sorry if the answers to my question are not there where should i look ?i was asking for your personel veiw as i know you have played the game alot...i am a bit confused by your above quote sorry....


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
PhatAzz said:
What if you want gunner to be defense at a energy gen or at a deploy point? Is it fair to say that because the energy source and deploy is out in the open that the gunner can be a sitting duck?

As much as I agree the open range is a playground for ranger, but really, there needs to be a way for a gunner to make the ranger stop sniping him, or a way for the gunner to defend himself somewhat from a sniping attack from afar. Quite honestly, right now, if I am on sirocco or garden trying to defend energy, I have to hide behind it. I can't fight back, it's pretty useless, unless I concjump to the ranger who will prob snipe me out of the air anyways.

Give gunners gas weapon! :)

But on a serious note, I'm not saying that the gunner should be able to kill the ranger but at least fight back? Be able to shoot homing missiles that are faster and less easy to dodge? Hard to say what would make it more fair, but right now it's a ranger's paradise.

BTW, how many rangers sit around in a closed room fighting a gunner then getting the art?

Very few, in fact, a lot of times the ranger destroys a couple mines, hops through the node and then out of the room with the gunner saying OMF, a ghost stole the art. But seriously, rangers are grab and run, but unlike a gunner in the middle of the field, if you do decide to fight as a ranger, at least you can inflict some damage, pistol shots to sniping whereas as I stated above, gunner can't do anything in the open field against a ranger that's far off.

Well to the first part i think it is the class of player you are playing that dictates where you should and should not be,If you are a gunner and in the open like a deploy point etc.then you will get sniped and that is the beauty of this game BUT! if you are in a base and gaurding the artis then in a closed room situation it is the gunner that will come out on top with a ranger almost all the time. Having said that it is the risks we are willing to take as gunner ,Ranger or tech as to what situation we find ourselves in.

This to me is the best quality of XMP you have to have teamwork and the classes have to know their strengths and weakneses to know how and where to be in every situation.

should a gunner be running Artis ? IMO no BUT! if one is dropped close to node who better to pick it up and carry it in than a gunner who has the best armour and shield and can flame or rocket anything near him.

The balance of weapons in XMP is a very tricky thing for sure all the more reason to know your class well and play within the limitations of your class,In other words don't try to be carl lewis if you can not run and don't try to be a tank if youare a little jeep....
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BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
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Magwa said:
I had read that post sorry if the answers to my question are not there where should i look ?i was asking for your personel veiw as i know you have played the game alot...i am a bit confused by your above quote sorry....
That's really all I have to say on the matter. Aside from some minor tweaks for weapon balance, I like the game the way it is, I like the classes the way they are, I like pretty much everything the way it is. Any class can do just about anything, there are a few things they excel at, there are a few things they are horrible at, and they can do a lot more damage in a mixed group. That is the essence of class-based teamplay.


BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
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That's actually a good thing. Plenty of fodder here for FMI. I was content weeks ago to just sit back and see how the whole thing plays out in the end, and now there's a good bit of community feedback too.


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
well i for one will play no matter what is done as long as it is XMP like the original ..sorry if i got off topic.


Pretty in Pink!
Feb 29, 2004
A long long way from home...
^^ I think i'm gonna play it whatever it's like :)

They took all the time and effort to make it, so i hope it won't be wasted by people bitching/flaming on forums as opposed to playing... :rolleyes:


New Member
Jan 22, 2004
Looks like im a bit late on this thread. But from playing 2k4 so long and not playing xmp much over the last 6 months, then going back to playing xmp regularly I can say that U2xmp is really off balanced to me.

-The Rangers sniper rifle only has 3 shots... You would think with the technology we have in real life rifles can hold a clip of more than 3 shots, unless its a really old model or a bolt action with 1 shot. Think realistically, in a futuristic game/world that a sniper should have a clip with at least 6-10 shots. The scope view in xmp for the sniper was/is kinda retarded too. Just a plain ol view should be in the zoom area with the xhair, with keeping the current zoom distance.
-Ranger pistol is ok, i really dont use it much to say anything about it other than its kinda like a bb gun in size and sound. Maybe it gives good damage but the accuracy is like 2k4s assault rifle.
-Gunner Rockets have too big of a splash damage. Or maybe its the netcode. Or maybe people use bots, hell i dont know. But the damage radius is too big, they should have to be just as accurate as any other class in dealing damage. Some people say the damage is fine especially fighting a ranger. But if you are a gunner you shouldnt be running across the map, you need to be on defense in the node area. So if a ranger comes in you have the advantage over him regardless of splash radius. Gunners are like a big mass of explosives, maybe too overpowered considering all the grenades and mines and flame thrower. Ok yea WAY too over powered.
-Tech has a happy medium. But the shotgun, which looks more like bird shot instead of buck shot has far too much distance. If primary was buck and 2ndary birdshot, it would be a little more acceptable. Long range with buck, short range with bird. Gas spam does have a huge radius and much damage. Maybe it should be or should have been toned down a bit. Either smaller range, more damage; or wider range less damage. Depends on what type of gas it is. :rolleyes:
There should be another class in utxmp, but I guess its too late for that. There needs to be a chick for each class.
Maybe another class like:
Recon=intelligence,support. Equipped with like binoculars,some demolitions equipment "plastic explosives to blow up vehicles by detonator, grenades, a pistol, and a rifle of some sort like a XM-8 ( http://www.military.com/soldiertech/0,14632,Soldiertech_XM8,,00.html ) :D


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
I personally think that everything is fine.

And the Ranger's pistol is REALLY DAMNED ACCURATE. In fact, it is ridiculously accurate, seeing how normal pistols lose quite a bit of accuracy with range. Then again, this is a FUTURISTIC pistol that shoots energy.

The pistol is also very powerful, when used with accuracy. Only a few connecting shots are needed to take out players. The secondary fire 3 round burst is perfect for taking out hackers and shots that are guarenteed to connect.

The Tech's assault rifle may seem ineffective, but if you keep the crosshair directly on a player's head, you are almost guarenteed an eventual headshot. This can take down rangers very quickly and effectively, if the shotgun is not your style.

Gunner rockets constantly pwn me, don't know why. But without their effectiveness, gunners would become fairly useless as fraggers at medium range.

Girl classes would be welcome by many. XMP actually came with female voicepacks and an additional male voicepack, but they were never used for lack of time.

Techs' gas is extremely annoying, but when used effectively is perfect. Pop them in front of an arty carrier or surround players with it. As long as it doesn't kill your teammates and actually does more damage to an enemy than they are doing to you, it is being used correctly. Gas is particularly effective in taking down Gunners while you fire shotgun shells into their face.

Gunners are not overpowered, they are like the Juggernaut. Slow but powerful. Works well, because its not like everyone plays gunner. If everyone plays just one class, then something's wrong. Since it appears to be fairly equal, the classes are basically balanced.

N00bs usually start with tech because it is "medium" and thus "default." With time, aspiring players try out new classes and use the one that is most effective for them. Trust me, not all techs are "n00bs." The n00bs just happen to start there. Every class takes just as much skill as every other class, so no arguements about which class is more expert. Rangers need accuracy, Gunners need good anticipation (rockets), and techs need a little bit of everything.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
I still don't agree, but I've already said my bit, and I CBA to repeat it all again :p


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
|pure|Destruction said:
Looks like im a bit late on this thread. But from playing 2k4 so long and not playing xmp much over the last 6 months, then going back to playing xmp regularly I can say that U2xmp is really off balanced to me.

-The Rangers sniper rifle only has 3 shots... You would think with the technology we have in real life rifles can hold a clip of more than 3 shots, unless its a really old model or a bolt action with 1 shot. Think realistically, in a futuristic game/world that a sniper should have a clip with at least 6-10 shots. The scope view in xmp for the sniper was/is kinda retarded too. Just a plain ol view should be in the zoom area with the xhair, with keeping the current zoom distance.
-Ranger pistol is ok, i really dont use it much to say anything about it other than its kinda like a bb gun in size and sound. Maybe it gives good damage but the accuracy is like 2k4s assault rifle.
-Gunner Rockets have too big of a splash damage. Or maybe its the netcode. Or maybe people use bots, hell i dont know. But the damage radius is too big, they should have to be just as accurate as any other class in dealing damage. Some people say the damage is fine especially fighting a ranger. But if you are a gunner you shouldnt be running across the map, you need to be on defense in the node area. So if a ranger comes in you have the advantage over him regardless of splash radius. Gunners are like a big mass of explosives, maybe too overpowered considering all the grenades and mines and flame thrower. Ok yea WAY too over powered.
http://www.military.com/soldiertech/0,14632,Soldiertech_XM8,,00.html[/url] ) :D

Sheesh. Is this biased? Because everything is so futuristic in XMP, I wonder when you demand a futuristic balance that favors rangers. Ok, Rocket Launcher is now just sooo old piece o´crap, like a Russian Katjushka. It should have 20 shots in clip and shoot them with auto-fire with every shot homing automatically dealing no damage to teammates and yourself. Sounds pretty much the same doesn´t it?

Then seriously. I´m really amazed you get beaten by gunner rockets. No exprienced sniper has problems with taking out gunners. When distances are +100 m, rockets are useless. (If I was nasty, I´d say that real rockets fly at speed of 2 mach and futuristic ones even faster :) ) It´s just rangers stupidity to get on close combat with a gunner. And even then he can dance his oh so irritating pistol ballet around gunner who has no option but spray and pray around him.

On top of these, sniping is way too appreciated. I think most of the mappers play ranger, coz most maps clearly favor them. And when there´s some fog to reduce camping orgies just listen to that whining. (BUHUU, I CANT SHOOT HEADSHOTS FROM 2 KM!111111 OMFG LOLLED IMBA)


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
flack ho said:
how do gunners spray and pray?
they reload every 5 shots and only have 25 to start with and 6 nades
:D I never said it was easy. It just feels totally random shooting when a really gosu ranger swings over you. That sucks man.


Aug 15, 2002
manchester uk
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quite frankly one of those gunners is useless a good player can dodge random rockets easily but a good gunner can predict the path of a player then its deadly
experianced snipers do have trouble with the better gunners IMO becasue of dodging i have got close to many a ranger and planted 1 fatal rocket to thier face
and using a vehicle on a gunner is suicide as unlike ranger and tech (except jugger campers where alt AR will do) where the vehicle has to be close to damage it a gunner can pick it off at decent range
this is the advantage of the gunner for me
but guners are useless without energy because of supplies that have little ammo (i got an arti fought my way back, defended myself no rockets then i used the nades, not enough energy for supply packs so i was stuck with flamethrower which is usless 80% of the time)
gunners need a second range weapon
rangers are the only class without deployables so maybe something there

anyway i think giving the MEDIC (ranger) a sniper rifle is stupid anyway what good is the guy that can heal halfway up a mountin snipin