Vehicles for U1 (by .:..:)

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May 27, 2005
I tried these vehicle packages and I found a few bugs/glitches? I tested them with a friend as Lan and as Dedicated server and I found out that the weapons in the vehicles dont shoot for clients. Is there a bad code somewhere in the vehicle actor or the weapon?

I tested them in an MH map (MH-Arden) which has a wide terrain good for vehicles and found some glitch that might be caused by bsp. The part is in the last terrain cut getting to the castle where a big Brute stands, the problem was that the vehicle will bump on nothing and cant get thru no matter what I do with even the flying ones. The only way I got thru was by driving over the mountain on the left side by sliding upwards in case you wanted to check it out.

Also, is there a way to make those vehicles be able to go up in stairs like the pawns do? In UT2k4 the vehicles can still go over a certain amount of height like about 20 uu or more depending how they're set and I would really like these vehicles do the same if possible.

If there's a fixed version of this VehiclePhys package let us know because I was converting some from UT2k4 before I found these problems and I would like to finish it if possible.

Btw, great vehicle coding there, Good job on that work!


Jan 20, 2008
It's an official patch in beta stage, as I imagine. At least it has the full blessing of Epic :) And it doesn't break anything more than reverting UnrealGold to original Unreal. OldUnreal will release a specific patch for UGold later I think.


May 27, 2005
I tried these vehicle packages and I found a few bugs/glitches? I tested them with a friend as Lan and as Dedicated server and I found out that the weapons in the vehicles dont shoot for clients. Is there a bad code somewhere in the vehicle actor or the weapon?

I tested them in an MH map (MH-Arden) which has a wide terrain good for vehicles and found some glitch that might be caused by bsp. The part is in the last terrain cut getting to the castle where a big Brute stands, the problem was that the vehicle will bump on nothing and cant get thru no matter what I do with even the flying ones. The only way I got thru was by driving over the mountain on the left side by sliding upwards in case you wanted to check it out.

Also, is there a way to make those vehicles be able to go up in stairs like the pawns do? In UT2k4 the vehicles can still go over a certain amount of height like about 20 uu or more depending how they're set and I would really like these vehicles do the same if possible.

If there's a fixed version of this VehiclePhys package let us know because I was converting some from UT2k4 before I found these problems and I would like to finish it if possible.

Btw, great vehicle coding there, Good job on that work!

That was already explained lol


New Member
Apr 11, 2006
I tried these vehicle packages and I found a few bugs/glitches? I tested them with a friend as Lan and as Dedicated server and I found out that the weapons in the vehicles dont shoot for clients. Is there a bad code somewhere in the vehicle actor or the weapon?
I never had this problem.. were you running on some speific gametype, mutators? Did this happen with the latest vehicles version (1.5)?

I tested them in an MH map (MH-Arden) which has a wide terrain good for vehicles and found some glitch that might be caused by bsp. The part is in the last terrain cut getting to the castle where a big Brute stands, the problem was that the vehicle will bump on nothing and cant get thru no matter what I do with even the flying ones. The only way I got thru was by driving over the mountain on the left side by sliding upwards in case you wanted to check it out.
That must have been map BSP issues which can be solved by fixing the geometry in the map or rebuilding it again.

Also, is there a way to make those vehicles be able to go up in stairs like the pawns do? In UT2k4 the vehicles can still go over a certain amount of height like about 20 uu or more depending how they're set and I would really like these vehicles do the same if possible.
They already do, max 35 uu (same as UT2004 pawns has).

If there's a fixed version of this VehiclePhys package let us know because I was converting some from UT2k4 before I found these problems and I would like to finish it if possible.
Any updates to this I will most likely post here.


May 27, 2005
I forgot to mention that I tested this in UT99. I re-tested the mod and the vehicles still dont allow Clients to shoot at all, even on the default gametypes of the game.

I tried the vehicles in other maps and they do go over a height and thats good to see but in my opinion the vehicles bump on walls and other objects too much when they crash. I would like to see options for modders to configure how much they should bounce off walls, pawns, decorations, etc so that they can mod their vehicles the way they see it fit to their like. Maybe some other things should be configurable but so far I havent checked the mod that well to determine what variables should be proper to see them in the options menu while using UED in order to make things easier for testing.

Let us know if you would like to make this package compatable for UT99 and include a list of things that have been added and fixed from the previous one. I would really like to make some vehicles to use them in MonsterHunt (UT99 custom Gametype) since we need some new variety for it and this mod seems to fit right.


Jan 20, 2008
Yea, a fully rebuilt version of this for UT would be cool.
And what vehicles were you trying when you said that they crash easily? As those vehicles from XMP are known to be vunerable to Pebbles of Death :) So they are supremely easy to destroy, it was made like that.


May 27, 2005
And what vehicles were you trying when you said that they crash easily? As those vehicles from XMP are known to be vunerable to Pebbles of Death :) So they are supremely easy to destroy, it was made like that.
Where in my reply did I say they crash easily?... I am very aware of the health bar that is displayed when you enter the vehicle.

Anyway, I tested both U_Vehicles and U2Vehicles which use the last version of VehiclesPhys 1.5, I tried them in UnrealTournament (UT99). I found a lot of bugs in them which I doubt anybody reported them so I'm gonna help out on that since I really want these awesome mod to work correctly in UT99.

in U_Vehicles, I found these bugs so far:
-- The Vehicles dont let players shoot ClientSide on either LAN or Dedicated server on any Gametype.
-- The kill messages are not working according to UT gametype style and they say something like "War_Master Telefragged Loque" when you kill someone with a vehicle or kill someone in a vehicle.
-- The vehicles dont take damage when you crash.
-- The vehicles bounce off too much when you hit anything and in my opinion they shouldnt bounce much/at-all when you kill a pawn with less health than the damage inflicted and bounce off when they have more health than the damage inflicted to them.
-- Offline/SinglePlayer: If you're aiming straight up, the vehicles' weapons shoot at random rotations for some reason.

In U2Vehicles I found these:
-- All the ones from U_Vehicles.
-- The meshes were too big on scale and collision making it almost impossible to use them on any map.
-- The skins had no MipMaps and cannot be used d3dSupport which is what I use only. If I use OpenGL or other I cannot play them due to glitches that I get using them plus my PC is very old and the drivers dont work properly. Anyhow, most UT players I know use d3dSupport and care less about graphic detail. LOL.
-- The skins were imported on RGB mode and not Indexed making them look all goofy and glitchy.

Things that I really like in U_Vehicles was the way they drive which makes them extremely close to UT2k4's vehicles. My favorite was the TigerTank by the way it works, drives and rotates the weapons correctly for the driver and passenger.

Things I liked about the U2Vehicles was most of all the Bulldog because of its movement and how the tires turn correctly when you turn with the keys even if the vehicle isnt moving. I also liked the way the weapon worked and the seeking rockets were a nice touch.

Well, I hope this helps a bit in case you decide to make a fixed compatable version for UT99, and believe me, I am desperately waiting on one to be released since I'm already editing the UT2k4 vehicle meshes and including animations for specific movements since attacked bones arent possible to use on these.


Jan 20, 2008
Hmm, "bump on walls when they crash"... Seems quite similar, but now I get it.
To add to the list, when you enter a U2 vehicle, you sometimes can shoot from your own weapon instead of the weapon of the vehicle.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
They don't have any damage when you push them against wall etc in this reamke (and u2xmp has much more realistical damage to them than ut2k games and dots didn't support the speed function, that which activates the turbo engines either) ..afaik, dots didn't include that support from what I have seen at test servers back then. It's not a good remake imo, better play original xmp and it's really not dead sometimes, but people play only at certain times and it is incredibly fun then.

This remake makes it all feel more arcadish than ut2004 ever was and also, the turret has wrong sounds and is normal machine gun instead of high rate incinerating bullets, etc.
If you expect exact remake, you should stay away from this, but if you don't, then go ahead and try this on your own.


Feb 27, 2001
Got the Old Unreal patch downloaded finally :)

And am now working on the map in old Unreal, I decided to put a small town in the middle so it did not feel too empty, See attached pics
just have to place the building textures and bot paths now :D

Any chance we will be seeing more done with the vehicles soon?


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deRegistered user
May 4, 2002
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Silver_Ibex, Those terrain shots look awesome. Can't wait to see the final map with that. One if the biggest disadvantages of pre-rendered terrain was the lack of shadowing from brushes, so tell me how did you manage to get in the building shadows? ;)

Today i decided to look into the vehicles a bit more since i was curious how difficult it would be to create one of my own. So i've quickly tried porting a vehicle from the game "driver" into unreal, i've attached some pictures and the vehicle itself for anyone that cares (requires atleast vehiclephys.u i think)


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  • TVehicles.rar
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Jan 20, 2008
Interesting, a Pickup Truck. Now we need a Grizzly Battle Tank from Yuri's Revenge and we could do some old-style "shoot the pickup truck for fun" game :)
What's with the untexturedness? I really don't like the default texture... And the 3rd picture is kinda chaotic...


Feb 27, 2001
Turboman, that truck you ported is cool :2thumb: game needs some more real world style vehicles like that.

To make getting the Inside View Offset values easy, fast and accurate, one can use Ued with a decoration mesh set to a small scale to represent the drivers head,

I like to use the Moon decoration with a drawscale set to 0.050000

I then place the vehicle in the editor at the center of an empty map, in the vehicle properties under movement set the XYZ locations all to zero to get it placed exactly in the middle of the map.

With the vehicle now at the center, I then move the moon mesh to where the drivers head would be, and then just copy the moons XYZ location values over to the “Inside View Offset” for the vehicle.
This is also good for setting up PassengerSeats views.

The steering wheel can be made to turn like the front wheels, if it is set up as an attachment, I did this with a test vehicle and it worked, turning to match the steering direction, to get the attachment location placement for the steering wheel mesh, I used the same trick in the editor, just place the mesh and then copy the location and rotation settings.

The code I added into my vehicle actor class
//Stuff to add to the vehicle class code

//Stuff for Steering Wheel
var Swheel MySWheel;
var() class<SWheel> SWheelClass;
var() vector SWheelOffset;
var() rotator SWRot;

simulated function PostBeginPlay()
	if( Level.NetMode!=NM_DedicatedServer )
		MySWheel = Swheel(AddAttachment(SWheelClass));

simulated function AttachmentsTick( float Delta )
	local byte i,bSet[3];
	local rotator R,SR[3];
	local Quat WQ,VehQ;

	local int a;

	// Update wheels turning
	if( bHasWheelMeshes )
		VehQ = RtoQ(Rotation);
		While( WheelsPitch>UU_360_DEGREES )
		While( WheelsPitch>UU_360_NEGDEGREES )
		For( i=0; i<NumWheels; i++ )
			MyWheels[i].SetLocation(Location+(MyWheels[i].WheelOffset >> Rotation)*DrawScale);
			if( bSet[MyWheels[i].TurnType]==0 )
				bSet[MyWheels[i].TurnType] = 1;
				R = MyWheels[i].WheelRot;
				if( MyWheels[i].TurnType==1 )
				else if( MyWheels[i].TurnType==2 )
				R.Pitch = WheelsPitch;
				WQ = RtoQ(R);
				WQ = WQ Qmulti VehQ;
				SR[MyWheels[i].TurnType] = QtoR(WQ);

	if( MySWheel!=None )
		SWRot.Roll = (WheelYaw *2.5);
		MySWheel.SetLocation(Location+(SWheelOffset >> Rotation)*DrawScale);



And the steering wheel attachment actor class code

//and the new attachment for the steering wheel mesh
class SWheel extends VehicleAttachment;

var vector SWOffset;
var rotator SWRot;



As for the map, yep those buildings are indeed casting shadows on the terrain :rockon:

and they are all enterable, with all floors, doors and windows accessible. With everything actually part of the map, it gives a more realistic feel of urban style combat, every door or window can hide a danger.

Work on the map has been slow over the last few weeks, got done placing the path nodes, and right now are working on the ambient sounds.
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