Why UE1? 227 has UE2, plus the TerraEdit.
you got a working link to this 227 patch? cuz this is the first time I have read anything about it.
and are maps made with it compatible with old Unreal?
Why UE1? 227 has UE2, plus the TerraEdit.
227 is an unofficial patch. I believe it also breaks something.you got a working link to this 227 patch? cuz this is the first time I have read anything about it.
and are maps made with it compatible with old Unreal?
any word from the maker of this package about a fixed version?
I tried these vehicle packages and I found a few bugs/glitches? I tested them with a friend as Lan and as Dedicated server and I found out that the weapons in the vehicles dont shoot for clients. Is there a bad code somewhere in the vehicle actor or the weapon?
I tested them in an MH map (MH-Arden) which has a wide terrain good for vehicles and found some glitch that might be caused by bsp. The part is in the last terrain cut getting to the castle where a big Brute stands, the problem was that the vehicle will bump on nothing and cant get thru no matter what I do with even the flying ones. The only way I got thru was by driving over the mountain on the left side by sliding upwards in case you wanted to check it out.
Also, is there a way to make those vehicles be able to go up in stairs like the pawns do? In UT2k4 the vehicles can still go over a certain amount of height like about 20 uu or more depending how they're set and I would really like these vehicles do the same if possible.
If there's a fixed version of this VehiclePhys package let us know because I was converting some from UT2k4 before I found these problems and I would like to finish it if possible.
Btw, great vehicle coding there, Good job on that work!
I never had this problem.. were you running on some speific gametype, mutators? Did this happen with the latest vehicles version (1.5)?I tried these vehicle packages and I found a few bugs/glitches? I tested them with a friend as Lan and as Dedicated server and I found out that the weapons in the vehicles dont shoot for clients. Is there a bad code somewhere in the vehicle actor or the weapon?
That must have been map BSP issues which can be solved by fixing the geometry in the map or rebuilding it again.I tested them in an MH map (MH-Arden) which has a wide terrain good for vehicles and found some glitch that might be caused by bsp. The part is in the last terrain cut getting to the castle where a big Brute stands, the problem was that the vehicle will bump on nothing and cant get thru no matter what I do with even the flying ones. The only way I got thru was by driving over the mountain on the left side by sliding upwards in case you wanted to check it out.
They already do, max 35 uu (same as UT2004 pawns has).Also, is there a way to make those vehicles be able to go up in stairs like the pawns do? In UT2k4 the vehicles can still go over a certain amount of height like about 20 uu or more depending how they're set and I would really like these vehicles do the same if possible.
Any updates to this I will most likely post here.If there's a fixed version of this VehiclePhys package let us know because I was converting some from UT2k4 before I found these problems and I would like to finish it if possible.
Where in my reply did I say they crash easily?... I am very aware of the health bar that is displayed when you enter the vehicle.And what vehicles were you trying when you said that they crash easily? As those vehicles from XMP are known to be vunerable to Pebbles of Death So they are supremely easy to destroy, it was made like that.
//Stuff to add to the vehicle class code
//Stuff for Steering Wheel
var Swheel MySWheel;
var() class<SWheel> SWheelClass;
var() vector SWheelOffset;
var() rotator SWRot;
simulated function PostBeginPlay()
if( Level.NetMode!=NM_DedicatedServer )
MySWheel = Swheel(AddAttachment(SWheelClass));
simulated function AttachmentsTick( float Delta )
local byte i,bSet[3];
local rotator R,SR[3];
local Quat WQ,VehQ;
local int a;
// Update wheels turning
if( bHasWheelMeshes )
VehQ = RtoQ(Rotation);
While( WheelsPitch>UU_360_DEGREES )
While( WheelsPitch>UU_360_NEGDEGREES )
For( i=0; i<NumWheels; i++ )
MyWheels[i].SetLocation(Location+(MyWheels[i].WheelOffset >> Rotation)*DrawScale);
if( bSet[MyWheels[i].TurnType]==0 )
bSet[MyWheels[i].TurnType] = 1;
R = MyWheels[i].WheelRot;
if( MyWheels[i].TurnType==1 )
else if( MyWheels[i].TurnType==2 )
R.Pitch = WheelsPitch;
WQ = RtoQ(R);
WQ = WQ Qmulti VehQ;
SR[MyWheels[i].TurnType] = QtoR(WQ);
if( MySWheel!=None )
SWRot.Roll = (WheelYaw *2.5);
MySWheel.SetLocation(Location+(SWheelOffset >> Rotation)*DrawScale);
//and the new attachment for the steering wheel mesh
class SWheel extends VehicleAttachment;
var vector SWOffset;
var rotator SWRot;