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Sep 17, 2004
Good, now that slacker post here maybe hal can remove his 1.3 MB signature image please? :p


New Member
Dec 12, 2005
NW Indiana

Make sure to pay us a visit at the DAM servers. We have a total of 4, yes you heard right 4 DAM servers. 2 VCTF which are usually both full in the evenings, 1 TDM/DM and a 1v1 server.

We are a friendly community and don't tolerate jerks. Fun environment to get your VCTF games going. Make sure to look me up...

In-Game nick <-DAM->WarDad



Successor of Almarion
Jan 12, 2006
Warsaw, PL
I'll be joining you at these servers. AFTER I train a little bit with bots & other n00bs like me first. I'm not gonna turn myself into a living shooting range for you & your friends now.


manta claus
Feb 23, 2004
Delacroix said:
I'll be joining you at these servers. AFTER I train a little bit with bots & other n00bs like me first. I'm not gonna turn myself into a living shooting range for you & your friends now.
A large majority of VCTF maps have poor or no bot pathing, so don't expect them to help you train too much. There are a ton of new folks playing vctf all the time, so a lot of people take time out to help new people. Don't be shy, come on in!


Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
VCTF is fun, but it's lacking map-wise compared to other gametypes. Not to mention the game doesn't have any direct support for it in the first place. But if a person thinks that this gametype doesn't involve skill they should seriously reconsider how they play videogames.


I have to say that mappers need to realize that Manta runs are part of this gametype and that they need to make their maps incorporate that gameplay. Which goes back to my first sentence; this gametype needs more maps. And I'd love some maps made by Epic...


New Member
Feb 15, 2000
Visit site
Trynant said:
VCTF is fun


I have to say that mappers need to realize that Manta runs are part of this gametype and that they need to make their maps incorporate that gameplay.

On that I disagree. Seems like some folks enjoy Manta runs, and nothing wrong with that, have fun. But I also think there are some of us (like myself) who feel that it's not at all the way the game should be played. Same deal with xlocs. I personally have always felt the off-hand grapple is a much more fun and balanced way to play CTF. To each his own.

There's not really much point in 'debating' that stuff either, it's just life. Some folks like chocolate, and some like vanilla. So be it.

So long as there are alternatives available to suit alternate tastes. And with that in mind, we're (Chaos) trying to do our part to help make other playing styles available.
(sorry for typo and no AA)

And about 'Allow Translocators' - in the upcoming ChaosCTF, if you turn this Off, it will also remove any translocators that were placed as pickups in a map.

I'm sorry if this offends as 'pimping our mod', but I just want to speak up every now and again if only to remind any possible like-minded folks that there are in fact others out there who dislike things like Manta runs and xlocs - you're not alone, and one more option is coming. :)

And if the gods allow it, you'll see the same from us in '07.
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Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.
Jul 13, 2003
in a bag....duh
Visit site
I play vctf at least every 2-3 days, and I'm not against manta runs, as long as they're not too easy. In my opinion, if a vctf map has a flag out in the open, it should have at least a hellbender, an avril, and a shock close to it, as well as the majority of spawnpoints.

I do, however, prefer maps like aggressivealleys where the flag is at least difficult to get to with a manta, but easy with a person. Fly across the map all you want with the flag, but being able to pick up the flag on a manta going full speed is excessive.


New Member
Dec 12, 2005
NW Indiana
HuggyBear said:
A large majority of VCTF maps have poor or no bot pathing, so don't expect them to help you train too much. There are a ton of new folks playing vctf all the time, so a lot of people take time out to help new people. Don't be shy, come on in!

ABSOLUTELY! Make sure someone like HuggyBear is around or myself, there are several people in the DAM clan that will help you out. DAM is ALL ABOUT having FUN. Let me say again, the JERKS get kicked. I won't hesitate a second to kick or ban someone being an idiot.

Jump on in, the waters fine!

Also there are a lot of good balanced maps too, you just gotta know which ones are which and we have a pretty full map list at DAM server #2 (for those who moved onto another server because we didnt have too great of a selection----COME BACK!) We've got tons of maps to vote on now, all the league maps etc....
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Sep 17, 2004
m&ms said:
I do, however, prefer maps like aggressivealleys where the flag is at least difficult to get to with a manta, but easy with a person. Fly across the map all you want with the flag, but being able to pick up the flag on a manta going full speed is excessive.

The capture in agressive alleys is hard because of the tank - need team comunications. there was a time where the people could run with the flag in the tank alley, or pass behind the enemy tank while carying the enemy's flag lololol.

But now that people use hitscan against everything it's awful.
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