UTXMP "should" be U2XMP!

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BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
Visit site
Paraphrasing angelus: "I'm going back to U2. Oh, by the way, saying I'm going back to U2 is the best advice anyone could ever give on how to correct the issues with the conversion."

1). No it isn't.
2). You and the other 7 people who still play U2 online have fun.

Paraphrasing Brizz: "What few people remain on U2 are hardly n00b-friendly"

It's not just the n00bs. I've been playing XMP for quite some time, and even I hate getting on the old servers now. Unless you're a [pet], a [ZD] or one of the hardcore floaters, you really have no business being on U2 anymore :(

Hope this game continues to improve, hope I get more time to play it sometime.


Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
Mantik said:
There is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to relay opinions on a message board
I have no comment to you other than, "Goodbye."
edit: not meant to be out of context, I mean the whole post put together. Might take up too much room otherwise.

GotBeer? said:
Hey, Gecko-toss some corn my way
/me pings some popcorn off GB's nose. Repeatedly.

\/\/0RF said:
It's not just the n00bs. I've been playing XMP for quite some time, and even I hate getting on the old servers now. Unless you're a [pet], a [ZD] or one of the hardcore floaters, you really have no business being on U2 anymore
You must be hanging out with the wrong crowd ;) Get on a euro server, we're all friendly here :D
Seriously though, I'm sorry to hear that. I havn't seen anybody give others any crap for a long time now (except one guy who played for 5 mins and claimed I cheated :rolleyes: ), but if you see me on a server, just join in and I'll stick up for ya no matter what ;)
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New Member
Dec 15, 2003
dutch_gecko said:
You must be hanging out with the wrong crowd ;) Get on a euro server.
yep, somehow i got the feeling the US guys are/were complaining a bit much about u2xmp. muppetzone, dcsb public and hoc-rgb-only are still well frequented during the (euro) evening and much fun to play on.


Mar 14, 2004
london, uk
tee hee yes i still play u2xmp on euro servers too :) ...it's still great.
i know it's off topic but i just wanted to say something positive!

i'm making a utxmp training / fast play map, so at least i'm contributing a bit, hey.

butterfly i agree people should be able to disagree, but as mantic rightly said, the correct way is "I disagree.. and here is why.." rather than the ghastly negatives that impede everyone's enthusiasm like treacle.


Sim senhor, efeitos especial
Sep 26, 2004
I'm totally new to XMP, never played U2XMP, so I have nothing to compare it to. I downloaded UTXMP back in December and have been playing it on and off.

I really can't believe the number of people who are complaining about it not being the same as U2XMP. I may be new and therefore not qualified to judge, but I really cannot see any point in making it exactly the same. i refuse to believe that it was "perfect" because nothing ever is, and FMI would be foolish to try to copy a game that very few people now play...what would be the point in spending all those hours, days, weeks, months in creating SOMETHING THAT ALREADY EXISTS. If you want U2XMP...then play it. To be perfectly honest, I'm sure that right from the off FMI knew that even if they wanted to copy U2XMP, and then managed to pull that off, there would still be vets who would find something to complain about, something that wasn't right. Truth is, some people will never be satisfied.

I doubt U2XMP was perfect, more likely it had it's faults and problems and people who loved the game just got used to them until they weren't an issue anymore. When I first played UT2k4 I didn't get on with it, kept finding things that weren't right with it, that I didn't like. It took a few months, but somewhere down the line I stopped noticing them, and now UT2k4 fits so well that I find very little about it that I dont like. Perhaps people should give UTXMP the same chance.

From what I've read, UTXMP isn't a radical departure from the original, it's a beta so for sure it needs polishing..that's what beta releases are for. If people find fault with it, then it makes sense to say "x doesn't feel right, and here's why..." Saying UTXMP doesn't feel right so I'm dotching it and going back to U2 doesn't help the develpment of UTXMP at all....people who could be giving constructive criticism just saying "It's no good. I'm not interested" strikes me as indicating that they don't really want UTXMP to be any good at all, they just want their old game.

Anyways, from my limited point of view the tech feels a little overpowered at the moment, his shotgun just owns everything, even at a fair distance. The gunner feels a little weak because he has nothing effective over long range and all his weapons are projectile...Both Rangers and Techs seem to be able to deal with Gunners pretty easily...but then again, I am a noob, so it's hard to judge.
The bug where you get crushed when you leave a moving vehicle is really annoying.
Not crazy about the turret on the raptor...it both feels and looks a little weak. At the moment, it is so inefficient as to be pretty pointless.

Having said that, I'm pretty impressed with UTXMP, and I guess when you talk about it needing to attract a new player base from UT2k4 players, then I am one of those. While I don't know if it will ever replace UT as my staple game, I am pretty sure I'll carry on playing it. It is relatively noob friendly, as there are things to do (ie hack) that can be done even if you don't have the aiming, movement skills to compete against better players. The movement actually feels really good and natural, the environments are pretty good (although some are really too dark for me) and as I've said above, I like it a lot.

Maybe I would have liked U2XMP a lot as well....but I guess if I had, I wouldn't see any point in having exactly the same game made again.
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New Member
Dec 15, 2003
Israphel said:
Maybe I would have liked U2XMP a lot as well....but I guess if I had, I wouldn't see any point in having exactly the same game made again.
trust me, you would have. :)

Euphoric Beaver

impeccably groomed
Apr 19, 2001
Great Britain
Sir_Brizz said:
Suffice it to say that XMP is a concept and if you don't think it is you have a serious mental blockage. The reason it is a concept is because there are about a million other ways the game could be made (infitesimal team/weapon combinations that I won't go into here, but will gloss over the fact that it was originally SUPPOSED to be Skaarj vs. Humans) and it would still be the same game. The whining that is going on here is nothing short of amazing to me.

I wish all the four year old whiners would print this piece of awesome truth off and tattoo it on their arms for future reference. Anybody who thinks the current incarnation of XMP is 'perfect' and should never be expanded on is frankly a moron.

You're doing a great job FMI, keep it up guys. :tup:


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
dutch_gecko said:
You must be hanging out with the wrong crowd ;) Get on a euro server, we're all friendly here :D
Seriously though, I'm sorry to hear that. I havn't seen anybody give others any crap for a long time now (except one guy who played for 5 mins and claimed I cheated :rolleyes: ), but if you see me on a server, just join in and I'll stick up for ya no matter what ;)
If I had to guess what Worf was saying here, it would be not that the people complain so much that they don't help and are very ununderstanding to noobs ("the noobs made us lose!"). The last time I went into U2XMP I hardly knew what was going on. People were basically skiing across the ground at a million miles an hour and just about everyone was exploiting the hacking bug and countless other bugs. I'm sure EU servers are better, but I'm also sure that many of the people over there are the same.

Anyways, the point is that with UTXMP we have a new community...sans the people that loved to be able to ski across the ground and exploit all the bugs and can't play XMP wihtout doing so.


The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
Um, that was Gecko. But otherwise, you're right. I haven't been on myself in over a week, but I was talking to Lydia (you know: "I won!") Sunday and she said people are actually bragging about using exploits and aimbots now. Stupid people suck. "haha! my aimbot sniped you while I was simultaneously hacking that gen on the other side of the map!" Wait, those tards wouldn't use "simultaneously", would they?

Now back on topic, I think the original belief of the community when this mod was first announced was that it would be U2XMP, only with UT's better performance and support. I freely admit I'm one of those who would like to see that happen, but if it doesn't because of engine differences, new features added by FMI, or whatever I'll accept that. I'd also like to add that when someone says they wish UTXMP was exactly like U2XMP, I'm pretty sure they don't mean with the crappy netcode and no master server, as some people always seem shout back at them.

I'm going to stop now, before I start to sound even dumber than I really am. Good Lord, why isn't this thread locked yet?


Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
I don't get it... why is it that I completely fail to see any of this kind of activity? I've never seen an aimbot (I think), never mind someone bragging about it, only once killed a hacker who was running around (probably did it by accident), and apart from that I haven't seen any cheating at all (not even the firerate hax).
I must live in a happy bubble where nothing bad ever happens :D


New Member
Dec 15, 2003
dutch_gecko said:
I don't get it... why is it that I completely fail to see any of this kind of activity? I've never seen an aimbot (I think), never mind someone bragging about it, only once killed a hacker who was running around (probably did it by accident), and apart from that I haven't seen any cheating at all (not even the firerate hax).
I must live in a happy bubble where nothing bad ever happens :D
i know what you mean. maybe we are living in the same bubble together?


unknown species
Aug 6, 2004
n1 Furocious Father and Angelus...

If u guys dont see it or wont see it, but thats the opinion of 90% of the cummunity I know...

but hey, the community is dying, so dont listen to us, soon we wont be able to complain cos nobody will be there ;)

and @ Indian Psycho and Phat Azz, especially Phat Azz plz just st*u

theres so many I could say now, but why should I?
FMI dont cares about my optinion...

the only thing I see from FMI ist like: ah u little whiners, u said the wrong and so on...

nice dudes


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
sHcL-Rage said:
n1 Furocious Father and Angelus...

If u guys dont see it or wont see it, but thats the opinion of 90% of the cummunity I know...
Almost all of the world population at one time thought the world was flat.

but hey, the community is dying, so dont listen to us, soon we wont be able to complain cos nobody will be there ;)
Thanks for clarifying my point -> complaints only go so far, perhaps offering something more would help. I.e. suggestions and constructive comments on WHY things should be changed. The community will die because people like you don't make a serious effort to impact the development of this game. If you want it to be just like u2xmp -> you better be putting in suggestions and reasoning behind this train of thought.
and @ Indian Psycho and Phat Azz, especially Phat Azz plz just st*u
Bring it and your noise.
theres so many I could say now, but why should I?
FMI dont cares about my optinion...
Well, your sh!tty post in itself is explains why they don't care about your opinion. Oh...and you're awesome input as a whole for the development of the game is quite appreciated...wait, your last post before this one was december 14th. If you're that jaded, then don't post at all.

Good job troll.
the only thing I see from FMI ist like: ah u little whiners, u said the wrong and so on...
Actually, FMI hasn't posted much about anything about whining. Most everything about this is posted by myself, sir brizz, xaero, mantik(depending on his mood), and a few others.

BTW, Mantik, almost all of my replies have all of their original posts included with my comments interposed.


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
sHcL-Rage said:
omg plz *uck the shut up ^^
Hmm...plz *uck the shut up?
or do you mean shut the *uck up?

In any regards, congratz on your 13th post here on BYU/FMI forums.
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