UTXMP "should" be U2XMP!

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Dec 4, 2004
As toky made it painfully obvious to me one day in game, this issue won't go away. Best bet is to tell the whiners to stfu and just keep playing.



Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
FurociousFa said:
Angelus is a prick, but i feel the exact same way (or very closely)

even patched, its hardly a beta..

Dude, this is a total beta. I can play about 4/5 hours a day and have a handful of bugs happen. The biggest bug really is being gutblowed by the raptor and not being able to deploy again - so I have to d/c and reconnect. (and the laser tripmine bug) Otherwise, all the other bugs are small enough of an issue that I can play without much problem.

We even had a pug - 3 games worth - on the second day it was released with a lot of vets. Was really fun.

people who wanted to play utxmp wanted the feel of xmp, screw that textures colors or any of that, we wanted the feel.
Some of this is class related. Since I never played ranger or tech, I can say gunner had the feel of u2xmp. Now that I am playing ranger and tech more and more - cause they are easier to play then u2xmp, I can't compare the move and feel from prior, but I feel them to be fine. I'm sure if I bothered to compare them to u2xmp, it would be different. HOWEVER, again I think I can comment on tech and ranger now as a "noob".

I really just think FMI took on more than they could handle, or had the skill to accomplish. Over the 8 months since they set out other (more) talented people could've been working towards the same goal, its just a shame.

I don't think it's more than they can handle or their skill because they obviously got most of it right. I think that they could have had more people work on the mod, but how many people do you know have the coding experience that would work for free and give 2 sh!ts about XMP? Not too many. I would imagine that people that could have helped and wanted to already have offered.

So under the circumstances with the amount of people working on the this mod, I think they have done well. Yes it was behind schedule but really, if you look on their staff page, they don't have the same amount of people that u2xmp had working on its development - and those were fulltime.

Oh and how long did half-life 2 take to come out?


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
Angeles said:
I think i'll start answering these posts in backwards order, seeing as most of you are backward anyways.

Hahaha, so funny, I'm dying.
And maybe i'll start being less constructive and even more honest in stating my opinions.
Really, I could have sworn that's what you were doing all this time.
Shouldn't the closed "beta" testers have done that anyways?
Most of the vets were pissed off that they weren't given the option to help beta this out. So as far as I'm concerned, if you never meant to play it NOW - that means you never meant to help beta, which means you never meant to assist with its developments, which means - WHY THE F*CK are you bothering with crappy feedback.

Maybe a pre-alpha but yeah ok.
You're pre-pubescent and yeah - not ok.

The sniper rifle needs very little fixing as it is almost the same as the U2XMP one except for the scope.
Thanks for the feedback - what about the scope? Oh wait, your concept of feedback is - same at u2xmp, so everyone should know what needs to be fixed about the scope. Thanks for the vague feedback. Now I know that the scope is messed up, but I don't know what's wrong with it. Etc Etc.

Prime Example of sh!tty feedback.

If you watched these forums more you may have noticed that I have already posted suggested changes and I agree with the majority of the community, at least at the start of their posts like the "movement isnt right" thread which started off with some honest opinions which i totally agreed with then morphed into a stupid bitching competition between people who had good views of the game and people who wanted to change this into some kind of crap mod for ut2k4. This is not ut2k4 its XMP!
Then why the f*ck are you posting again.

I beg to differ
Sorry, nothing is perfect..well, wait, you are the perfect idiot.

more than I have for you kid ;)
You'll see above - you are the pre-pubescent one.

get my name right
I actually thought of editting it to correct it right after - I did notice I spelled your name wrong, but I realized I just didn't give a sh!t about spelling your name right. BTW, good job on recognizing your name was spelled wrong, Angeles.

UTXMP is nothing like U2XMP. I understand there are some engine limitations and obviously those cant be gotten round, but there are major issues such as movement and game feeling that im sure arent caused by the engine.
Maps look about the same. The models are about the same. There is a ranger, gunner, and tech. There is a node. There are raptors, jugs, and harbies. There is a red and blue team...Nothing like? It's like saying you're nothing like an erection - hard to bend without causing pain, when excited - turn purple, and when overly stimulated spew forth.

err... no it wouldnt... by what you said it would be different, nice one lad, rofl.
Playing the semantic's game, eh? You're counter argument is awesome!!! And yes, there are many ways to implement this game concept and it would be "similiar" or "like" u2xmp. But yes, it would be hard to be the "SAME". For your semantically challenged brain to understand his point.

So you dont even like U2XMP then?!?
I like it, but I like UTXMP better - even in its beta stage.

2. I am very happy and grateful for what FMI are trying to do but I am not happy and grateful for what is in front of me at this stage.
Okay - I find this obvious. You obviously are not happy and not grateful - that's okay, but why publicize it? I don't give a sh!t if you love wearing your grandma's panties.

No, my feedback is going to be the most helpful thing that has been said on these forums. Im saying we have to listen to people who want UTXMP to be as similar to U2XMP as possible, because U2XMP was perfect, UT2K4 is far from it, I dont want UTXMP to die within a month of its birth and if its like U2XMP it wont! because FMI cant aim to please the UT2K4 community with the mod simply because the UT2K4 community cant be expected to budge from their respective game eg ctf and ictf. Therefore the people which FMI have to aim at is new players and ex-U2XMP players and to please them we have to listen to the experienced and known players of U2XMP.
Dude, u2xmp was not perfect. Your feedback of "needs to be as close to u2xmp" means nothing to me. If you could comment on what needed to more like u2xmp and how it needed to be and why - then it might help out. Your posts in the movement thread is closer to feedback. This crap of "needs to be exactly the same as u2xmp" is too nonspecific and vague to help out anyone. So it is total crap. You've already posted something like this a couple weeks ago - total crap.

So if you want utxmp to be exactly the same as u2xmp, then why don't you point out the specfic problem that needs to be changed and tweaked, then how it should be changed or tweaked, and then the reasoning behind it (and yes because it was like this in u2xmp isn't good enough).

Oh wait, you never meant to play it NOW. Sorry, I actually wrote something constructive - I didn't mean to.

I am doing for now, but atm the master server's down again... one of "the real" xmp's only two problems and servers are quite laggy (its second problem) so there are few players, but the ones that are left nearly all have UT2K4 and dont want to play UTXMP so I think there lies the proof of a loss of community potentials by differing from a simple port.
I think it's fine to play u2xmp rather than utxmp, as utxmp is a beta. And everyone has their opinion on what's playable or not.

Los Angeles, just...don't post again unless it's going to be somewhat useful-> go to the u2xmp forums and do your damage there. Thanks and GG.


New Member
Dec 9, 2003
The first time I logged into UTXMP I was pretty amazed at how closely it resembles U2XMP. I think they nailed most of it dead on.

XMP was not perfect. It was a fun and awesome game, but hardly perfect. For starters, some of the maps (default maps even) are much too large. Some of the CBP maps were even worse. The vehicles acted like they were glued to the ground. I think there should be a little more "bounce" to them, especially the Raptor.

UTXMP, for where it is, seems to be on the right track to me. The only major bug I had is where I died and it still showed me as standing and alive when it said "fire to respawn" or whatever.

Oh yeah, and...

Most betas that I have had experience of have been almost complete and this game is surely a long way away.

I just had to quote this, because it's the most stupid thing I've heard in a looong time. :lol: Besides the fact that UTXMP seems "almost complete" to me, what's the point in releasing a beta if the game is done?
FurociousFa said:
Angelus is a prick, but i feel the exact same way (or very closely)

even patched, its hardly a beta..

people who wanted to play utxmp wanted the feel of xmp, screw that textures colors or any of that, we wanted the feel. I really just think FMI took on more than they could handle, or had the skill to accomplish. Over the 8 months since they set out other (more) talented people could've been working towards the same goal, its just a shame.

like you? FMI has more skill than anyone else even playing UTXMP or U2xmp....except of course for the LE guys. but im glad to see that your greatful that someone did this, because when there is 0 players in U2XMP, (you will be in another game (hopefully), you will be bitching about how there is noone left. of course this assumes you still play XMP thou.


Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
Splinter said:
Im with Angelus and FurociousFather also anyone else who falls into that catagory.

Do any of you know what alpha stage programming is? It is:
"Don't try switching to the flamethrower. Weapon switching crashes the game."
"Oh, ok then." (click)
"Oh yeah, firing guns crashes the game too."
"I see."


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
Splinter said:
Im with Angelus and FurociousFather also anyone else who falls into that catagory.

Sorry, you weren't specific enough for me to figure out what you were with Angeles and FF about...so therefore I can not flame you...yet.


Dec 2, 2004
I think people should be able to post their opinions about the game here without fear of being ripped apart.

Isn't that what the forum is for?

As it stands, if you don't come on here saying how great the game is, you're handed your head. That just isn't cool.

How else is the game supposed to improve if it cannot be criticized?

And these people obviously have a point as there seems to be more people playing u2xmp at any given time.

Also, it's a testiment to the balance of u2xmp, that for the past year, all three classes are utilized fairly equally. Something I don't see happening in utxmp's current state. Something I hope will be addressed in the near future.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
BetaButterfly said:
I think people should be able to post their opinions about the game here without fear of being ripped apart.

Isn't that what the forum is for?
Well, you know, there is always that CONSTRUCTIVE part, that seems to be missing from post #1. (haha)
As it stands, if you don't come on here saying how great the game is, you're handed your head. That just isn't cool.
Actualy, as it stands, if you come in here whining about stupid garbage telling everyone how much the game SUCKS you get your head handed to you. Do you know of any other game or community where this does NOT happen?? Search the U2XMP forums and you will find people were even more unforgiving than we are here.
How else is the game supposed to improve if it cannot be criticized?

And these people obviously have a point as there seems to be more people playing u2xmp at any given time.
First, a game does not get better if it is simply criticized. It actually gets worse because generally the regular gamers don't add in their 2cents because it's a waste of time. Fortunatly, our community spoke up because they are getting sick of people complaining so much about how UTXMP sucks and U2XMP is so glorious. You figure out what's wrong with that.

Also, the maximum number of people I ever see playing U2XMP is between 25-30 at any given time...usually late at night MST. Th most I see playing UTXMP is between 30-40 usually between 1pm and 11pm MST. If I try to get on U@XMP hat early I see probably 6 people if that...and usually scattered across servers. In othr words, it looks like there aren't more people playing U2XMP if UTXMPs numbers stay pretty constant and U2XMPs fluxuate.
Also, it's a testiment to the balance of u2xmp, that for the past year, all three classes are utilized fairly equally. Something I don't see happening in utxmp's current state. Something I hope will be addressed in the near future.
They do?? Wow.... I don't remember ever playing when there weren't more techs than any other class...but that's just me. That focus seems to have shifted to the Rangers in UTXMP but the "one class is used more than the other two" issue seems alive and well. Everytime I have played UTXMP over the past month I have seens a pretty even mix anyways...it's only occasiolly that the rangers get out of hand.


Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
There is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to relay opinions on a message board. Things will always get taken out of context, or humor/sarcasm/satire/wtf ever will go unnoticed due to the lack of voice inflection, obviously.

The best thing to say is 'I disagree.. and here is why..' and not 'You suck, you fagz0ring fagmo of a gay queer homo fag!'

These arguments are just plain silly. For Allah's sake please stop making replies that quote other people's ONE OR TWO sentences, because when they are not combined with the whole of their paragraph or entirety of their post, they lose the focus of what exactly they were trying to portray.. in most cases. And then people misconstrue.

These forums make me think of chittering 7th grade clique-ish barbie girls at the lunch table discussing why Susie's brown shoes like, totally don't match her blue pants.

Angelus is entitled to his opinions, as poorly conveyed and disrespectful as they are with the comments about how FMI can't handle what they started.. That doesn't make him wrong, or an a-hole.. it just makes him somebody to roll your eyes at and disregard. Why? Because like it or not, as I've said before, this conversion isn't being tailored specifically to the 'vets' it's here to bring new blood into the XMP community, and expand it. Those 'vets' who are willing and ABLE to adapt their game play slightly to conform to the new game, are welcome to partake in the fun.. while those who are stuck on Unreal2 and want to stroke their shaft to Aida and the 'flawless' gameplay of one of the most flawed yet awesome multiplayer games, may also do so. Enjoy finding servers.. keep playing your violins as the Titanic sinks. If Angelus and some others completely despise everything they've seen so far, only two words come to mind, 'Good Riddance.' I'll play and have fun, you gunk up your keyboard. To each their own.

There was a problem with class balance from the very start with U2XMP, rangers were over powered and pretty much every one knew and agreed on it (save your disagreements about it because this is just an example). Techs like many people have said before me, were the 'universal' class that are like the jack of all trades. Able to do anything, yet excelled at nothing (combat wise) and yes this is open to disagreement but bear friggin' with me here. There were map holes in the stock maps that never got fixed. There were bugs in the weapon reload which made for Counter-Strike style fire/reload/switch/switch style advantages run rampant. There were firing time exploits that were so insanely easy to do that have been around since the very beginning (and used by a majority of people until it was brought into central focus however many months ago) and there were just general all around bugs, glitches, exploits, and unbalances inside of U2XMP. You CHOSE to play it anyway, regardless of all of these factors.. because you had fun playing it. You knew they weren't going to be fixed, but you didn't care. So these glitches, bugs, and flawed aspects of the gameplay became ACCEPTED as normal, and part of the game. They began to be overlooked and just dealt with, not given much of a thought and incorporated into the everyday..

FMI released this as a Beta for the public because in #UTXMP almost constantly people would do absolutely NOTHING but complain about the delay. "OMFG where is the beta?! OMFG FMI sucks! OMFG Keep your time line! OMFG F YOU FMI GIVE ME THE BETA GIVE IT TO ME NOW GIVE IT TO ME LIKE I'VE BEEN NAUGHTY GIVE IT TO ME BIG BOY OH YES YES YES BETA! OHHHH!" And what do they do? They give the masses what they were clamouring for, and the response they get is 'WTF?! A BUG IN THE BETA?! HOW DARE THEY!" And it's really quite distressing.

If you can't realize that FMI is here to fix things for you and offer the game the support it will need to make it as damn near perfect as any game can get, when you were able to so blatantly ignore the bugs in U2XMP and play it anyway, I have no comment to you other than, "Goodbye."

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