UT99 to Ut2003--Modders, start the Engine

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Here is party?
Sep 21, 2003
Winnipeg, Canada
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Sorry to be crass there fells, but why remake something that has already been made? Enjoy UT99 for what it is and move on. And no matter how hard you try to remake UT99 it won't be the same because the engines are in totally diffrent places of development and yeild totally diffrent styles of play. I just think people need to appreciate the fact the the people at Epic Games made a title that we can enjoy so much, know that they try their best, and know that it is thier game, not ours, and we should be so lucky as the play it.

In short, no amount of begging and pleading is going to bring UT 99 back and the majority of people who are complaining are the ones that can't afford the technology upgrade.
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New Member
Apr 16, 2003
Red&White, i'll have to agree with you but that isn't going to change much. Most people are bent on ut and want it to feel worthwhile if newer technology (the 2k3/2k4) can play like older gameplay. do ya git what im tryin ta say?

another thing, this is really really really not fair for 56kers, this sort of project is ganna rape their modems hardcore to the extremes so it might not be such a big hit. but ya gotta admit it, this is ganna filter a lot of laggers outta here.


Minty Fresh!
Jan 3, 2003
I'm staying well out of this one :) I made my feelings plainly clear in my first post - but since I enjoy porting maps across, I feel it only fair that I contribute to the community and add some of my own stuff to this project.


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
I really don't think porting UT1 to the UT2k3 engine will really give us any reason why people didn't like UT2k3. There's a lot of reasons behind why people don't like it and we all know them. We discuss this every single day of the week. If you just want to play ut1 gameplay then go and play UT1. Besides this will take so much work that by the time your even close to being finished UT2k4 will be out and you'll forget all this ut1 is better nonsense.


Old Fart
Dec 4, 1999
...standing behind you...
Red&White said:
Sorry to be crass there fells, but why remake something that has already been made? Enjoy UT99 for what it is and move on. And no matter how hard you try to remake UT99 it won't be the same because the engines are in totally diffrent places of development and yeild totally diffrent styles of play. I just think people need to appreciate the fact the the people at Epic Games made a title that we can enjoy so much, know that they try their best, and know that it is thier game, not ours, and we should be so lucky as the play it.

In short, no amount of begging and pleading is going to bring UT 99 back and the majority of people who are complaining are the ones that can't afford the technology upgrade.

Well, many may feel as you do...especially me. But this isn't all about reviving UT. As Epic, I'm supporter of progress. In a sense, making this mod is a form of progress. Just because some people don't like the idea, that shouldn't be a reason to stop others from trying. Let's not hijack this thread with pros and cons, but instead let this thread be the formation of a new mod team that wants to challenge their skills.


Dec 22, 2001
UT1 is dying online. The engine doesn't offer anything more. It'll be easy to port it to UT2K4.

Please don't turn this thread into yet another "OMG GO PLAY UT1 LUDDITEZ LOL" thread, we have way too much of that already :hmm:


New Member
Oct 4, 2003
Prophetus took the words out of my mouth. We don't need to have the 'debate' in this thread as well. Nobody is begging, pleading or whining to change existing UT2k3/4 gametypes this time. Some peeps just want to move beyond the debate and make a go of a community project which provides another option within the framework of UT2k3/4. Please let them. If it flops, it flops. Either way, I don't think fame or money will follow so let's just do it for fun. :)

Now, where are all those modders hiding? ;)


Project Member
Nov 5, 2002
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.altan said:
UT1 had better bot support. It might be hard to recreate that in UT2003.

Don't you think the weapon models should be updated to fit the higher polylimit? As in, still the same weapon, but with a higher resolution texture and more details etc?

Also, a simple BSP port won't cut it in my opinion. Static meshes ought to be modelled, to fit the current technology.

It's not UT99 by the way :p

EDIT: As for adding in some UT2003 specific features such as movement features (doublejumping etc) and Adrenaline, those could be handled nicely with mutators...

Bot support? How so?

For the beginning, simple BSP will do fine. Static Meshes can come later once the mod works. Hell, the UT mappers that come over will do it themselves.
I dont really think that till the orginal game is ported over we should do anything to it at all. Rmember, UT players play UT. They stay with it cuz they like it, not for any updated version. If we start screwing around with the port, it wont be true to the original, and people arent going to like it.

Id advise not looking too far into the future on this untill its at least in beta stage, and people are using it. You guys can all go anyway you want with it. Im going to work on an exact port. When they hop from game to game, Im hoping the only thing they will notice is lower pings, and a higher FPS.


Dec 22, 2001
Well, as ChainsawMonkey put it in this thread, the AI scripts aren't done too well and you can only currently use a maximum of 3 scripts and the bots will ignore the rest. I'm not sure about the accuracy of this statement, but there ought to be a reason why the UT1 bots feel so much smarter.

Releasing it without any improvements whatsoever would be a waste in my opinion - you can't even just slap a bunch of static meshes on existing geometry, you still have to build a lot of the BSP from scratch to get it to fit right, even at the same dimensions.


Old Fart
Dec 4, 1999
...standing behind you...
The Trasher said:
Am I the only one who can see potentual problems with Epic regarding this project?

erm...should be no problems. Epic gave the Unreal Arena conversion their blessing, so why would Epic want to stop their own community from doing the same thing...with their Unreal engine?

The Trasher

/\ /\ \/ \/ < > < > B A START
Proph: Aaah. I see now. Heh, just a smal bit of concern I had.

Looking forwards to the pack, guys.

EDIT: This reminds me of a mod idea I had once. One team is UT, with all the UT weapons, physics, etc. The other team is UT2k3, with all the 2k3 weapons, physics, adreneline stuff etc. Would come up with some interesting battles, at least.
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Project Member
Nov 5, 2002
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Im already attempting to get ahold of Mark to ask about the legality issues.
I have a feeling they wont mind as long as there is a way to make it so it requires UT to play it in UT2kX, so you dont get the free content.

From what Ive seen, the bots act the way they do due to either bad mapping, or bad pathing. You should check out my arcanetemple alpha. Yup, the bots sure ar dumb on anything below adept. But they will put you in a world of hurt at higher levels. They do what they are supposed to, expore and find new things to kill you with...

I feel the bot support is alot better in UT2k3. But not on alot of default maps.

Anywho, Mysterials Superbot mute goes along way in making them smarter. I hope he does a good job with UT2k4.


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Nov 5, 2002
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FluXs said:
If you are going to make this MOD. we should make our old UT Mods compatible to play on this new mod :D :)

Im thinking of that too.
Some things will just not work, yet at least. UT2k4 will bring in alot more support to mimic some of the mods though. Would love to have had Zens fighter mod the last year, but it seems 2k4 is going one better.

Work ran a bit late tonight, like 4hrs late, so Im not going to do too much. just going over old post QA. Im going to cuddle up with a bottle of Tequila and play a lil guitar.

Itll be back to the DM-Oblivion port in around 21hrs, and as tomorrow is and easy work day, and my friday, I should get alot more done :)

Oh yeah...
The UT Classic mod has settings in the .ini that disable certain attribs I hear it helps out with the UT feel, but they are undocumented, and I believe thats why alot of people thought it was worthless.


I saw a post about someone who had made a movement script or mute.
If this isnt already put into mutator form, Id like to have it made and a link put up. That way danseko can test the perspective along with the moves.
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