UT99 to Ut2003--Modders, start the Engine

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Not biased
Oct 30, 2002
Planet Earth
I though about this for a bit, just thinking what kinda work would have to go into making a UT1 modd for UT2003.. heres what i came up with...

]True Classic UT mod for UT2003/2004

Starting ideas...

- Set weapons properties to UT versions
rate of fire, reload times, damage properties, physical effects, weapon skins (not ported, re-skinned), etc etc

- Set frame of view to UT version

- Add in classic UT gametypes
Assault, Last Man Standing, Domination, Rocket Arena

- Remove double jump, wall dodge, dodge jump,and boost dodge

- Remove Adrenaline and Combos

- Add in relics, Knee guards, Old Body Armor, Old low grav belt, and Jump boots (fully working with Instagib and other weapon/item removal mutators)

- Set movement to UT versions
Jump height, dodge length, gamespeed, player movement speed, etc etc

- Swap Lightning Gun with Sniper Rifle (re-skinned, no direct port!)

- Swap Assault rifle with Enforcer (add in ability for duel enforcers)

- Bring back Ripper! (reskinned, no direct port)

- Convert proven quality gameplay maps to UT2003/2004! (remade with better looks, no clogged areas, no direct porting)

- Re skin UT weapons (basically make them the same thing, just look better! No direct port)

- Import some TTM mutator (the tournament mod) properties in-game (all properties will be optional!)

Hope this helps :)


Not biased
Oct 30, 2002
Planet Earth
Hunter said:
heh, this is going to take a while :)

nah! If you assembled the right team together, people who knows unreal script real well, half of your mod would be finished within 2 weeks!

Its the re-skinning of the weapons and such and the map making is what would be time consuming :)


New Member
Aug 11, 2003
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ChainsawMonkey said:
If we're going ahead with this then we'll need to sort out who is doing what, preferrably with the ina people as well. Don't want 3 people all working on the same map :)

Good point. DX :-THeGAME at the 'True UT Mod Forum' (bb.ourtime.us) is working on a couple maps:


Maybe a UT Classic mapping group could be coordinated by an e-mail list and/or via one of the forums. Once some principles of porting maps are agreed upon (exact replicas? replicas with technical flaws/exploits fixed? whatever) then it should be easy. You could take a minimalist approach to coordination, just making sure there's no duplication of work, or a more ambitious approach, looking at each map as a team and ensuring it's free of errors, has good bot pathing, etc., drawing on the different skills of the team members.

Hopefully a similar group could be formed with coders who can implement some of the nuts and bolts of the overall mod. Parser here seems interested and very capable. Danseko from INA and the 'True UT Forum' also has lots of experience but maybe not much time. Let's start getting people together!

It would be great to seek out some of the folks who have already made UT type mutators for UT2k3. I'm looking for an e-mail for Musc@t who made the superb UT Translocator mutator but can't find one that's working. I'm also trying to track down the guy who made the Ripper mutator. If anyone can think of others to try to 'recruit' then go get em'!


Project Member
Nov 5, 2002
Visit site
If anyone needs a spot to coordinate from, Im offering 300megs webspace a spot on the DX clan BB, and my ability to port maps...

Ive started pushing for this about 4 days ago. Ive got someone looking into the perspectives, and a few ports in progress.

Ill give you a few summary details on my idea for the mod.
Pure and simple.
Make it an exact port over of UT using all original UT content.
Later it can be updated and upgraded if needed, and mappers can chose to add UT2k3 content for maps and weapons and such.

Ive got DM-Obivion about 10% done for perspective testing.
Arkane Temple was about 70% done for a UT2k3 port, Ill switch it to UT scale for the mod.
DM-Koos Galleon is about 2% done.
Im going to start a CTF map, probibly Face soon.

Using all original UT content lowers the system requirements ALOT, and thats the single biggest reason people dont/cant play UT2k3. UT maps SCREAM in UT2k3.

Anyone who can help to get this sucker in quick, but more importantly accurate, cmon over to bb.ourtime.us and give a yell. I dont care a fig about credit. I want to unite the UT/UT2k3 players under the same engine. Both game will benifit from it.

Hope to see ya!
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BeyondUnreal Newsie
Aug 20, 2001
...Behind You...
could we get the cogworks lot working on this as well

i could set up some hosted forums for everyone from INA, here and where ever else to sign up to post work on etc.

I mean if we get teams working on certain areas e.g.:

team works on asssult maps
team works on asssult coding

team works on ctf maps
team works on ctf coding

and so on....


Retired from UT2004
Apr 19, 2000
In position
\o/ You guys will win the final MSUC with this :)

Great to see people offer time and money for this project.
Please keep us updated how the project is proceeding.

If you ever need some beta tester, don't hesitate to give me a pm :D


BeyondUnreal Newsie
Aug 20, 2001
...Behind You...
Swedix said:
\o/ You guys will win the final MSUC with this :)

Great to see people offer time and money for this project.
Please keep us updated how the project is proceeding.

If you ever need some beta tester, don't hesitate to give me a pm :D

how would we evenly split the money between us?

would we put in back into BU or what?


Dec 22, 2001
UT1 had better bot support. It might be hard to recreate that in UT2003.

Don't you think the weapon models should be updated to fit the higher polylimit? As in, still the same weapon, but with a higher resolution texture and more details etc?

Also, a simple BSP port won't cut it in my opinion. Static meshes ought to be modelled, to fit the current technology.

It's not UT99 by the way :p

EDIT: As for adding in some UT2003 specific features such as movement features (doublejumping etc) and Adrenaline, those could be handled nicely with mutators...
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Retired from UT2004
Apr 19, 2000
In position
Hunter said:
how would we evenly split the money between us?

would we put in back into BU or what?

You don't do it for the money but for the honour.

If the money would be a problem for you, let me take care of it ;)


Old Fart
Dec 4, 1999
...standing behind you...
:_DX_:-THeGAME AKA SPoT, that is really cool. I encourage those who wish to be involved to get together at one location and unite their efforts. Since SPoT came up with the idea first, I highly suggest you all contact him and work together.


Dec 22, 2001
I say BU should get the machines and $$$. By the community, for the community.
Isn't it a bit early to be planning for this? Get the game over with first and then win :p


New Member
Apr 16, 2003
I can't remember said:
@ Parser - I can do the music easily enough, I use Modplug to grab the umx then just convert to ogg. And I do have the bandwidth to upload stuff like that :)

How long would it take to send you all of the classic music of UT to you in ogg format at 30kb a second? I have them all converted 110% high quality in a zip file named correctly and everything. definitely a must.


New Member
Apr 16, 2003
I'm not going to speak directly at anybody but if you are going to post, please leave out the nonsense. We've no room for stupidity here. yes, STUPIDITY. go away.

this is not an early time either, in fact, I can't believe we didn't start this project earlier. I do not know my role yet but i know I'll be able to help out sooner or later.

about that 300meg space thinger, can ya upload them old ut songs on there? like i said i have them all converted in a zip file for yeh.

NEVERMIND........ I must have deleted them. Can't find them. Sorry. Oh well you'd probably be better off converting them yourself.
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Minty Fresh!
Jan 3, 2003
If anyone's interested in checking out a map I'm working on presently, you can grab it:

HERE (7.5mb approx)

CTF-Ratchet. I'm working on this at the moment (nothing to do with this project BTW, I'm just on a personal mission to port all the UT maps for my own pleasure :D ). The directory structure is intact so just unzip using folder names to your UT2003 directory.

My apologies for the number of files, the map itself is one file (as I appear to be one of the few people who know about or bother using the myLevel package :rolleyes: ) and the additional files are taking care of certain items in the map :) I'll be recompiling those all into a single combined package at a later date though that can be imported directly into a map to avoid extra files :)

Heh, I've been having loads of fun playing this one, hope you do too :) Enjoy