Bill/Imaginos says:
I'll remove everything and see what happens
sh0V3L says:
yeah it is
sh0V3L says:
yeah start removing untill the problem stops
Bill/Imaginos says:
did this before and nothing fixed it
sh0V3L says:
ya i believe it i dont think its in the configs
sh0V3L says:
but why did it stop on mine
sh0V3L says:
maybe because i dont have any mods or gamemake games
Bill/Imaginos says:
hmm I have some gamemake ones.
sh0V3L says:
try removing those
Bill/Imaginos says:
thinking about ditching all the int files too
sh0V3L says:
i did the map ones
sh0V3L says:
only the .u files int's were spared lol
Bill/Imaginos says:
ok, the db map prefixes came up now
Bill/Imaginos says:
first try as well. I blame excessive
sh0V3L says:
ya and thats afyter removing gamemake games ??
Bill/Imaginos says:
all extra stuff
sh0V3L says:
yeah good move
sh0V3L says:
now which one was it lol
Bill/Imaginos says:
I'll add gamemake stuff back in next
sh0V3L says:
there ya go
Bill/Imaginos says:
I still blame excessive
sh0V3L says:
yeah its a roughly coded mut
Bill/Imaginos says:
oh dear. it's a gamemake game
sh0V3L says:
yeah its screwin up
Bill/Imaginos says:
gamemake games aren't even active
sh0V3L says:
and what a gamemake game is showing up ?
Bill/Imaginos says:
nono. they are in the system dir. removing them all made it work correctly. putting them back in brought the bug back.. now I'm testing them one by one
sh0V3L says:
oh ok i see just thier existance does it wow
Bill/Imaginos says:
screwy. i tested my most recent one first. it bugs the server
sh0V3L says:
something changed since ben made gamemake in the game classes then
Bill/Imaginos says:
removed it and it worked cleanly again
sh0V3L says:
ok there we have it
Bill/Imaginos says:
I'll put jailbreak back into the system
sh0V3L says:
makes sense cuz ive removed all mine too
sh0V3L says:
Bill/Imaginos says:
not cool. adding jailbreak back into the directory breaks it again
sh0V3L says:
sh0V3L says:
it dont like mods either
Bill/Imaginos says:
it works ok with deathball and the stock gametypes
Bill/Imaginos says:
anything else tho... and nogo
sh0V3L says:
good your db werks
Bill/Imaginos says:
my bread and butter
sh0V3L says:
sh0V3L says:
Bill/Imaginos says:
oop. holdon. I have ut2004, deathball, serverext, utan, ut2vote, bombball/gravityvol (db mutators) and the dummymut in the system path and it works
sh0V3L says:
it works then
Bill/Imaginos says:
that's what I have in the system dir and it still works. add any gamemake games or jailbreak and it doesn't work
Bill/Imaginos says:
I'll readd satore monsters now -- aw, satore breaks it too