UT2003 Troopers Cancelled

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Teammember on UT3JB Bangaa Bishop
Feb 21, 2002
The only thing BK might have done wrong here was be so posessive over the mod that legal crap and formal letters and such would get involved. The "I'm the leader, and youre just a bunch of peons" approach is not a good one.

I personally place little value on intellectual "property" so I am usually able to avoid these kinds of situations.
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You Can Be My Wingman
Jul 24, 2001
The Highway to the Danger Zone
BlAcK_PlAgUe22 said:
Yeah, cause BK is a mapper.

They said his work wasn't ready yet and wasn't planned to make the demo, but he wanted them to delay it so that he could finish. How could he have been project lead for 3 years on a subject that is practically done and supposedly only contribute a few unfinished maps and a tie fighter? If he was occupied with other things (I heard he was sick) then fine, but it shouldn't seem to be such a big surprise that the team feels they could do better without him and the problems he allegedly was creating. Not that it really matters because it is no one's business but the team. All I know is that if an entire team is pissed with the lead, and is united in making some sort of stance, then that has to mean something.

Either way, I'm not going to let their team problems stop me from downloading and enjoying the mod. I refuse to believe either side are saints or devils in this matter.


I ooze.
Jul 30, 2001
Irvine, California
Yeah, BK was going to leave the team due to health reasons.

Like you said, when 11 people agree you suck as leader, there might be something wrong. Then again, making him sign over everything he's ever worked for wasn't the best thing to do either.


New Member
Jul 14, 2003
Visit site
If Karma wanted to he could take legal action against the members of the "team". That letter was a blatant attempt at blackmail, which is against the law. He could likely threaten legal action and force them all off of the team. Despite whatever bad leadership Karma may or may not have shown, that letter is unexcusable! If you have a bad leader you either leave or speak to him about it, you don't attempt to blackmail him out of everything he's worked so hard for.
I don't know if Karma was a bad leader, but it doesn't matter. It was a free mod that the team was under no obligation to work on, they are completely in the wrong with that letter. It is extremely stupid and insulting, and I hope Karma takes legal action against them, at least to get them banned from using any material relating to the Troopers mod.
Just keep in mind, everyone, that blackmail is illegal and if the members of the team had a problem they should have left or spoken to Karma. So despite a possible lack of leadership by Karma (note possible) it is completely, and unexcusably, wrong what the team members did.


BuFs #1 mom
Oct 31, 2001
Up my ass
blah they all suck and I wish BK and the team that hates him so much would both just shut up already and stop getting everyone else involved. For those that have been looking at the offical troopers forum there is a great deal of BK whipping out his penis to show how right he is. good god, just let it go already, no one else needs to know about this crap. :rolleyes:


New Member
tool said:
blah they all suck and I wish BK and the team that hates him so much would both just shut up already and stop getting everyone else involved.

To be fair, the team did their best (which wasn't necessarily good, but nonetheless) to stop this charade or even not to let it start to begin with.

BadKarma, however, did as he usually does in a situation like this and tried to rally the general public to his cause and even succeeded to a degree, which is partly to blame on the team's poor crisis management.


New Member
May 22, 2000
Mychaeel said:
BadKarma, however, did as he usually does in a situation like this and tried to rally the general public to his cause and even succeeded to a degree, which is partly to blame on the team's poor crisis management.

However crissis management for this type of issues is not easy :(


Like the sun
Jul 8, 2002
Oakville, ON
I'm on the teams side on this one.

If they want to, they can kick a team member out. In this case the slacker happened to be BK so they all kicked themselves out, taking all their own work with them. I fail to see where any stealing comes into play.

We all love to root for the poor sap that got shafted but c'mon, boycotting their mod over this? WHY?