UT 2k3/2k4 RainbowSix mute would like some testers

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Kyle Kellahshehskee

Mar 3, 2004
Metro Detroit, Michigan
Have you ever been so sleep-deprived that you feel "awake" and yet while your thinking is brisk it's incoherent?

Yeah, I'm THAT tired. Who knows what I'll manage to string together for this response.

Again, I apologize for being away for so long. I've been crushed with work, and an 18 month old son who has had two molars coming in for the past MONTH. Oh, and colds aplenty.

That aside...

Enjoyed the newest release. My sounds sound nice! I can't be sure of this, but I think that the leaning sound effect isn't playing every time the player leans. Can anyone else confirm this?

In regards to Lib's assessment that the "going prone" effect is too short time-wise, it seems to me to match the amount of movement-time that we see our bodies in motion when it goes prone. I checked this out several times from the 3rd person view. Going prone does seem a bit fast but most FPS I've played have it too slow, especially if these prones are supposed to be emergency dives into the embrace of sweet Momma Earth.

I agree with Lib's feedback on the M4.

Did you upgrade the Halo maps? They look better for some reason.

In regards to the kind of level we'd like to see, I'd like to suggest an urban environment set in the Midwest. Post-conflict damage ideally. And, if possible, maximize the amount of randomization as possible, and, if possible, allow the player a number of avenues through the region. Half-Life and Call of Duty shooters are waaay too much on The Rail for my tastes.

Got to go.

Thanks again for ALL of your hard work.

Good night!

Corporal_Lib [BR]

Brazilian Graphic Designer & Gun Nut {=)
Ohhh, tooth aches and sleepless nights, those are the worst part of being a father, but I´m sure all this sacrifice will pay-off when they get older... thou I´m not planning on parenthood anytime soon (I think I´ll adopt if we can´t have kids by the time we change our minds)

I agree with kyle on non-linear gameplay, and I´d suggest some shootouts on night clubs and strip-bars, just a Duke Nukem nostalgia for the blonde-bomb sake lol

Kyle Kellahshehskee

Mar 3, 2004
Metro Detroit, Michigan

Kids are GREAT if you INVEST a ton of time into them. They also make you worry a lot too, and not just about them directly, but how the world's unfolding about them too.

It's great that you're open to adopting kids. What a wonderful option to adding love into one's life.

Before I get too whacked-out-tired, I meant to write in my prior post that if we're granted an urban environment, it'd be interesting to have optional routes through sewer systems. If the environment's been freshly blown to hell, we could have downed and twisting (live) power lines, gushing water mains, chunks of debris to use as cover and concealment (randomly placed? Oh! A man can dream, yes?), and damaged vehicles scattered about. Obscuring clotheslines would make crossing through a suburb's backyards a nightmare. Random weather effects?

If I only knew how to map myself!


take a chance
Jun 7, 2001
Hey Guys! At first I misread the environment request as MidEAST and was thinking "oh-no now I have to make a bunch of dusty, dirty, burnt out decoration models for yet another un-named generic middle-eastern (iraq/iran/nowwhereistan) village". Mid-West is no problem (and provides far better environmental variation), and yes I would absolutely include sewers systems (or rather storm drain system as I believe these tend to be larger in real-life). I'm not sure night clubs or strip bars would be 'interesting' as civilians would have fled the area if any real fighting had broken out ;)

1. Gear sounds (theoretically) only play 75% of the time when you lean. I will change to 100% (it was a copy and paste code thing...) for leaning.

2. About the most I can promise for non-linearity is creating two paths through most areas, and adding frequent "battle arenas" (open areas where you typically have to fight a squad of enemies as in Turok2, HL, MoH, Halo etc.). If you think about it from both a story and gameplay perspective (and Coop) it is really really hard to allow more open environments and still have the level come across as anything more than a simple deathmatch/invasion game with duller than usual bots. I need to provide some funneling, loop, and backtracking to tell a story. I will try to keep it interesting for at least 3 player Coop though (e.g. allow ambush setups, flanking, sniper support etc.)

3. Yeah, the Halo based maps have received some updates with more detailing added. New plants & foliage have been added, along with some texture changes. I've got one more VCTF/DM map (Valhalla) to include and then I will release all three as a pack.
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Kyle Kellahshehskee

Mar 3, 2004
Metro Detroit, Michigan

Before I make any kind of reference to level design, I'd like to mention that surface-hit effects from rounds seem a little too abbreviated to me. A little more dust/kicked-up-snow-puffs, and having them last 1.5-2 seconds longer, maybe?

I know what you mean about the whole "Middle East thing." It seems infinitely more interesting to me to have the conflict set in the U.S. and if one wants to pretend that they're in the ME than there's already a three dozen multimillion dollar games waiting for them with their names on it.

Perhaps you could have a portion of the map be set in an industrial area that's been attacked?

I just badly want a level that feels and looks like an authentic slice of "Americana." I just strongly feel that if the player's in such an environment that it will only help feed the emotional need to address whatever it is that has horribly gone wrong there.

And in regards to randomness, I just have this "scene" in my head that I feel would be really dreadful to experience in the game. Not too far along in the level, the player gains a higher vantage point, and is overlooking the city. Suddenly 3-6 troop transports come swooping in, land in various locations around the map, and even though we can't see what is exactly being deposited, we know in the most awful way that it has very, VERY bad intentions for us.

And in spite of having just seen the general location of where those craft have landed, we still don't know what's ALREADY there, and those troops certainly don't have to be stationary.

Well, anyway, something to think about. I'll be looking forward to playing it whatever it is.


take a chance
Jun 7, 2001
Hi Kyle,
1. I here you about the hit effects. I really liked the Halo 1 ground hit effects, I'll work on those (especially the dirt and snow effects) to make them last longer and be a bit more noticeable.

2. I would definitely prefer to have the SP/Coop map set in a more industrial area of a small town (complete with trains etc.). Small downtown areas, while iconic, don't leave much for gameplay (though Left4Dead did a pretty good job). That being said, I could probably pull something off in the downtown area.

Here are a few screenshots of the new knife models (with higher poly hands) and the test compound bow weapon (boy this is fun to use for medium range instakills):
<-> <-> <-> <->

Kyle Kellahshehskee

Mar 3, 2004
Metro Detroit, Michigan

The new set of hands and the combat knife look fantastic. GREAT work! You can really feel the differences in the materials that make up each part of the glove, sleeve, and weapon.

Karag and some of the other bots seem like their addicted to their sidearms now, and are INCREDIBLE shots with them.

The AK107 still seems like the only weapon that starts off in a non-fully automatic mode. This really trips me up when I switch to it.

Is there any way to offer up an option where the crosshairs are off in 1st person, but are available when one switches to 3rd person?

Can't remember if I mentioned this already. Forgive me if I did. Would love to have matching camos whenever the CoD mut is used.

If you're going to make the level focus mainly on an industrial portion of a Midwestern city, could you include some other types of buildings that are common in such areas? I'm thinking of structures such as bars, refueling stations (the big ones, that also cater to truckers), a fast food joint or two, a mom + pop "greasy spoon," a pharmacy (maybe even a small shopping center), office structures, railroad tracks, walkways over the tracks. If you were to base if off of the Ford Rouge facilities, there'd be a metal refinery/steel factory as well. It keeps you toasty when it's cooler outside.

Wow. That's great work you did on those hands & knife. Raising the bar, man!


Feb 16, 2001
Visit site
I've been following this thread for a while now but has this mod been released yet? Or are there maybe some gameplay video's on youtube?

I just want to see if maybe it's worth reinstalling 6 (?) dvd's of ut2k4! ;)

Corporal_Lib [BR]

Brazilian Graphic Designer & Gun Nut {=)
Hey Zeep, YARM has been on development and constantly beta releasing for aeons ago... you can check out some movies I´ve recorded testing the parkour animations and gameplay (freeaim, lotsa guns, melee strikes, modern day vehicles etc)

videos -> http://www.wegame.com/watch/Y_A_R_M_v128_update_Setember_27th/

and -> http://www.wegame.com/watch/YARM_Mirrors_Edge/

yarm latest installment -> http://www.filefront.com/15709365/yarmCore129_Feb282010.zip/
yarm vehicles muttie -> http://www.filefront.com/15529779/TDWVehicles121_Feb062010.zip/

enjoy! (btw, you can play COOP with OMS maps also)

Kyle Kellahshehskee

Mar 3, 2004
Metro Detroit, Michigan

Yes it's worth it!

Keep your eye out in the bargain bin at your local video game store, because I picked up the Unreal Anthology DVD for $6. Is that crazy or what?

Well worth the time it'd take to pop all of those disks in and out.


... or something like that.
Apr 1, 2006
Got that one too, it was just too good to miss (20 zlotys - app. 6 dollars). One box, tons of satisfaction - probably one of my best purchases ever.
And as for the mod... Great job! Indeed, it's not only worth reinstalling the game, but it's worth the actual time & effort devoted to earning the money for UT2k4 (even though it's not that much... I know, I make little sense ;)). Not mentioning moving one's buttocks and visiting nearest software store. ;)
Summing up - you, sir, have my download.

btw: hello everybody, long time no see... :)


take a chance
Jun 7, 2001
@ Verlatt: Thank you for trying the mod, I look forward to any feedback you have!

@ Kyle & Corporal_Lib: I fixed the AK107 starting mode setting (starts in full auto now), as well as adjusting the Aimpoint sights on the M4 and Fierro (as wide a view as I can make now without a bunch of screwball coding that would complicate everything from iron sights to freeaim). Also, been working a bit on the bullet hit effects (got a snazzy new water hit effect and added another effect when shooting rock and default materials). Do you have any suggestions for the dirt and snow hit effects? I'm kind of at a loss for how they should look.

I've been working on some more map decorations. I hope to have a new version of the N64 Goldeneye map 'Complex', but using a Mirror's Edge theme, done in the next two weeks or so.

Also, do any of you see any problems if a slow the player speed down to about 200 - 210 UUs? (its at about 230 UUs right now). To test how that would feel in game, use the following console command: "set pawn groundspeed 200"

Kyle Kellahshehskee

Mar 3, 2004
Metro Detroit, Michigan
Happy to hear of all of the alterations. :)

Looking forward to the new hit effects as well, and in regards to enhancing the ground/water/snow effects, I'd just have them kick up more of the material and have it hang for an extra second; maybe up to two seconds for the strikes against snow & ice due to their material makeup.

The next time I give the mod a try, I'll play with the slower movement speed.

Sounds like a good idea already, as long as the bots are affected too.

Looking forward to your Golden Eye remake!

Thanks for the heads up!


Corporal_Lib [BR]

Brazilian Graphic Designer & Gun Nut {=)
can we "has" some screenies on the improved aimpoints, hit effects and the revamped maps, plzzzz =)? The mirrors edge animations are still bount only to yarm pawns or is there a plan to implement it to the COD and INF pawns as well? I agree with Kyle, slower movement speed is the INF way to go, but it should affect the bots as well (they run less with the movements restrictions options up to this release, but they´re still too damn quick even while walking lol)

And I want to fragg the bots "RAMBO style" with that awesome bow (there will be explosive tip arrows, won´t it be?)
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take a chance
Jun 7, 2001
Some screenshots:
<-> <->

<-> <->

I've still got a slew of decorations/static meshes to make, but the basic layout of the "Complex" is done and is just about right for no more than around 6 players (8 would fit, but it would then get a bit tight).

I made the aimpoint view as wide as I could without throwing in some weird distortions. I hope to release the next revision by next Friday, but it may not happen (there are a few other items/weapons I would like to clean up first including the new SP ones).

[edit] Here is a screenshot of the new water hit effect, it is much easier on the computer (about half as many particles) and looks better/more realistic imho (at least based on my experience using an M249 off the back end of a ship at floating targets).
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Corporal_Lib [BR]

Brazilian Graphic Designer & Gun Nut {=)
Wohaaa, those maps are terrific, the parkour is going to be da sweet (jumping and rolling through those catwalks and pipes)

Which new gun is that on the top right and lowest pic? is that a SCAR? ;D

The Aimpoint on the second pic is still "too tunneled" or it isn´t optimized yet?

great work meow! =D


take a chance
Jun 7, 2001
The new gun is actually an SMG based on the MP5k (though the silhouette is sort of the like the SCAR from the FP view). It is equipped with a flashlight and will be the weapon that the "dumb" low level SP enemies carry. I do have another "SCAR-like" rifle to add. It will feature wall penetration and have a heartbeat sensor. See below. The sensor display is not added yet, and I still need to add a few more details. The skin will eventually be a primarily dark olive/green tone mixed with black):

That is the best I can do with the AimPoint for right now. The tunneling effect goes away just like in real life if I move the mounting point further away from the player's camera, but then of course the opening gets a lot smaller too! I tried moving the lens closer to the back, but then the faces of the scope exterior shell (forward part) are visible. This is part of the reason I was hesitant to make the Aimpoint to begin with. I could screw with the DisplayFOV, but then every other 'offset' has to adjusted a lot (never mind the fact that it would then not work with freeaim because of the displayFOV versus player camera FOV differences).

[EDIT] Here are two shots of the added blood effect (the "sloshes") and the default bullet spark effect (in addition to the smoke and wall decal):
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Corporal_Lib [BR]

Brazilian Graphic Designer & Gun Nut {=)
The new gun is actually an SMG based on the MP5k (though the silhouette is sort of the like the SCAR from the FP view). It is equipped with a flashlight and will be the weapon that the "dumb" low level SP enemies carry.

Ohh, I see, something like the unproduced HK MP2000?

Yeah, when I´ve zoomed the pic of the aimpoint, I´ve noticed it was a little wider (but still tunneled) than the old one, well, it´s better to keep that way, than screw the whole freeaim setting for all others... there isn´t a way to adjust FOV just to one weapon? If it doesn´t, nevermind... the dot now looks good! =)

Nice new effects, meow, this new release is definitely gonna rock! =)


take a chance
Jun 7, 2001
Hi Kyle. I still have to work on those effects a bit (along with the dirt effect). I'll post screens when I have them.

Some shots below of the heartbeat sensor on the 'Battle Rifle' (I still need to make the dots a translucent around the edges):