Unreal Tournament on the PS2 looks better than the PC version.

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New Member
Jan 11, 2000
Kalmar, Sweden
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Wow! UT for the PS2 looks better than the PC version IMO. If you look at the screenshots the player models uses more polygons..
Look here!



The good news is that you can use any mouse or keyboard from the PC and just plug it in, in one of the PS2s USB ports..
I can't wait to play this game on a 36" TV! :D And remember this is not the final version!

-UTfan :D

PS: More images available here! http://ps2.ign.com/previews/14006.html


New Member
Jan 21, 2000
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LOL - they got alot of work to do cause this looks almost indentical to what I see on my PC. Don't forget the limitations of the tv and don't forget that UT has been on the market for almost a year now. You'll be stuck with whatever comes out for the PS2 for at least 2 more years. Check out this year's gfx engine and gfx card capabilities compared to last year. IMO the poor PS2 (or any console for that matter) is a waste of time.

OK - the PC needs more cash. I'll pay more for something better. :p


I am the Hugh Grant of Thatcherism
Mar 26, 2000
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Look at the health and armour bars... I guess PS2 owners can't count up to 100? :D

Anyway, to me they look worse, especially the players off in the distance, they look very blurred.


New Member
Sep 28, 2000
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Hey it doesn't look to bad, the pS2 will deliver an amazing game to people without a PC and thats a good thing.
However it does look similar to my PC version.


Former WeeDHead
Mar 7, 2000
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Dont see any difference here, too, same as my Viper V770 Ultra on High settings :)
But that HUD looks awfull IMHO

And those poor PS2 Players misses 1 year of UT practice, and no Internetconnection (or does sony deside to pull it true again. I lost track of that, No Multiplayer, Yeas Multiplayer, errm sorry we leave multiplayer out. Errm we justy made an new Multiplayer mode)


New Member
Jan 11, 2000
Kalmar, Sweden
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If PC's are so powerful how come PC games dont look half as good as the latest Console games?? And howcome PC games never use over 4 million polys per sec on screen??? When console games uses 10 million right now.

Name one PC game that looks this good.

Gran Turismo 2000 Aspec






WOW! Look at the detail!! Holy ****! Can't wait to play this game on a kick ass big TV with awesome 60 FPS (Frames Per Second)

Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons Of Liberty



Think what the console games will look like in a few years!!!

Please think before you post.
Btw the PS2 sure has 4mbvram.. But the PS2 doesnt use the VRAM like the PC does.. So there is no problem if it has "only" 4MB.. The PS2 doesnt store the textures in the Vram instead it reads it straigt of the disk.. This is much smarter because the games run much much much faster then!



New Member
Sep 28, 2000
Imho these PS2 UT shots don't look half as good as made on PC. The textures do look better on PC and well...they do make new videocards faster than new consoles. But well...if people have money to spare on such things then it's their problem.

Found some shots on the net (at least i understood that it was a PC not a gaming console):

and more:
Does that look bad?


New Member
Sep 28, 2000
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I totally agree with UTfan, the PS2 games look sweet and that texture remark does'nt look like it affected UT or any of the PS2 games Ive seen to date.

Can you please get off the jaggies remark also, people use that as a poor excuse, go to http://www.ign.com download the movies of the PSY games, download the UT 14 new movies and TELL me that you see jagges, I can guarantee you won't find any, and if you do you will be looking awfully hard just to find one. Understand that no one will play a fast paced game like UT and see jaggies, there just are'nt any to see when you actually see PSy movies in action. Pics don't count.

Mar 6, 2000

the PS2 games look sweet

Have you got one?
Thought not :)
How about we hold of on the "My Da's better than your Da" thing until the goddamn thing actually comes out eh?

Be Cool
Think Smart
Stay Funky

International Jetsetter and Wannabe Pornstar
Unofficial Euro-PuF Lan Party Pimp


Legion of Lions for Life!
Jan 14, 2000
Columbus, OH
Well TV's don't have the resolution that a monitor has. Even if the console games push better graphics they become blurred and ugly when placed on a generic TV. Now if you go and spend a few thousand dollars on a high end TV you may get close to the smoothness of a monitor but crispness will not be comparible to that of a .22dpi AG 19" monitor.

I enjoy console games but I doubt I'll ever find myself buying a Console over a PC.

As a side note, the pictures you posted were almost certainly not from a console jacked into a TV, but from a console jacked into a Computer monitor; a friggin high end one at that.
Jacked into a high-end monitor?? What, did he take digital photos off the monitor then?? No, it's just a capture of the output. Display quality is limited by the dots-per-inch of the monitor, not the source.

And as for jacking into a monitor, well why not?

Don't get me wrong, I love my PC, but it's really starting to become something of a "dedicated gaming resource" anyway. I mean, I now have 3 PCs at my place, plus TWO laptops that my work has given me, all hooked in one way or another into a home LAN. One PC is my daughter's PC, one is a general "household PC" running Quicken, my wife's email program, our digital camera setup etc., and then there's my PIII 800 gaming rig. I spent over $2400 for this beast, and I totally love it, but my point is this... if I can buy a PS2 or an Xbox for like $300, and can use a keyboard/mouse, can hook to the internet through a fast ethernet connection, can save things like new maps or mods to an internal hard drive, has high-quality sound outputtable to my home stereo, and can output to a high dot-pitch monitor (and is a DVD player on top of all this), then it's a case of simple mathematics. I'm sick of spending thousands of dollars for new PC's, then hundreds of dollars every 6 months or so for new video cards just to be able to play games. I'd rather get almost the same quality (better in some cases as the screenies above show) for a fraction of the price, with a much more stable operating system.

Now the questions is: Can players hooking to the 'net through their PS2's play in games hosted on PC's?


New Member
Jan 21, 2000
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Come back with this info 2 years from now (if the PS2 will have left the Japanese isles) so we can compare your console with the PC that I'll have then. FFS, think before you post mate.

OK, Mario Bros rock on the console, but I can't imagine myself sitting in front of my tv set (17" one) playing CTF-McSwartzly][ with 16 players in it.

ImagoX has a point, if you're tired of handing out that much cash then you're stuck with a console, which of course is a whole lot better than nothing.

But, since this IS the PuF and we're not really interested in racing games (those pics do look cool btw), UT is staying on my PC and me in front of it, at least until Sony manages to do much more serious work on their product.


New Member
Jan 4, 2000
Some people just don't get it.

You all are such friggin PC slaves that your willing to go thru the hell you do, and like it. It took me forever to get UT running correct on my PC. First it was a bios upgrade to fix the AGP slot, then some drivers for the chipset, then I needed a new videocard and more memory to finally get a decent picture and framerate out of it. Besides, this post isnt about wether or not a PS2 is better than a PC, it's about UT (or was). The consoles are becoming more an more powerfull, There is no need to pay out your ass to get great games and graphics. I love my PC, but I hate the headaches, patches, crashes and mony it takes to get any fun out of it.

As for the comments about wait a few years.. In a few years, you'll still be paying 1500-2000 for the latest and greatest hardware, and I'll be spending $300 for an X-box and $300 for a lamecube and still be playing the same games you are, because the developers and publishers want to make mone, and they will go where the most people are.. and it won't be the PC..

As for UT PS2- the health bars are gay, I hope they have an option to change them- the graphics are nice considering it's bacically a PC port with different models. It wasn't written from the ground up for the PS2 and it makes a difference, plus, epic was under a major time restraint to get it done for the launch on Oct. 26. I myself am not going to get it until the broadband adapter comes out, I'll stick with my PC version for now. But sometime next year, when it does, and the console versions of UT are online, it's gonna be fun. besides, I'll be able to play it on my couch in front of my big screen TV.