That file is the original unchanged PSX one. The one in the is the recompilation by me...
The original does not work because of the missing engine.hud function to hide the hud ingame.
And NeoNite: That quadshot is the oldskool UT one from the mod, not the original, we don't know how the original was supposed to work exactly, that's a problem.
By the way I noticed that there is a musicevent in the generator area in the last map, E2L7B, it has tag generator music and there is a trigger which makes it play once you enter the area, but the song is not specified, perhaps it used PSX specific music? Also these levels are perhaps not the original ones but the redone ones (it was supposed to use some PSX specific textures), but this is a bit vague there.
Also in the Jrath area is another music event.