Unreal beta the begining

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New Member
Feb 15, 2006
look it,s from august 1990 damn!!!!

H ack, slash, slaughter, slay. In this ever-changing world, if there is one thing you can rely on it is an endless stream of sword-wielding arcade fantasies. Unreal is one such outing, but with the promise of eight lvels, both 2D and 3D graphics and interactive music it could be a cut above your average hack-em-up.
First, though, the plot. Your name is Artaban, and you live in peace with your beloved, Isolde, your people and a friendly copper dragon called Dracus. Then one day Isolde is captured by the Master of Darkness, Polymorph, and whisked off to his castle lair, where he insists that she marries him. News of the wedding gets out, Dracus is horrified, tells Artabun, and the two zoom off to rescue the fair maiden.

The game’s eight levels divide into three 2D ones and five 3D ones. Now the promise of 3D action sounds good and, indeed, the first level is one of the 3D ones. It is basically a prehistoric Afterburner, with the dragon sprite flying into a screen populated by trees, prehistoric monsters and rock outcrops, which sap your shield’s energy, and power-up crystals, which give you extra weapons or short-term invulnerability. Play for a minute and you will think even the first level is impossible: play for ten and you will be defeating it every time with your joystick on autofire and your feet up.

Level Two is where it starts to get interesting. It might ony be 2D but it is inifintely better than Level One. Here you embark on a sideways-scrolling hack-em-up with lots of puzzles to sort out and some truly dazzling graphics. The same general principle applies – you have a shield which absorbs hits for just so long. When its energy gets to zero you are dead and it is game over time again.

UbiSoft have wisely built in a Save Game option, but laoding a game actually dumps you into a special training mode where you can progress through the game but do not actually amass any points. The very same training mode is offered when you lose your one and only life, so you can get to see what you have missed, but if you want to properly complete the game, you have to do it all in one sitting. Grrr...

After Level Two it is back to a 3D dragon-borne blast and then another 2D plod, this time through an arctic wasteland. Then it is back to the dragon... and so on. If it is all starting to sound a bit thin, it is made up for the sheer size of the thing and the range of opponents and puzzles along the way.
Rod Lawton

Amiga Format, Issue 10, May 1990, p.p.43-44
In the dragon-borne stages the graphics are not good, but in the hacking stages they are frequently stunning. The attacking beasties are not always as convincingly-animated as they might be, but the landscape detail and effects are very good. The sound is a real mixed bag. Owners of half-meg machines just get a series of soundtracks which, apart from a rather nice title tune, are a cross between Jean Michel Jarre on a bad day and Stock Aitken Waterman on a worse one. If you have a 1Mb machine, though you get sound effects too. On the dragons stages these are naff, on the hacking stages they are quite superb.
It is all a bit frustrating, what with tedious dragon-piloting to get through and only one life between you and a complete restart, but the graphics, sound effects (if you have got the hardware) and puzzles on the hacking stages will keep you playing. You will rescue Isolde even if it takes you every night for a month (and probably will).

You do not often get a game showing such a variety of standards in its different sections. The 3D dragon-flying parts make up five of the eight stages, but about one per cent of the game’s fun factor. The real game is in the hack-em-up stages, but even here it takes a 1Mb machine to handle the sound effects. Players with more between their ears than the average psychotic will find the puzzles a welcome relief from the charnel-house style of most hack-em-ups. All in all, a game of two halves. The dragon stages are graphically grim, tedious and undemanding. The hacking stages are often graphically breathtaking, challenging and addictive. This is one you will both love and hate.



Wenn es nötig ist, extra nach Paris zu fliegen um ein brandheißes Testmuster für Euch zu ergattern, dann machen wir das halt. Und Ubi Softs Geniestreich von einem Action-Game war die Reise allemal wert: Drei Disketten, vollgepackt mit fantastischen Grafiken, trickfilmreifen Animationen und irrwitzigen Sounds demonstrieren die Fähigkeiten unserer "Freundin" wahrlich eindrucksvoll!
Ehe wir zur großen Lobeshymne schreiten, bekommt erstmal der Dichter der Hintergrundgeschichte einen dicken Rüffel: Die Story um ein liebreizendes Mädel, das von einem finsteren Obermiesling entführt und im Verlies seines düsteren Schlosses eingekerkert wurde, hängt wohl nicht nur uns schön langsam zum Hals heraus! Gerade bei einem so perfekt gestylten Game wie Unreal ist ein derart stupides Blabla nicht nur unwürdig, sondern schon fast ein Verbrechen! Schwamm drüber, kommen wir zu Versöhnlicherm:
Schon der erste Blick auf den Vorspann sorgt für ein entzücktes "oohh". Über einem Lavastrom formieren sich hübsche Ray Tracing-Kugeln zum Titelschriftzug, während der Amiga eine fetzige Melodie samt hörenswertem Windrauschen erklingen läßt. Bereits hier gilt: Wer den Sound in seiner ganzen Pracht genießen möchte, muß zumindest über 1MB Speicher verfügen. Jetzt ein Druck auf's Feuerknöpfchen, und man darf im ersten Level weiterstaunen – ein furioser Drachenritt in unglaublich schneller 3D-Grafik ist angesagt. Während man versucht, das hübsch animierte Flugvieh an Felsen, Bäumen und Sträuchern vorbei zu bugsieren, ohne an einem der zahlreichen Hindernisse hängen zu bleiben, müssen noch haufenweise wilde Tiere (z.B. Eisbären und Mammuts) per Feueratem aus dem Weg gepustet werden. Auf dem dahinrasenden Untergrund liegen vereinzelt goldene Dreiecke herum, die man einsammeln sollte, um seinen Flattervogel mit mehr Feuerkraft auszurüsten. Eine dunkle Grotte markiert das Ende des ersten Levels. Bis hierher ist die Sache noch ein Kinderspiel, selbst der ungeschickteste Action-Muffel dürfte diesen Ausflug halbwegs unbeschadet überstehen. Dennoch sollte man sich Mühe geben, soviele Punkte wie nur irgend möglich einzuheimsen, denn die dienen als Energieeinheiten für den nächsten Abschnitt!

Nun geht es zweidimensional weiter, das Helden-Sprite muß sich seinen Weg von links nach rechts über den Screen bahnen. Das Böse lauert bekanntlich immer und überall; hier in Form von Vögeln, die mit Feuer-Eiern angreifen, riesigen Gottesanbeterinnen, bissigen Tigern, fleischfressenden Pflanzen und unheimlichen Seeschlangen. Zudem scheint sich auch die Natur gegen unseren Helden verschworen zu haben: Nur allzu oft schießen Speeren aus dem Waldboden, es fallen Felsbrocken von oben herab, und tückische Teiche können nur überquert werden, indem man auf schwimmende Baumstämme hüpft. Wer hier überleben will, muß punktgenau (und im exakt richtigen Moment!) über Hindernisse springen und seine Haut wacker mit dem Schwert verteidigen.

Die 2D-Level des Spiels erinnern in ihrer aufwendigen Gestaltung an "Shadow of the Beast", geben sich spielerisch aber anspruchsvoller; Eine brennende Brücke kann beispielsweise erst dann passiert werden, wenn man zuvor Holzkugeln mit dem Schwert zerkleinert und Wasserblasen aufgesammelt hat. Nur so läßt sich das Feuer löschen, so daß man unbeschadet über die Brücke kommt.

Ist auch der zweite Level geschafft, flattert man wieder mit dem Drachen weiter; diesmal aber über eine Flußlandscahft, 3D- und 2D-Level lösen einander weiterhin mit wechselnder Thematik ab (Lava, Schnee & Eis, etc.), bis einen der Flugsaurier schließlich in der siebten Spielstufe zum Schloß des Kidnappers trägt. Dort angekommen wartet das große Finale, wo eine ganze Horde von Widersachern gekillt werden muß, ehe letztendlich die Dame des Herzens wieder befreit ist. Bis einem die Angebetete freudestrahlend entgegenläuft und mit feuchten Augen einen Kuß auf den Mund drückt, vergehen allerdings viele spannende Stunden vor dem Monitor!

Aufregend, fesselnd, technisch brillant – all diese Superlative sind eigentlich schon fast zu abgenutzt, um sie auf Unreal anzuwenden: Das Spiel verbindet auf wunderschöne Weise solide Spielbarkeit (prima Steuerung, gute Kollisionsabfrage, langsame ansteigender Schwierigkeitsgrad) mit ausgefuchster Präsentation. Die Grafik ist eine Augenweide, das Scrolling herrlich sanft, und der Sound zählt zum Besten, was man je aus einer Monitor-Box vernommen hat. Es gibt da ein paar jazzig-bluesige Musikstücke, die würde ich mir glatt auf Platte kaufen! Bei so viel perfektion lassen sich die wenigen Schnitzer, die es zu finden gibt, klaglos wegstecken. Also, rein der Form halber: In den 2D-Leveln hüpft unsinnigerweise der Mond mit, wenn die Spielfigur springt, außerdem wird alle paar Bilder nachgeladen (ist aber bei der Grafikmenge kein Wunder...). naja, kann man wirklich drüber wegsehen. Vergessen wir auch die flache Hintergrundstory und freuen uns stattdessen an einem Game, das für das Action-Genre neue Maßstäbe setzen wird! (C. Borgmeier)

Amiga Joker, September 1990, p.p.?
Der Amiga Joker meint:
"Viva la France: Ubi Softs Unreal ist ein Action-Denkmal für französische Programmierkunst!"

Grafik: 92%
Sound: 92%
Handhabung: 78%
Spielidee: 38%
Dauerspaß: 81%
Preis/Leistung: 82%


Red. Urteil: 91%
Für Fortgeschrittene
Preis: ca. 84,- DM
Hersteller: Ubi Soft
Bezug: Rushware


Spezialität: Sehr schön: Über die F-Tasten können bis zu drei Spielstände abgespeichert werden. Schön: In der Box findet sich neben den drei Disks ein hübscher Poster. Weniger schön: Mit 512K läuft der Sound nur in einer abgespeckten Version.


UBI Soft, Amiga £29.99
Unreal was once a barren planet. But then the Sleeper awoke long enough to send a servant to create life there. The necessary ingredients were life-giving eggs, the four elements (water, air, earth, fire) and two guardians to maintain the balance between good and evil. Unfortunately, the servant was killed by a meteor and his possessions scattered, bringing chaos. The guardians soon become all powerful, controlling everything from dinosaurs to the smallest bee. The only exception was life in an isolate valley where a life egg fell which the guardians missed.
It was here that Isolde and Artaban were born. As they grow up they met a friendly dragon. But one day the servant of a guardian was here. He took Isolde to his master, who was instantly captivated by her beauty. Isolde agreed to marry him to save the valley.
But Artaban, after arming himself with the 'changing sword' (which can shoot fire or water if dipped in these elements), climbed onto the dragon and set off to rescue Isolde.
The game has eight levels: five have Artaban riding the dragon in a super-fast 3-D arcade game. Three are horizontally scrolling arcade adventures. Level one is 3-D with the dragon zooming though a forest packed with trees, bridges to fly under, huge dinosaurs and swooping bats. Pressing fire will destroy many of the creatures, useful when you dive down to pick up bonus objects, shields and improved firepower. Points are vital since they contribute to energy. Lose a lot of energy and you pause as if you'd lost a life. If you lose all energy you can continue in 'training mode' where no points are scored.
If you survive this level Artaban gets off the dragon, draws his sword and gets into arcade adventuring. The objective is simply to get to the end of massive horizontal-scrolling level. But it's far from easy. This forest is inhabited by sabre-tooth tigers, fire-spitting plants and much more besides. Simply hack 'n' slaying isn't enough. There's magical walkways which fall from air, form and then disappear. There's flaming logs which must be put out, vines to swing on and moving logs to cross rivers on.

Subsequent levels include a snowy wasteland (with wind which pushes you backwards) and a superb rotating castle which sends out zillions of dragons –the final confrontation takes place inside.

Zzap! Issue 64, August 1990, p.71

Unreal is obviously designed to outdo Shadow of the Beast as a superlative demonstration of the Amiga's graphics and sonics. In this it succeeds brilliantly. The arcade-adventure levels have superb graphics, full of detail and imagination. The huge palette of colours, smooth scrolling and speed at which large creatures are whizzed about are something only an Amiga could do. Plenty of thought has gone into it, as is shown by the way the floating dip when you land on them. Gameplay is tough, but very satisfying. The mini-stages making up the huge levels all contain puzzles, usually fairly simple though some are quite nasty.
3-D sections feature some superb background graphics, with numerous levels of parallax scrolling working flawlessly. The actual graphics of obstacles and enemy creatures are a bit blocky close-up, but they're huge, fast-moving and imaginative. Playing it gives a real arcade feel.

This is a quality product which uses the Amiga to the full. The horizontally scrolling stages are reminiscent of Shadow of the Beast but I found the graphics more attractive in their subtlety while the gameplay is more varied with plenty of simple puzzles to solve. The 3-D levels are very impressive technically with their incredibly high speed, though the simple blast-it-all action gets a bit repetitive after a while. Still, Unreal is a superb package, good value for money.

6 4
No plans for a C64 version. Not even the ST could cope with this one!

Save at any time, three game-save positions, flashy attract mode, nice end sequence and a free poster.
Three disks, but accessing is restricted to loading in the big levels.
The 2-D sections show off the Amiga's palette to the full, while 3-D sections have a great arcade feel.
Brilliant samples, but five original soundtracks aren't that great.
Instantly playable.
Lots to see and while very tough, save-features means it's do-able.
A visual spectacular which plays well too.



New Member
Feb 15, 2006
unreal some cool downloads

delacroix take a look here some old unreal stuff from 1998.

14-07-2000 Patch Pour version 2.26 final (7.5 Mo)

01-06-1999 Patch serveur v2.25f (7 Mo)

31-05-1999 Patch serveur v2.25e (7.2 Mo)

03-05-1999 Patch v2.24 (7 Mo)

14-12-1998 Patch 2.20 beta (6,5 Mo)

06-11-1998 Patch 2.19 beta (2 Mo)

27-10-1998 Patch 2.18 beta (2 Mo)

08-10-1998 Patch D3D Matrox G200 (50 Mo)

01-10-1998 Patch Version 2.17 Beta (2 Mo)

01-10-1998 Patch Version 2.17 Beta (2 Mo)

22-09-1998 Patch OpenGL (nouveau) (270 Mo)

22-09-1998 Patch OpenGL (280 Mo)

22-09-1998 Patch Version 2.09 beta (1.2 Mo)

22-09-1998 Patch Aureal A3D (95 Mo)

22-09-1998 Patch Cyrix beta 2 (150 Mo)

22-09-1998 Patch Voodoo Rush beta (1.9 Mo)

22-09-1998 Patch Space Orb (67 Mo)

some old patches also

look in section downloads

happy downloading
cheerz aka )bee(scarbelly.nl


New Member
Feb 15, 2006
another game from epic games

i don,t know what it is take a look


look wich year for dos amiga and amiga cd 32

Released: 1996 (complete release info)
Published By: Epic MegaGames, Inc.
Developed By: Safari Software Ltd., Vision Software
MobyScore: 3.8 (out of 5)
Platform: DOS -- combined view
Also for: Amiga, Amiga CD32

Genre: Action
Perspective: Top-Down
Non-Sport: Helicopter, Shooter

Most of the fundamentals of this game work in a similar way to Desert Strike. You pilot an Apache helicopter through 14 increasingly tough multi-stage missions, each of which is preceded by a full briefing. Missions are set in the desert and jungle as well as over the sea and in snowy regions. A scanner is installed into the helicopter to guide you, as is a mapping system and a limited shield.

You start with weapons including a standard chain gun, a FFAR rocket and Napalm for carpet-bombing. Extra weapons and fuel are located around the level. You can use a joystick or mouse to control the Apache, with 3 levels of mouse sensitivity, and a 2-player 'co-pilot' mode in which weapon selection is carried out by a second player.

Unusually, the game only scrolls vertically even though you have full directional movement. When you rotate the direction the ground moves underneath you, ensuring a more realistic effect and smartly mimicking motion effects.
[edit description]

Merchant Title
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy
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DOS Reviews
The DOS release of this game has not been reviewed. If you've played it, why not write a review?

This entry was contributed by Martin Smith (37378) and IJan (1999)

was from 1996 but i cot another one stay tuned!!!

here is a 1999 version of seek and destroy hav fun downloading
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New Member
Feb 15, 2006
another game from epic called tyrian

have some release info here:

Released: 1995 (complete release info)
Published By: Epic MegaGames, Inc.
Developed By: Eclipse Software
MobyScore: 3.9 (out of 5)
Platform: DOS

Genre: Action
Perspective: Top-Down
Non-Sport: Arcade, Shooter

Release dates, publisher and developer information for this game listed by platform:

Published ByEpic MegaGames, Inc.Developed ByEclipse Software
Country United StatesRelease Date1995
Published ByCDV Software Entertainment AGDeveloped ByEclipse Software
Country GermanyRelease DateFeb, 1996

Release dates contributed by Oliver Jahn (42738) and IJan (1999)


sorry guys no picture avalable! is a game from 1995
i have them a shareware game from epic

happy downloading:p

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New Member
Feb 15, 2006
wheel of time from 1991

wheel of time release info:

It is an extremely solid action game built on an excellent story and dressed up with stunning graphics.
Full Review »
By: GT Interactive, Legend Ent.
Genre: Action
Release Date: Oct 31, 1999
Players: 1-16 (tech info)

serious info now:p

When The Wheel of Time was first announced, gamers and Robert Jordan fans had reason to be both excited and apprehensive. On the one hand, it would bring to life one of the most detailed and fascinating fantasy worlds ever conceived. Wheel of Time promised a mix of first-person action, role-playing, adventure, and strategy, which is a combination few games have ever effectively managed. On the other hand, because the Wheel of Time novels are so deep, so intricate, and so well-loved by legions of devoted Jordan fans, the game seemed destined to disappoint. But in the end, the game's creators GT Interactive and Legend Entertainment succeeded through a combination of great storytelling, spectacular graphics, and uniquely complex first-person action.

Set before the first book in the series, Wheel of Time follows the turbulent adventures of Elayna, an Aes Sedai. Her sect holds a mystical seal, which is one of several seals used to jail the exceptionally evil Dark One in an ethereal prison. After the seal is stolen, Elayna must set out on a quest to recover the seal, thus setting in motion the events of the game.

Despite all the prerelease talk about Wheel of Time's incorporating several styles of gameplay in a cohesive package, Wheel of Time is an easy game to categorize: It is a first-person shooter. It is a complex and often extremely challenging shooter with some unique aspects of strategy and a strong story tinged with adventure elements, but it is a shooter first and foremost. In fact, it may be ten times the shooter that Unreal was. Even seasoned shooter veterans will be hard-pressed to make it through some of the game's levels alive without numerous saves and reloads. Much of the difficulty lies in the numerous and very tough creatures blocking your path, but part of the challenge also lies in mastering Elayna's weaponry.

Instead of relying on her sisterhood's magical powers, Elayna uses mystical artifacts known as ter'angreal, which are basically spell runes. You'll need all 40 of these ter'angreal to survive, and, luckily for you, they are scattered liberally throughout the maps and levels. The ter'angreal are very similar to the array of artifacts used in Raven's Heretic and Hexen games. However, in this case, the artifacts do not complement a basic set of weapons - instead, the ter'angreal include offensive weapons, defensive shields, a number of power-ups for healing, and more. Managing these items can be quite a chore - especially since many of the hotkeys are used for more than one ter'angreal, which means you must scroll through lists of things even in the heat of battle. Still, many of the artifacts can be used in conjunction with each other, leading to a dizzying array of possibilities during combat. The freeze ter'angreal makes a good precursor for the Balefire attack, for example.

You'll often find that some of these objects are placed too deliberately. For example, the water, air, and fire shields are almost always available only near an area where you absolutely must use them. In fact, in one early level, you swim a long distance underwater while picking up additional water shields so you don't go belly-up along the way. The shift, exchange places, and trap-detection ter'angreal are also conveniently placed in this manner.The upshot of this hand-holding is that many of the environmental puzzles and obstacles in Wheel of Time are very easy to figure out. There are few, if any, areas that will leave an experienced gamer frustrated for long. But this is almost a shame, as any excuse to spend more time wandering the spectacular levels would be welcome. Simply put, Wheel of Time features the most staggeringly beautiful levels ever seen in a first-person action game. Areas like the White Tower are exceptionally detailed with vaulted ceilings and realistic architecture highlighted by very elaborate textures. Even the outdoor levels are well designed and realistic, though it's the indoor levels where the game looks best. The Unreal engine has never looked so good.

Unfortunately, you'll need a Voodoo3 card to experience this splendor at its fullest. Even on a high-end Nvidia TNT2 Ultra card, the game looked pitifully bad in Direct3D mode. OpenGL was not much better and was far less stable. To make matters worse, the game chugs along painfully on most non-3dfx systems. Granted, a very fast machine with a TNT2 Ultra or GeForce 256 card and the latest GLSetup drivers would be sufficient - but the game will still look and run better with a Voodoo3. Still, if you have the right hardware, it's tough to beat Wheel of Time for sheer graphical beauty.

It's also tough to beat the game's story, which is nearly as complex as a Jordan novel. Told through a series of elaborately animated cutscenes, the story very effectively sets up each level in the game. Though the 3D character models leave a lot to be desired, the dialogue is well-written and informative, and the story does an excellent job of absorbing you into the adventure overall.

Even the way in which the single-player game builds up to its unique final challenge is intriguing and well-executed. You are led almost directly into the game's multiplayer citadel mode, so by the time you complete the single-player levels, you are almost fully prepared to tackle Wheel of Time in multiplayer mode. Though the play modes are not tightly integrated, it is refreshing to see the two tied together in light of the traditional arms-length distancing of single and multiplayer modes in first-person shooters.

Multiplayer support in Wheel of Time is excellent and features two distinct play modes. The first is basically a deathmatch. However, because of the ter'angreal, this deathmatch is more akin to Hexen than to the Quake or Unreal games. The complex artifact inventory system may prove too distracting for some players, while multiplayer Hexen fans will probably not be fazed at all.

Citadel, the game's other multiplayer mode, is very similar to capture the flag, except you can fortify your fortress (or citadel) with traps and computer-controlled guards. This is the mode that is likely to win Wheel of Time a sizeable online following. Placing traps and guards is challenging, but it's also a lot of fun and very satisfying when it works properly. You'll get a warm, fuzzy feeling whenever a would-be invader steps on a spear trap just as he's about to reach your seal.

Although there are a few glitches and apparent design flaws in Wheel of Time, none of them seriously hurt the game. For example, on one level in which Elayna must defend a dungeon from numerous waves of attack, no enemies showed up even after a 20-minute wait. Restarting the level fixed the problem. Other minor annoyances include enemy archers that fire their arrows at the speed of light and hit you easily even when you move out from behind cover for only a split second. Also, the game could use a better mode for practicing the multiplayer citadel mode, as the existing tutorial rushes you into and out of the action. Of course, you can learn the game through online experience, but there are those who would rather get their bearings straight before venturing onto the servers.

None of these small concerns significantly distract from the overall experience. It is an extremely solid action game built on an excellent story and dressed up with stunning graphics. Is it all that the prerelease hype may have led you to believe? No. Because the gameplay is essentially that of a pure shooter, there are certain to be some Robert Jordan fans who aren't completely pleased with the action-packed take on the Wheel of Time universe. But having said that, it is very difficult to dislike a game that delivers such an absorbing and exciting fantasy adventure.
By Michael E. Ryan
Posted Nov 30, 1999 12:00 am PT
Print this Story

here is the url including 2 bonuspacks happy downloading:p


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New Member
Feb 15, 2006
more pics

)bee(scarbelly.nl said:
wheel of time release info:

It is an extremely solid action game built on an excellent story and dressed up with stunning graphics.
Full Review »
By: GT Interactive, Legend Ent.
Genre: Action
Release Date: Oct 31, 1999
Players: 1-16 (tech info)

serious info now:p

When The Wheel of Time was first announced, gamers and Robert Jordan fans had reason to be both excited and apprehensive. On the one hand, it would bring to life one of the most detailed and fascinating fantasy worlds ever conceived. Wheel of Time promised a mix of first-person action, role-playing, adventure, and strategy, which is a combination few games have ever effectively managed. On the other hand, because the Wheel of Time novels are so deep, so intricate, and so well-loved by legions of devoted Jordan fans, the game seemed destined to disappoint. But in the end, the game's creators GT Interactive and Legend Entertainment succeeded through a combination of great storytelling, spectacular graphics, and uniquely complex first-person action.

Set before the first book in the series, Wheel of Time follows the turbulent adventures of Elayna, an Aes Sedai. Her sect holds a mystical seal, which is one of several seals used to jail the exceptionally evil Dark One in an ethereal prison. After the seal is stolen, Elayna must set out on a quest to recover the seal, thus setting in motion the events of the game.

Despite all the prerelease talk about Wheel of Time's incorporating several styles of gameplay in a cohesive package, Wheel of Time is an easy game to categorize: It is a first-person shooter. It is a complex and often extremely challenging shooter with some unique aspects of strategy and a strong story tinged with adventure elements, but it is a shooter first and foremost. In fact, it may be ten times the shooter that Unreal was. Even seasoned shooter veterans will be hard-pressed to make it through some of the game's levels alive without numerous saves and reloads. Much of the difficulty lies in the numerous and very tough creatures blocking your path, but part of the challenge also lies in mastering Elayna's weaponry.

Instead of relying on her sisterhood's magical powers, Elayna uses mystical artifacts known as ter'angreal, which are basically spell runes. You'll need all 40 of these ter'angreal to survive, and, luckily for you, they are scattered liberally throughout the maps and levels. The ter'angreal are very similar to the array of artifacts used in Raven's Heretic and Hexen games. However, in this case, the artifacts do not complement a basic set of weapons - instead, the ter'angreal include offensive weapons, defensive shields, a number of power-ups for healing, and more. Managing these items can be quite a chore - especially since many of the hotkeys are used for more than one ter'angreal, which means you must scroll through lists of things even in the heat of battle. Still, many of the artifacts can be used in conjunction with each other, leading to a dizzying array of possibilities during combat. The freeze ter'angreal makes a good precursor for the Balefire attack, for example.

You'll often find that some of these objects are placed too deliberately. For example, the water, air, and fire shields are almost always available only near an area where you absolutely must use them. In fact, in one early level, you swim a long distance underwater while picking up additional water shields so you don't go belly-up along the way. The shift, exchange places, and trap-detection ter'angreal are also conveniently placed in this manner.The upshot of this hand-holding is that many of the environmental puzzles and obstacles in Wheel of Time are very easy to figure out. There are few, if any, areas that will leave an experienced gamer frustrated for long. But this is almost a shame, as any excuse to spend more time wandering the spectacular levels would be welcome. Simply put, Wheel of Time features the most staggeringly beautiful levels ever seen in a first-person action game. Areas like the White Tower are exceptionally detailed with vaulted ceilings and realistic architecture highlighted by very elaborate textures. Even the outdoor levels are well designed and realistic, though it's the indoor levels where the game looks best. The Unreal engine has never looked so good.

Unfortunately, you'll need a Voodoo3 card to experience this splendor at its fullest. Even on a high-end Nvidia TNT2 Ultra card, the game looked pitifully bad in Direct3D mode. OpenGL was not much better and was far less stable. To make matters worse, the game chugs along painfully on most non-3dfx systems. Granted, a very fast machine with a TNT2 Ultra or GeForce 256 card and the latest GLSetup drivers would be sufficient - but the game will still look and run better with a Voodoo3. Still, if you have the right hardware, it's tough to beat Wheel of Time for sheer graphical beauty.

It's also tough to beat the game's story, which is nearly as complex as a Jordan novel. Told through a series of elaborately animated cutscenes, the story very effectively sets up each level in the game. Though the 3D character models leave a lot to be desired, the dialogue is well-written and informative, and the story does an excellent job of absorbing you into the adventure overall.

Even the way in which the single-player game builds up to its unique final challenge is intriguing and well-executed. You are led almost directly into the game's multiplayer citadel mode, so by the time you complete the single-player levels, you are almost fully prepared to tackle Wheel of Time in multiplayer mode. Though the play modes are not tightly integrated, it is refreshing to see the two tied together in light of the traditional arms-length distancing of single and multiplayer modes in first-person shooters.

Multiplayer support in Wheel of Time is excellent and features two distinct play modes. The first is basically a deathmatch. However, because of the ter'angreal, this deathmatch is more akin to Hexen than to the Quake or Unreal games. The complex artifact inventory system may prove too distracting for some players, while multiplayer Hexen fans will probably not be fazed at all.

Citadel, the game's other multiplayer mode, is very similar to capture the flag, except you can fortify your fortress (or citadel) with traps and computer-controlled guards. This is the mode that is likely to win Wheel of Time a sizeable online following. Placing traps and guards is challenging, but it's also a lot of fun and very satisfying when it works properly. You'll get a warm, fuzzy feeling whenever a would-be invader steps on a spear trap just as he's about to reach your seal.

Although there are a few glitches and apparent design flaws in Wheel of Time, none of them seriously hurt the game. For example, on one level in which Elayna must defend a dungeon from numerous waves of attack, no enemies showed up even after a 20-minute wait. Restarting the level fixed the problem. Other minor annoyances include enemy archers that fire their arrows at the speed of light and hit you easily even when you move out from behind cover for only a split second. Also, the game could use a better mode for practicing the multiplayer citadel mode, as the existing tutorial rushes you into and out of the action. Of course, you can learn the game through online experience, but there are those who would rather get their bearings straight before venturing onto the servers.

None of these small concerns significantly distract from the overall experience. It is an extremely solid action game built on an excellent story and dressed up with stunning graphics. Is it all that the prerelease hype may have led you to believe? No. Because the gameplay is essentially that of a pure shooter, there are certain to be some Robert Jordan fans who aren't completely pleased with the action-packed take on the Wheel of Time universe. But having said that, it is very difficult to dislike a game that delivers such an absorbing and exciting fantasy adventure.
By Michael E. Ryan
Posted Nov 30, 1999 12:00 am PT
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here is the url including 2 bonuspacks happy downloading:p



some pictures are from the 2005 wot:p
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New Member
Feb 15, 2006
wot 2005

)bee(scarbelly.nl said:
i fish that up for you
look at the urls up here there is a wot from 2005 happy downloading :p
And from 1991 also a demo version ill take a look for some torrent files stay tuned.

ok here thy are the file from isohunt is when downloading 1,2 gb big i think that is the 2005 version the other s the demo version happy downloading:p
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New Member
Feb 15, 2006
all updates for wot are here :

Wizards Gets Rights to Wheel of Time
The tabletop role-playing company Wizards of the Coast secures the rights to Robert Jordan's fantasy novel series.
NEWS - Posted Nov 6, 2000 3:14 pm PT Wheel of Time Kingdom Come bonus map
A bonus map for you!
DOWNLOAD - Posted Jan 27, 2000 12:00 am PT Wheel of Time: The Inquisition bonus map
A bonus map for Wheel of Time.
DOWNLOAD - Posted Jan 27, 2000 12:00 am PT The Wheel of Time Review
It is an extremely solid action game built on an excellent story and dressed up with stunning graphics.
REVIEW - Posted Nov 30, 1999 12:00 am PT Wheel of Time demo
Try out Wheel of Time with this demo.
DOWNLOAD - Posted Nov 12, 1999 2:57 pm PT Wheel of Time server patch
If you're hosting a Wheel of Time server, get this patch
DOWNLOAD - Posted Nov 12, 1999 12:00 am PT Wheel of Time D3D patch
This patch should improve Direct3D performance on TNT2 cards
DOWNLOAD - Posted Nov 12, 1999 12:00 am PT Wheel of Time
What do you get when you cross acclaimed fantasy author Robert Jordan's novels with the Unreal engine? Ron Dulin explains.
PREVIEW - Posted Sep 16, 1999 12:00 am PT


happy downloading

Exus Tecius

like diamonds in the sky
Sep 24, 2003
Visit site
hey mate:)
i repeat once again.we are looking in this thread for the first unreal beta if possible with the dragon included.and i am talking about the unreal mady by epic games.got it?


New Member
Feb 15, 2006
tyrian 2000 download

Tyrian 2000Tyrian is one of the best top-down shooters ever made for the PC, period. With excellent graphics, smooth animations, and many inventive enemies and levels, it remains one of the best-loved shooters that still stay on many fans? hard drives. Newcomer XSIV Games had a lot to live up to in developing the unofficial sequel to this masterpiece, but fortunately, Tyrian 2000 more than deserves the Tyrian name.

First look at the game should comfort every old-school arcade fans that XSIV Games is on the right track. Instead of upgrading the original game?s graphics to modern-day 3D pizzazz, the designers chose to use the same 2D VGA graphics that Tyrian fans are familiar with. The game offers several game modes including: One Player Full Game, One Player Arcade Game, Timed Battle, and Two Player Arcade Game. The game has three difficulty levels, 10 ships and over 100 weapons. The goal in every mode is basically the same: blow away your enemies and rake in as many points you can, and try not to die. You only have one life, but there are enough power-ups and add-ons to keep you going as long as you don't become careless.

The difference between One Player Full mode and the other modes is the option to buy new parts for your ship before every level. Your flight takes you through a set of campaign missions, and credits are built up by collecting points and space coins which flip through the air after you destroy certain vessels. Eventually you can upgrade your rear, side, and front guns, making your ship a force to be reckoned with. The high difficulty level of Tyrian is back, but even more difficult this time around. You have shields that are constantly diminishing, there's no way to prevent yourself from getting hit unless you have godlike reflexes, so you need to be careful.

The sound is very nice, with original synthesized music tracks, and a jukebox to play them outside the game. These tracks come in CD Audio format, so you can also play them in an ordinary CD player. With 65 levels that span over 5 episodes, multiplayer modes, and the same furious gameplay that Tyrian fans miss, Tyrian 2000 deserves to go down in history as one of the best shooter sequels ever made. Billed as an affordable alternative arcade game, Tyrian 2000 serves to remind everyone that it doesn't always take a high budget gaming machine to satisfy.
Source 1 - Download (4952kB)
Source 2 - Download (4910kB)

sourch :


New Member
Feb 15, 2006
hey mate:)
i repeat once again.we are looking in this thread for the first unreal beta if possible with the dragon included.and i am talking about the unreal mady by epic games.got it?
if you are bether with searching go ahead!nobody stops you here!
got it?another thing i did find a unreal from 1991 if you scrol back you can download him woot!
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