Thoughts on your development as a player

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It's Crunchy. It's Nice.
Jan 28, 2001
Indiana, USA
Popular Thread

God can we all feel this pain or what? Ups and downs buddy, that's what its all about. Spend three nights trolling CTF servers and dominating the games, then all of the sudden one of these enforcer type power players just schools the hell out of you time after time. I marvel at the skill of some of these players.
To echo again, the sentiment, weapons diversification and map familiarity are key. I used to hate the Bio Rifle...just friggin hated the thing, but I made conscious effort to use it more and more and now I can be a real pain in your ass in ETERNAL CAVES. I'm still not hot at shock rifle, but good shock players can dominate, and I really respect that. Personally, I love high mouse sensitvity so I can turn faster and be more aware of enviornment, but if your using weapons like Shock and Sniper that require more accuracy, high mouse sensitivity can hurt you. I have hard time learning from game demos bcause what you see doesn't always automtically tell you what that player was doing at the time, though there are some tips you can pick up from them. Man, hang in there, those plateaus can seem to last forever, it spurts some times...go a couple of weeks and feel like you haven't improved or even digressed, then have real good couple of weeks when you feel yourslf improving. Most importantly, remember in team games, skill is only the SECOND most important factor. Even players with the most basic of skills can help the team. If you can take a frag for a flag carrier and give them four extra steps out of the base, you've helped the team. Body block for your carrier, engage the enemy as long as you can to distract them from the the may get fragged, but you've taken that particular enemy out of the way for a a few seconds. In Deathmatch, that's pure combat skill, and you'll find that a good DM player isn't always the best CTF or even Assault player. A lot of DMers play too selfishly in CTF and end up scoring high but with their team losing. That's why I like team games better, it takes a little more smarts...engaging the enemy head on is not always the best way.


Sucks, don't it?

Yeah, I gotta post here too. And I gotta say I'm completely disillusioned with my gameplay. I was playing a game with my clanmates recently and got my ass kicked from here to New Mexico! (and going to New Mex. from the moon is a loooooong way, my friends). I just couldn't stop thinking, how would I be able to help at all when I was playing with my clan against others if I can't even play well against my clan? I've since cooled down, but that wasn't why I wrote this post (heh.. heh.. um). You know what I really hate? I hate when people change teams in the middle of a netgame and use the excuse "My team sucks!" This has happened to me more than once, and the switching person was on my team before he switched. Then my team, dubbed the "losers", got constantly ragged on by the other team. "Blue sucks!" And other such things. And that really pisses me off. What happened to good sportsmanship? It's bad enough that people win against me all the time (I am, after all, a relative newbie to UT), but then they shove it in my face and tell me to buzz off. And that is the type of thing that would cause me (and others, I'm sure) to stop playing UT for long periods of time, if I didn't love the game so much! :D But anyway.. just to put an end to my inane ramble.. I just had to get that off my chest.

Pillsbury Flow Boy

The Stairway to Revvin'
Jan 22, 2001
I've watched and spectated some of the best players from all around, UTC, I've even watched some of you guys here (You may not have seen me, but I've been there :D) and I've noticed that even the best players, have there faults... like not strafing when they should've been... but one thing you have to remember is, no matter how good you are, there is always somebody better... cliffyb may be able to own you on a lot of maps... but there is that ONE map that he doesn't play as well... use these things to your advantage... I'm gonna compare this to Ultima Online... because I know it so well...

When I first began playing Ultima Online... a bunny was a threat to me... well I played... and I played... and day after day I got slowly better... starting moving up the food chain slowly moving up to killing ettins and ogres... and finally beating a red dragon... well the fact is... if you fight bunny's all day, what skill do you gain? none... you need to get out and fight that monster that you thought you couldn't kill... I though an ettin would eat me alive... when I finally decided to take one down, it took me 6 hits to kill it... the first time I ever fought one... I didn't do any damage to it...

I'm nowhere near the best player... but I'm good, I just need to practice with the rocket launcher a little more... I've been shockwhoring so much, I forgot how to work the other weapons :) A HPB shockwhore... hehe... and the godlike bots with max everything sucks... I can usually come in first place... but that's only on deck16, liandri, and curse... maybe agony... instagib is insanely difficult.... I have only tried it once... and after a miserable loss... I said never again... but that was a while ago....


It's Crunchy. It's Nice.
Jan 28, 2001
Indiana, USA
Okay, Godlike With Everything Maxed

Okay, maybe I just totally suck and have never really played the "Good" players online. I can usually hop into random severs and post good or top scores 80% of the time. But GODLIKE with everything setting max. I am always skeptical when people make this claim. I think this this is crap. I have no doubt that there are some players out there up for that type of challenge, but if even 50% come out to to say that that is no problem for you, I'll consider quitting the game all together.
Unless you pull the cheesy shit: Piston/Spawn camping, cheating/aimbot/cheat codes, exploiting map bugs or such, how and the hell? The bots with accuracy maxed are pretty much one shot one kill no matter how fast you can move. So when someone says something like "Oh, I'm a decent player, I can almost always beat Godlike bots with everything maxed..." I have to chuckle. Someone who can do that consistently will own my ass.
I'm the first to admit, I still get taken to school by some great players online, but not that damned often. Some one beating Godlike with all settings maxed shouldn't get fragged online, EVER...and apart from funbot (and other hack) cheaters--those players are few and far between in spite of all the accusations that go on all the time--I have rarerly if ever seen someone of that caliber playing, And I've logged thousands of hours in the pubs.
Anybody else feel this way?


Jan 5, 2001
Ottawa, Canada
I've been spending more time lately specing that I used too. On some servers I spec because the guys that play they are just plain cool and great sports(I was specing one match where one guy was busy typing and the other guy came up and started dancing infront of him... I'm sure we were all laughing at it and sure enough the guy dancing ate some rockets but it was priceless). On the pubs I'll watch the guy that's dominating the game since I've either played them already or will play them eventually. What I've noticed is that there is definately something to be said for knowing a map.

For instance: I hated pressure. I'd get beaten so nailed by guys running around with rockets all the time. I eventually figured out what I was doing wrong... basically I was ignoring the Flak Cannon(didn't know it's exact location and couldn't get to it consistently). I also wasn't using the rocket launcher at the top effectively either. Once I realized that I noticed that there are times when it's safe to make the dash into the trap for the powerups too...

Once I started to use the map properly I was getting at least 7 kills per game with the flak just as many with the rockets and I was even getting the powerups more too.

Now I'll even join a server when Pressure is the current map instead of waiting it out... LOL


Jul 31, 2000
East Fort Sp0rkville
you know, i see this claim often too - and i have to doubt it.

1v1 - maybe - because a ridiculously skilled player could use his map/chokepoint knowlege combined with the bots predictability to a pretty decent advantage.

but if you're telling me that on liandri, with 5 or 6 godlike bots maxed accuracy, aggressive, jumpy, and strafing behaviour that you can beat loque with the mini gun, tammerlane with the sniper, another with the alt pulse - so on and so forth - then i'll just have to see it to be convinced.

i mean first of all, there is NO human that can work the hitscan weapons as well as a godlike maxxed out loque or tammerlane - none.

not to mention that in an ffa with these settings, the bots are just killing the hell out of each other faster than you can fire!

i don' t know, maybe it can be done - it just seems unlikely in a ffadm setting.

i did get a double kill one time against novice bots though - w000000t!


Pillsbury Flow Boy

The Stairway to Revvin'
Jan 22, 2001
'usually' is the key word here... If I'm having a bad day... well then bottom of the list... but I've also changed all the bots skills and stuff around... so I don't have any bots running around with the chaingun and an AMP kicking my ass all the time... I've only got 3 of the top 8 with jumpy behaviour and one with sniper rifle as favorite... but I'm always camping the shieldbelt\redeemer hallway in Liandri... so it's quite easy once you get moving... there's health and the trouble thing... dodge back... launch the redeemer, and run around a corner... I've also played bots so much that I know the way they work... deck16 is really easy once you get the pathing down... just don't let them near the sniper rifle and it's ok :) Agony, you use the wide open area by the shock to your advantage... if your good with the shock... then kills should come easy... Any other map though and I get decimated... it's hilarious to see my score on peak... -10 at the end of the match and 50 death ;) I've only got a few really god maps... like liandri Deck16, and Agony... I'm pretty good at running the map on Curse... but it's pretty big to do that... It's just that when I get online... I have alot of troubles because I got so used to the predictability of bots, that it comes as a shock when somebody drops down to a lower level and then shock combos up at me... I just think "Hey... I didn't know you where pro... oh wait," It's just the fact that I lag so bad... and I wanna play UT, so I start up a game with a bunch of bots... and start playing... I'll say it again... I'm WAY not the best player... most people here could probably beat me... but it's just the fact that There's a couple maps that I play so much... that I got so used to knowing every nook and cranny, and knowing exactly how to jump to get everywhere... But only on a few maps... and don't ever catch me on Hyperblast... I suck on that map :)
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