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New Member
May 24, 2000
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Hope your happy now Lord Khaine!!
Ok here is my list....

Best UT player:Voyd, by far..saw him play.
Best CTF player:Ruffrider (he gets lucky)
Best DM player:Troll (she is good)
Best 1 on 1 player:Blow Smoke
Best Shock Whore:Cookie Monster
Lowest Ping:hmmm..whoever has there own server
Highest Ping:Lord Khaine (of course)
Best HPB:Lord Khaine
Biggest Ego:Lord Khaine
Most Annoying PuF:Blender (sorry B)
Most Helpful PuF:Zaccix
Most liked PuF:Jenny (have to give her that one, people cant stop talking bout her)
Most improved:Well since I cant say me...then it will have to be BOOM!
Biggest m0: WTF is m0?
Best Admin:hmm...Rooster is the only one I can think of now.
Best PuF:hmmm..i think we should all win that PuF without people!!! :)




Thanx for the vote Lady.. I admit that most of the time I play good because of luck.


AKA Ruffrider
"My House!"
In the words of Boom... "Boom!"

LordKhaine "Wonders why all the PuF women seem to hate him, even though hes never insulted any of them:("
Ruffrider "They are afraid of your big penis LK"
LordKhaine "ROFLMAO!"

Currently Available for recruiting.


Rumpshaking Moderator
Mar 28, 2000
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You have totally outclassed me Lady Ruiner. I'm not talking about UT skills, I'm talking about class as a person. You voted for me for most improved and I didn't vote for you. :eek:

I feel like a weenie. I left that catagory blank on my votepost. And I must be honest and admit the shameful truth. The only reason I didn't vote for you for most improved is because I thought it might come down to the two of us and I suddenly got a competitive streak in me.

I feel almost dirty now ;)

I do honestly think that you are the most improved, so I want to do the right thing and amend my votes right here.

Most improved = Lady_Ruiner.

Not only am I gonna vote for you, I'm gonna campaign for you now. :) Here is why Lady is really the most improved. We both started out pretty stinky, and we are both getting better.... But my improvement is at least partially due to tweaking my system to boost my fps from 10 to 30. The Lady's improvement is simply due to her hardcore play. She gets on #planetunreal, growls at us "grrrrrrr" and demands that someone posts an ip immediately so that we can get it on. :) Lady has improved from lots of play. Does anybody remember a guy named Ruiner who used to play with us ;) The Lady has put in her time, is always fun to play with, and her growing skills can't be denied. So even if I do win most improved, I'll be officially giving the title to Lady ;)


Clan [Boom]
The undisputed, world champion, 1on1, UT clan.


Wolf/Trin/Vanilla aren't the only famility in PuF... ;)


PuF: Come play dying.

Send articles/rants/editorials to The Soundoff and have your say!



Maybe I can get a few more votes in my favor. :).


AKA Ruffrider
"My House!"
In the words of Boom... "Boom!"

LordKhaine "Wonders why all the PuF women seem to hate him, even though hes never insulted any of them:("
Ruffrider "They are afraid of your big penis LK"
LordKhaine "ROFLMAO!"

Currently Available for recruiting.


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
Okay, I've avoided this long enough. I insist on explaining, so count slower. Serves you right LK for starting this... :)

Best UT player: (dont repeat this person in any of the other game type awards , ie, AS, DM etc)

Spam award: (To vote for whoever has spammed the most in our sacred forums :)) BOOM (jenny hasn't been spamming as much as when she first started.)

Best CTF player: DragonAsh/Rooster (tied imo)

Best LMS player: Kl3in according to Gueryella

Best Team DM player: I'll know more about this soon, I hope...

Best shock rifle whóre: OFCandyman used it well against me and my flackho ways in our 1v1 tourney on Deck16

Best HPB player: Ruffrider (in ctf)

Most suicidal UT player: I'll never forget KingKobra getting a score of -110 (yes, that's minus) in a game of Lava Giant

Most annoying PuF:xxBonesxx
Most helpful PuF: Rooster
Most liked PuF: PuF who is most liked by PuF as a whole: Jenny/Boom
Biggest m0:Barcode Boy (even if he isn't around)
Best Admin: Rooster for his helpfulness and posting, Y5 for his humour (can you say "Farting Preacher"?)

FUNNIEST TAUNT: FatherJack "I've seen choirboys fight back harder than you!!!"

btw: MrSmallberries: I'm glad you enjoy my I am here msg's :) You'll enjoy my "Meet me here, I've got a doobie" one too. :)


Because hey, if it weren't for Llamas? I wouldn't seem like such a great guy.


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
My reply timed out. If this ends up doubling up, I apologize. I'm strictly ctf, and will delete unappropriate topics.

Best UT player: (dont repeat this person in any of the other game type awards , ie, AS, DM etc)
Spam award: (To vote for whoever has spammed the most in our sacred forums :)) THEN: Jenny NOW: Boom

Best CTF player :DragonAsh/Rooster

Best LMS player:KL3IN (according to Gueryella)

Best Team DM player: I'll know more about that in a month or so. ]LoL[

Best shock rifle whóre: OF Candyman combo ho'd my flackarse in our 1v1DM on Deck16 in the tourney. He did very well with it.

Best HPB player: Ruffrider (@ctf) (You owe me a beer buddy :))

Most suicidal UT player: KingKobra (I'll never forget his score of -110, yes that's minus, in a game of Lava Giant.)

Worst UT player: Any Llama who ruins the game for any other person.

Most annoying PuF:xxBonesXX
Most helpful PuF: Rooster
Most liked PuF: PuF who is most liked by PuF as a whole: Jenny/Boom

Biggest m0: Barcode Boy, even though he's not around any more

Best Admin: Rooster for his posts/helpfulness and Y5 for his humour. (Can you say "Farting Preacher"?)

FUNNIEST TAUNT: FatherJack "I've seen choirboys fight back harder than you!"

btw MrSmallberries: I'm glad you like my "I am here" msg's. You're going to enjoy seeing "Meet me here, I've got a doobie".


To bad I aint old enough to buy you beer :(. How bout I give you the $$$ and you can buy your own and pick me up a bottle of JD while your there :).


AKA Ruffrider
"My House!"
In the words of Boom... "Boom!"

LordKhaine "Wonders why all the PuF women seem to hate him, even though hes never insulted any of them:("
Ruffrider "They are afraid of your big penis LK"
LordKhaine "ROFLMAO!"

Currently Available for recruiting.


I sing the body electric...
Dec 6, 1999
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OK, voting is now halted. Ill count up the votes and post them here tommorow. So dont try to vote anymore cos it wont count :)


New Member
Nov 29, 1999
windsor, ontaio, canada
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Here goes (thanks for the votes guys but <insert favourite humble self-defacing comment here>

Best UT player: Voyd --hands down
Spam award: Rooster c'mon, he had too :)
Best CTF player: Rooster (or some other |C| player)
Best DM player: ? never play
Best 1 on 1 player: Ritz (never been smacked by Voyd (NBSV))
Best AS player:?
Best DOM player:?
Best LMS player:?
Best Team DM player:?
Best shock rifle whóre: Rooster
Lowest ping: Rooster
Highest ping: LK
Best HPB player:LK
Biggest Ego: Blender
Most suicidal UT player: ?
Worst UT player: Poet (heheh, inside joke, don't want to disparage anyone)
Most annoying PuF: ditto
Most helpful PuF: Rooster
Most liked PuF: PuF who is most liked by PuF as a whole: Xy/etc
Most improved UT player: Boom
Biggest m0: i don't even know whata m0 is, but it has to be me :)
Best Admin: Rooster--great clean up (not to mention server).


New Member
Nov 29, 1999
windsor, ontaio, canada
Visit site
Here goes (thanks for the votes guys but <insert favourite humble self-defacing comment here>

Best UT player: Voyd --hands down
Spam award: Rooster c'mon, he had too :)
Best CTF player: Rooster (or some other |C| player)
Best DM player: ? never play
Best 1 on 1 player: Ritz (never been smacked by Voyd (NBSV))
Best AS player:?
Best DOM player:?
Best LMS player:?
Best Team DM player:?
Best shock rifle whóre: Rooster
Lowest ping: Rooster
Highest ping: LK
Best HPB player:LK
Biggest Ego: Blender
Most suicidal UT player: ?
Worst UT player: Poet (heheh, inside joke, don't want to disparage anyone)
Most annoying PuF: ditto
Most helpful PuF: Rooster
Most liked PuF: PuF who is most liked by PuF as a whole: Xy/etc
Most improved UT player: Boom
Biggest m0: i don't even know whata m0 is, but it has to be me :)
Best Admin: Rooster--great clean up (not to mention server).


Cry havoc! and let slip the dogs of war.
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