No one else voting for Berries for CTF? After last night I still maintain that Berries is the best... GO BERRIES GO!. Mainly because there's nothing so awesome as a little blue chick who seems to be everywhere at once while keeping a running commentary going.
TEAM: Sniper Alert!
2 seconds later...
TEAM: Sniper Eliminated!
I wish I had a copy of the console from last night. The game started with me and Berries against 3 people (then Gato joined and helped us out).
I'm on defense on Hydro, and having a grand old time watching the chatbox.
MrSmallberries has the red flag!
______ was ripped to shreds by Mr Smallberries' flak cannon!
______ was ripped to shreds by Mr Smallberries' flak cannon!
_____was smacked down my Mr Smallberries' rocketlauncher!
The red team is OWNED by Berries!
The red team is cowering in fear from berries!
Berries is on a killing spree!
The Little Blue Chick just spanked the Red Team till they cried!
well not really, but you get the idea...
He grabbed the flag all on his lonesome, got a spree on the way back, red players dying right and left, and carried it all the way home without assist. Broadcasting all the way.
I'm sure all the other nominees rock like crazy in CTF, but for sheer style I say Berries is the man!
--Troll should be working right now