Okay, I've avoided this long enough. I insist on explaining, so count slower. Serves you right LK for starting this...
Best UT player: (dont repeat this person in any of the other game type awards , ie, AS, DM etc)
Spam award: (To vote for whoever has spammed the most in our sacred forums

BOOM (jenny hasn't been spamming as much as when she first started.)
Best CTF player: DragonAsh/Rooster (tied imo)
Best LMS player: Kl3in according to Gueryella
Best Team DM player: I'll know more about this soon, I hope...
Best shock rifle whóre: OFCandyman used it well against me and my flackho ways in our 1v1 tourney on Deck16
Best HPB player: Ruffrider (in ctf)
Most suicidal UT player: I'll never forget KingKobra getting a score of -110 (yes, that's minus) in a game of Lava Giant
Most annoying PuF:xxBonesxx
Most helpful PuF: Rooster
Most liked PuF: PuF who is most liked by PuF as a whole: Jenny/Boom
Biggest m0

arcode Boy (even if he isn't around)
Best Admin: Rooster for his helpfulness and posting, Y5 for his humour (can you say "Farting Preacher"?)
FUNNIEST TAUNT: FatherJack "I've seen choirboys fight back harder than you!!!"
btw: MrSmallberries: I'm glad you enjoy my I am here msg's

You'll enjoy my "Meet me here, I've got a doobie" one too.
Because hey, if it weren't for Llamas? I wouldn't seem like such a great guy.