My sig isn't scary, sheesh.

It's taken from "seven" you figure out the deadly sin.........
Anyway, I dunno about all this.
Like I said before, there are plenty of people out there that use a lot of different weapons, most of them with a signature style. They all kill me relatively equally. I get angrier seeing that I got popped by SWAT with his PSG or Taque with the dreaded RC50 from across the map than I do by someone with an M4 or AKM. UN with his deadly pistol only. (Which I used to laugh at.............for about the first 30 seconds in the map).
I find it relatively funny because I pick up an M4 after not playing in a month, get ripped apart every round in the first 30 seconds, but if I happen to get a kill on the mapmaster, I'm an "M4 whore".
I would also have to disagree with you about IMT's realism v. balance issues. Balance imo is considered. Specifically, my experience with Duke's Barrett .50. Anybody that doesn't think that would be an ubersniper's dream is a lunatic. Balance is always an issue in the developer's mind, because you just can't develop something that accurate and powerful without considering balance issues. People complained because they could no longer hip the Robar. ????? If balance wasn't considered, make a suitcase nuke option/loadout. Maps would really cycle fast then.
I realize that people have issues with some of the weapons, and I realize that most of the time, the spirit of the complaints is to affect change, and offer suggestions for what one person or a couple of people might feel is necessary. But the psychology of it is, that when someone spends a lot of their own time, and truly try to make something that they believe will contribute to the game, and add some diversity, it's human nature to become somewhat defensive when you get hit with what's wrong with your creation every 30 seconds.
You have to understand, that when you put something like that together, as soon as it's released, this is wrong, that is wrong, fix this, fix that, or the dreaded....."yeah, that's nice, now how about hurrying up and doing these 45 other weapons that I like". I'm not saying that everyone should run around praising IMT and kissing their ass for making something, I am just sort of explaining how I see things.
Believe me, IMT takes ideas, implements as best they can, as realistically as they can, and there is no predetermined idea of making a gun easier/better than any other creation. It's just a house of brainstorming and working together as best a loosely put together group can. I guess I'm sorry some of you don't like it, but don't attribute it to some grand conspiracy of "screwing up Infiltration" or that they make these creations with less than the best interests of the community as a whole. They don't.
As far as Arethusa posting links to IMT arguments, misunderstandings, or posts that he felt offensive, I guess I can't appreciate posting stuff like that here. I'm not going to be as critical toward Arethusa as he has been toward IMT. I respect his opinion, even though we have a tendency to disagree so much that even when we agree, we look for disagreement first. Some people have different ways of responding and approaching arguments. I'm not saying that I like or agree with them, it's just the way it is. Some people and their comments you just have to take with a grain of salt.
I've found that posting in the forums has nothing to do with true feelings. It has everything to do with exercising your mastery of the English language with such vitreol and hatred that you attempt not to win the argument with content, but rather dominate the argument with "top the insult".
And now I've broken the cardinal rule of posting way too much for people to actually read and digest - so instead, like a politician's speech, people will take what they want out of it and read what they want. Have at it.
BTW, I still love you Keg, but I am truly surprised at the way you've presented this. I've always known you to be a very reasonable, level - headed person. I honestly didn't associate the sarcasm in your first couple of posts. Didn't seem like you. Obviously, this AKM thing has you upset. In all seriousness, what do you think the answer is?