Nightmare- The spring colleted bushing has been around for 30 odd years now. It's been tested, just not by the U.S.Military.
"Qualified Gunsmiths"? I'll hazard a guess. "Zero" - Gunsmithing, and being an armorer are radically diffrent things. One involves the creation of a firearm from bare stock, the other involves maintenance. The U.S. has'nt manufactured it's own martial firearms in some time now, depending on outside contractors instead.
Regarding how difficult this changeover is? I'll walk you through it.
1, ensure the handgun is unloaded. Let the slide forward, and decock the hammer.
2,push the bushing retaining plug in, and turn the bushing til it releases. Ease the spring pressure off.
3, recompress the return spring with thumb pressure, and push the new bushing over the barrel, turning it until the bushing retaining plunger clicks into the recess of the plunger.
4, function test, and return to service.
Sounds like that "practical"shooter is using a racegunned para ordinance. that's like comparing my WW2 vintage M1911A1 to a Colt .36 Navy. Unfortunately, that's the direction PPC, and IPSC has been going.
The chances of the U.S. Military recontracting to make another batch of 1911's for general issue are all but nonexistant. The M9 is here to stay.