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I won
Apr 20, 2002
i was thinking, the top list being chosen by reviewers/admins, not just taking the top scoring

and 50 is way too much really. i was thinking 20 max

or, put those 50 (minus the jokes) up for a vote and have the top 20 or so on the ownage list, so people arent complaining too much that it was undemocratic or something.


The Seldom Seen Kid
Yes, OK, some adjustments then.
Let the reviewers all select 3 of their favourite maps (reviewed by themselves naturally), and put those in an ownage section.
As for the Top 50..... well, I'm gonna act as a n00b..... again.
Is there not a way in which you could edit out the april fool's joke's? Simply make those not elligable for placement. And yes, the review scale situation... well, I'm blank about that. Not even an idea that is in no way possible. But it's the idea that counted. I'm just new, feel like I'm missing out on a lot. Now, the top 50 had quite a lot of the classics. I don't care much about the order they're in, as long as I've got every must dl listed up very nicely. And yes, of course I could be specific in the search menu, but once more I typ accesebility, what I've misspelled, but that's okay: I'm Dutch! So no blaming.
OK, but we're having 2 ideas here, which are constantly mixing.
The top something (i dunno, don't you think 20 is a bit small? Since UT is 5 years old, you'd get about 4 maps out of a year, and lots more of good maps are created within a season than one). And the ownage list.
Now, I think those are to much alike to execute em both. So we'd have to choose.
And why not let the members of nc do that?


Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
Visit site
[CON]Ronin said:
Yes, OK, some adjustments then.
Let the reviewers all select 3 of their favourite maps (reviewed by themselves naturally), and put those in an ownage section.

Don't like the 3 maps from our own reviews, there are maps that are great that have been reviewed by others, or maybe not at all.

But each reviewer picking 5-10 maps, and then maybe filtering out some would be good. :tup:


The Seldom Seen Kid
Well, as far as the Top50 which you've already made...
Why not keep it (perhaps filter out the April Fool's jokes).
And if you're so desperate to delete it, please wait till I dl them all. But still, I think that it's a pretty good addition to nc. But of course you decide


New but not improved.
Nov 4, 2001
I've come up with a lot of ideas in the private forums, so don't think that no one else is coming up with ideas :p

Keyword Idea 1
Perhaps maps could be defined more. Not just "deathmatch" or "ctf", but "1on1", "Map edit", "Open" "3on3 team deathmatch". This would help searching easier and give more detailed analysis of maps.

Blacklist Idea
if a map is called "TorlanSEsuperextraonevehicleinthemiddle2000" then because it has Torlan in, it is added to the "list". Every now and again we can check the list and if it is an offending map, we can hit it repetedly with the go away stick.

Reviewer Rating Idea
another thing, you got user user ratings, what about reviewer ratings? What people think about reviewers could effect ratings they give out. Say if people thought I was over-rating maps in general, they could rate me and it would effect it, but only if enough people thought about it.

Random Review Box Idea
What about a "random good map" feature that would give you random map that was reccomended.

Keyword Idea 2
Reviewed maps, along with their scores, could have key points that the reviewer thinks are good and could be something worth downloading for. ie, if it features good use of lighting, that could be a keypoint. Or if it has great use of z-axis gameplay, that could be another.

User Interaction Idea
there should be more user interaction. For instance, they could be allowed to edit what their lists show. So they could see the newest maps rated over 6, for ut2004 and ut2003.

Reviewer Hotlist Idea
There could be two hotlists. The reviewer's choice and the user's choice. if the lists are both the same then we know we're doing well :p
if you really wanna go indepth, you could have each active reviewer have a seperate hotmaps page.

Beta Maps Section Idea
A section of the site could be allocated for beta-testing, showcasing and playtesting - not just forum sections, but an actual place on the site.

Map updates list idea
There should be a list of "updated maps" too, and converted maps etc. That way we can keep up on maps that've been converted from a game to another.

Theme addition to reviewer scema additons.
Oh, another thing to add to map information - theme! YOu got your typical "industrial", space, tokara meshes forest etc.

Map Focus Idea
Another thing - map aims. It's a known fact that some people aim to ahve better gameplay in some maps, whilst in iothers people aim for better visuals. This could be another option for searching.

LE/SE section
there could be a catagory for people to have LE and SE maps. We can just avoid them with ease then :p

Current Maps page Idea
The current maps page could be a seperate page that shows several lists showing all kinds of things. This would be a more adequete page for the "stats" page imo. It would show recent reviews and maps for all different genres and gametypes. The user could edit and change this list ti show them what they want.


The cake is a PLOY!!
Feb 18, 2000
Astoria, NYC
Shadowlurker said:
I've come up with a lot of ideas in the private forums, so don't think that no one else is coming up with ideas :p
Mass, here's a whole bunch of attachments that you may or may not have seen... the original forum thread regarding NC3, the wishlist, etc. etc. A lot of the ideas people are discussing were mentioned in these.

@kuma had some choice quotes in the thread as well.

This is part 1 of the stuff I've found... continued in my next post.


  • NALI CITY v3.txt
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  • NALI CITY 3_0 Serious suggestions here! - Nali City Forums1.txt
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  • NALI CITY 3_0 Serious suggestions here! - Nali City Forums2.txt
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  • NALI CITY 3_0 Serious suggestions here! - Nali City Forums3.txt
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  • NALI CITY 3_0 Serious suggestions here! - Nali City Forums4.txt
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Last edited:


The cake is a PLOY!!
Feb 18, 2000
Astoria, NYC
...continuing on, some more stuff.

Included are the rest of the pages of the forum thread regarding NC3, and a TXT that has a rough beginning of the original design document that covers a couple cool ideas, including how the skins worked, QAR, customization, and a brief paragraph on Vandora.


  • NALI CITY 3_0 Serious suggestions here! - Nali City Forums5.txt
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  • NALI CITY 3_0 Serious suggestions here! - Nali City Forums6.txt
    11.3 KB · Views: 14
  • design_doc_part1.txt
    18.1 KB · Views: 16


New but not improved.
Nov 4, 2001
The review request list is rather crowded and busy. A way to organise it and make it look less scary for us reviewers would be to allow multiple requests for a review on each map. The list could then be sorted by the amount of people who want this review. That way, maps higher up on th list will be seen to... thrus keeping more people happy


Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
Visit site
Shadowlurker said:
The review request list is rather crowded and busy. A way to organise it and make it look less scary for us reviewers would be to allow multiple requests for a review on each map. The list could then be sorted by the amount of people who want this review. That way, maps higher up on th list will be seen to... thrus keeping more people happy

Hmm, more people can request a review of the same map, that would be a decent idea. Give each user only one request per map, if someone else comes along, and requests a review, than in the request list it would list "2" requests and move up the list. Not a bad idea. :tup:


echo "NaliCity";
May 23, 2002
Shadowlurker said:
Could there not at least be a indictation of the amount of requests?

Shad, there is... for the reviewers.

Ronin, polls can be done in the forum... pic of the moment is too much work. Don't see any use of the quote of the moment. WIP section is possible but ... I'd like to see some support before I attempt something like that.


Fire Fly
Mar 5, 2003
MassChAoS said:
Yes, this is done. Except the "move up the list" part. Seems that sorting by number of requests is hard to do. Requires too much logic for my brain.

you could do it like the way the advanced search works, a reviewer could sort the list by date or number of requests for the map.


Fire Fly
Mar 5, 2003
Like suggested before having a mapping contest would be good. It could be a theme map were the mapper has a month or so to do the map. Or fast mapping, in which the mapper has a week or so to complete the map. After the dead line passes the maps are all put on a page together for download and voting. After a month of being voted on the map with the most voted, would get a review and a place on the main page like featured map, but called contest winner.

Themes could be:
Using only certain texture packs
A map that fit a song
Style map- Winter wonder land, the city, war zone, space station … and so on