I've come up with a lot of ideas in the private forums, so don't think that no one else is coming up with ideas
Keyword Idea 1
Perhaps maps could be defined more. Not just "deathmatch" or "ctf", but "1on1", "Map edit", "Open" "3on3 team deathmatch". This would help searching easier and give more detailed analysis of maps.
Blacklist Idea
if a map is called "TorlanSEsuperextraonevehicleinthemiddle2000" then because it has Torlan in, it is added to the "list". Every now and again we can check the list and if it is an offending map, we can hit it repetedly with the go away stick.
Reviewer Rating Idea
another thing, you got user user ratings, what about reviewer ratings? What people think about reviewers could effect ratings they give out. Say if people thought I was over-rating maps in general, they could rate me and it would effect it, but only if enough people thought about it.
Random Review Box Idea
What about a "random good map" feature that would give you random map that was reccomended.
Keyword Idea 2
Reviewed maps, along with their scores, could have key points that the reviewer thinks are good and could be something worth downloading for. ie, if it features good use of lighting, that could be a keypoint. Or if it has great use of z-axis gameplay, that could be another.
User Interaction Idea
there should be more user interaction. For instance, they could be allowed to edit what their lists show. So they could see the newest maps rated over 6, for ut2004 and ut2003.
Reviewer Hotlist Idea
There could be two hotlists. The reviewer's choice and the user's choice. if the lists are both the same then we know we're doing well
if you really wanna go indepth, you could have each active reviewer have a seperate hotmaps page.
Beta Maps Section Idea
A section of the site could be allocated for beta-testing, showcasing and playtesting - not just forum sections, but an actual place on the site.
Map updates list idea
There should be a list of "updated maps" too, and converted maps etc. That way we can keep up on maps that've been converted from a game to another.
Theme addition to reviewer scema additons.
Oh, another thing to add to map information - theme! YOu got your typical "industrial", space, tokara meshes forest etc.
Map Focus Idea
Another thing - map aims. It's a known fact that some people aim to ahve better gameplay in some maps, whilst in iothers people aim for better visuals. This could be another option for searching.
LE/SE section
there could be a catagory for people to have LE and SE maps. We can just avoid them with ease then
Current Maps page Idea
The current maps page could be a seperate page that shows several lists showing all kinds of things. This would be a more adequete page for the "stats" page imo. It would show recent reviews and maps for all different genres and gametypes. The user could edit and change this list ti show them what they want.