Stuff you just bought thread V2

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I posted in the RO-me thread
and all I got was
a pink username!
Apr 15, 2004
Finally picked up the new bike today.
2008 Honda CBR1000RR

Its amazing what Honda did with this bike, it literally feels/handles like a 600cc supersport bike. The difference between my previous '06 1000RR is night and day.


Mood Muzik
Feb 14, 2006
Washington D.C.

Got a black Sony Ericsson W580i. Sold my BlackJack to a friend.



New Member
Mar 19, 2006
HDMI cables are cheap, and unless you're using a really, really long HDMI cable, there is no difference between a $5 cable and a $70 cable, as the signal either gets there or it doesn't, unlike analog connections.


amateur de bière
Jun 14, 2003
Under a black flag.
Finally picked up the new bike today.
2008 Honda CBR1000RR

Its amazing what Honda did with this bike, it literally feels/handles like a 600cc supersport bike. The difference between my previous '06 1000RR is night and day.

looks perfect buddy :)


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Not sure if I'll like CoD4 though.
It's good. The SP is very engaging even if it's a bit short. MP's got some issues but it's still good fun. I've never liked war games but I'm very glad I got CoD4.

FA's a good choice too, just be prepared for the campaign to be much harder than the one in SupCom. Me, howlatnight, and some of his buddies are going to 3v3 some time tonight. D:

Lizard Of Oz

Demented Avenger
Oct 25, 1998
In a cave & grooving with a Pict
Finally picked up the new bike today.
2008 Honda CBR1000RR

Its amazing what Honda did with this bike, it literally feels/handles like a 600cc supersport bike. The difference between my previous '06 1000RR is night and day.

You'll put your eye out.

Excellent choice. Be sure to watch the extras.


New Member
Jan 20, 2008

Best album this year! (Actually last year, I still haven't found a better one) Second only to Systematic Chaos by Dream Theater, and that's only because of 'Ministry of lost souls'.

The only thing I'm slightly disappointed by is the music videos. 'Serpent's kiss' was pretty good and creepy in a way, but 'Set the world on fire' is complete cliché/lame fantasy-metal suckness. I mean .. damn ... archangels that look like Fabio?
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Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Kill bill soundtrack. I've bought it at half the price. And I had to wait quite a while for it to drop, but eventually it did :D

Nice soundtrack btw.
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Moar Pie!
Jan 21, 2008
Bern CH
I've never liked war games but I'm very glad I got CoD4.

The point about CoD4 is exactly that it's just such a war game. I thought I could ignore it and just enjoy the game, but the pictures during the setup already showed US and British troops slaughtering Arabs and bombing their cities and having structural and infrastructural damage beyond mere numbers, and what we have the nice term "collateral damage" for in the millions, for that silly war we all know had no point in the first place (no WMD, no ties to Al Kaeda, all lies and oil). I can't see myself fighting on the wrong side in that one.

Not that the other side woulnd't be a wrong side either, what with Saddam's dictatorship and all. But I won't delve into politics again here. Just this: The game has a way too realistic setting to be enjoyable for me, I imagine. After installing it I haven't touched it anymore.

(And yes, I do know the setting is fictional and the parallels to current-day wars are merely on the surface. But the graphics are realistic enough and the real wars are close enough, I don't think I can look beyond that and stay within the happy illusion that what I'm playing has nothing to do with actual wars.)

I never touched Return to Castle Wolfenstein either, and couldn't stand playing BF2 for too long. I just have this thing with overly realistic games.
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Apr 4, 2006
FFX-2. I got it for five bucks and sense I played FFX and hated the ending I thought I might aswell get the concussion to the story.

I found out when I got home that you have to get 100% completion to get it where Tidus and Luna actually are able to be together. How lame is that. I mean the only reason for this game is to get a happy ending, right? So give the damn people a happy ending no manner what.

The game sucks too. WTF is up with dress sphere's? They are perhaps the worst idea I have ever seen in a game. The entire idea screams of we couldn't come up with a good new look for Luna for a really long time so we have all these crappy versions of her, but sense we can't come up with anything new to put in this game we will use these crappy versions aswell. What a awesomely bad idea.

Don't even get me started on the enemies and their stupid attacks that take you halfway or too one HP no manner how strong you are. That is simply retarded.

In short I hate the game.