You must be referring to ATi hereMoRpHoBiS said:... Nvidia 700x PRO, a very expensive
the_rex said:EDIT:: I hate registration to download...
MoRpHoBiS said:it shuts down your whole game. It's been doing it to my friends as well. Theres got to be a quickfix for it somewhere.
Shadow The Hedgehog said:Please please please!!! can sombody make me model of shadow the hedgehog for ut 2004 i would be eternally gratefully to whomever will do it!!![/QUOt/]
u no there is a shadow modle at it almost completly looks like shadow cant belive u didnt look there and no need to thank me i am new by the wya and here to help oh and klanasca i love your modle but can u make an half alien half predetor modle and post it in skin city plz i will be so great full
shadow the one said:Shadow The Hedgehog said:Please please please!!! can sombody make me model of shadow the hedgehog for ut 2004 i would be eternally gratefully to whomever will do it!!![/QUOt/]
u no there is a shadow modle at it almost completly looks like shadow cant belive u didnt look there and no need to thank me i am new by the wya and here to help oh and klanasca i love your modle but can u make an half alien half predetor modle and post it in skin city plz i will be so great full
Turret 49 said:
And in the Alien vs Predator pack by EvilEngine on L4U there are two PredAliens.
MoRpHoBiS said:just keep using him for a few hours. it worked fine for me for about oh, 4-5 hours. then it just kapuut. And then every time I'd load up UT 2004, and the shadow model was in the game, it'd be about every 3 mins and bang, there goes my UT again.