Sentry Studios please oh please

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Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Death Touch said:
Anyway, I could swear that F.E.A.R. is just DOOM 3 but like......different.
That's just because all of the new graphical shaders/normalmaps/ect tend to make everything look the same, especially when overused.
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Sniper - May be harmful to your health.
Jul 13, 2001
Maryland Bitch.
For those of you looking for something to tide you over until sentry's next project, IMT has something in the works that i am about (if our website will come back up for me :p) to announce.

Anyway, i would love to see another INF esq porject from sentry.
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A Dickcheese Faggot
May 28, 2005
UT2004: Expansion Theory "The only thing surer than humanity's continued expansion, is it promised collapse. History Will prove cyclical as humanity will once again turn on itself, and once again rise from the ashes to create ever larger, ever greater civilizations. Humanity is itself the epitomy of the legendary Phoenix, the bird of fire reborn from the ashes of its own destruction." The population growth throughout the 21st century continued to accelerate, and as the population continued to increase the resources were depleted at an alarming rate. Vast amounts of energy was required to fuel the people's lives; masses of desert and ocean were designated for waste disposal. Near the turn of the century, world leaders met at an international summit and for once all agreed on an issue: the world was overcrowded, and it needed either less people or more space. The first option was impossible for Governments as it would mean less revenue, and impossible for people as it was against their nature. So two global projects were undertaken: to expand the habitable area by creating forming new colonies both in the stars and within the Earth's very crust. The year is 2180. Humans now populate the surface, ground and sky, each environment with unique conditions forcing those living there to adapt to prosper. These changes in environment, however, were not fully recognised by the Surface Governments, and soon both the ground and space dwellers opposed the Surface Government's constant meddling. Tired of government policies that don't reflect the neccesities of their lifestyle, and tired of the Surface Governments apparent lack of effort to rectify the situation, the colonies rise up in revolution. However, instead of working together, the colonies turn on one another as well. Differences between the Space Colonies and the Ground Dwellers cannot be bridged, and soon the colonies declare war on one another as well. Bonds forged between the Surface Governments in the early stages of colonisation fray and snap under the strain. The first Galactic War begins. Roadmap First Release This will be a mutator (or set of mutators) for Unreal Tournament 2004, featuring the following: A new weapon aiming system involving iron-sights 6 near-future weapons, based on the Surface Dwellers: - Assault rifle - Pistol - Submachine gun - Shotgun - Grenades - Sniper rifle Changes to the player's movement (speed/stamina) Future releases Unique weapons based on all three colonies New vehicles for each three races A new gametype specific to the background Maps, both for the regular and new gametypes We also have several positions open. 1. Animators (we need more) 2. Skinners (UV mapping skills preffered) 3. Mappers!

is this it ? :D

can you post some SS or some concept pics from this that would be great?


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
It's correct that you can produce a couple of different things beforehand even without knowing the engine it will be used on. But a player model for example needs additional infos like bone structure, polycounts and stuff alike. These infos aren't official yet and that's already on my list for questions towards Epic (will send them another email within the next days). Same goes for other areas.
In addition maps cannot really be produced beforehand. Sure you can start to make structures that you ie produce on UT2k4, export and then try to reimport within UT2007. But a full map isn't possible to produce right now due to several different things that only the new editor will have. Maybe the terrain system will be the same, but I guess it will be different.
So, you can make sounds, maybe textures, weapon and deco models with and without specific animations and that's it.

I hope that we will get some additional infos regarding bone structures and stuff alike soon. But Epic is not yet sure about 'how' they will make such infos pre-available to mod groups out there. So, keep your speculations and assumptions a bit more on the 'realistic' level ;)
Apr 21, 2003
Thanks for clarification and it feels good to know you do (or try) something. We can only hope for enough cooperation from the side of Epic, good luck with that.

Post a preview exclusevily for us? :D


Dickcheese Faggot
Nov 12, 2005
benmcl, maybe what you heard is that most playstation 3 games will run in the UT2k7 engine. Btw, i wouldnt mind about polygon counts when modding for UE3, known that it can stand 2million polygon models


The Bass Ackwards BTL
May 30, 2001
Wyoming, USA
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Psychomorph said:
I will sure advertise for the next INF in other forums that I use (but these are very few) and you all should do the same, but the Sentry Studios should be active in this area (erehwoN).

I stopped pimping INF on various sites/forums (I think there were about a dozen different places I'd send news to or post on) when it was clear nothing was going to come to fruition any time soon. Of course, that'd change if serious development began again.


Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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BTH I never said UT2K7 was a PS3 release. I said many people were reporting it was to the point even so called pros were saying so.

I provided the link to show it was untrue.

In truth I really never paid attention to this aspect due to the fact the only console I have is a PSP and I the only reason I got that is to have something to do while travelling. Other then that I don't follow consoles or game development on them.
Apr 21, 2003
It makes of course only sense to advertize when you have something to show and a link on a page to show it.
That's why, when development really starts, they should be some early content to post.
A simple link to the page with screens of the old engine and tons of posts to follow in threads is a nono.
And advertising to early is bad too, they have to be enough serious content and progress and the known fact that stuff will keep going till the end.

I hope the Sentry Studios start development soon and you spread out the happy message wide enough.


I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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Let's see here. I think that if you rephrased that question...

...just maybe...

'How much of the 2K4 content would you actually want to port over to 2K7?'

There we go.
Apr 21, 2003
*cough* *cough*

lemme correct...

'How much of the HL2 content would you actually want to port over to 2K7?'


'How much of the HL2 stuff that was created can be used for ut2007?'


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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The answer to Burger's question is, not a lot. The answer to Crac's question is, next to nothing. The answer to Psycomorph's question is, mostly everything.

To explain, most of the things created while UT2004 still was an option was very experimental, for testing purposes. When HL2 came along, things started to take off, so to speak. Time will tell though.

That being said, nothing is certain. Nothing has been decided. Again, time will tell.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
Hehe, yeah can only second that! ;)

Well, we had some sort of major buy out within the games and pc sector in germany the last week - some sort of standard now directly after New Year that showed up some years ago were a couple of electronic stores try to get some good deals with the christmas money so to speak. So, my older brother went to such a store and bought two copies of BF2:SF... and so I'm an owner of this expansion pack now.
Ok, BF2... I played it regulary for about only a month maybe one and a half and the whole infantry part is most times useless, but was able to provide fun if you were lucky to get a good mix of players on these random servers - most times just idiots... what else can ya expect ;). Anyway, I tested the SF missions offline and somehow the whole deal about the difficulty setting came up to be a bit awkward. I never really noticed this in BF2 cause I haven't played many offline games to test out the maps. So i was surprised a bit about the fact that the commander role is now taken by a bot if you don't take it. nice cause I haven't noticed it before. But the bots are still as dumb as even in BF:V ... if the driver is killed, then what to do... mmmh... wait for someone to come by putting some lead between my eyes while the bots do watch the birds and the lovely blue sky :). So, this is still in there... Anyway, back to the difficulty settings, the stuff that makes me wonder a bit.
To test out a map I selected the easy setting and then I was wondering that I was firing like ****... single shots aimed on a 2 meters distance missed theirs target easily. Well the bots fired holes thru thin air too of course, but my own skill was damn near a 2 year old trying to handle a nuclear rocket launcher - if this would exist. Well, after a few minutes I decided to switch to the standard difficulty setting and well, my accuracy got better ... and the bots accuracy too of course. So I switched to the veteran setting and then I was able to even hit targets with bursts on full auto that were more than 50 meters away... well, they were able to hit me on this distance easily too, tho.
Sooooo, can it be that Dice is really that ret... ehh stupid that they actually changed the accuracy depending on the selected difficulty for ALL weapons, not just the ones controlled by bots??? From my personal experience it really looked that way.
And another bot stupidity award goes to the guys that jump out of your vehicle cause you commanded them to do so, only to die instantly due to wrong collision detection or stuff alike. Nice to get your team to a specific point to then get half of them erased just cause you commanded them to leave the vehicle... and no, it was a wheeled one and it stood still, not a chopper or stuff alike ;).
Or the bots that stand an inch away from each other - enemies - and not fighting each other. Instead they fired at folks around 50-100 meters away.

To top this all...
many think that firing a weapon isn't easy. Well to fire it accurately needs skill and training, that's sure, but in such games you jump into the role of a highly trained soldier... and firing a weapon accurately is his job actually.
Well, we had a so called 'Star Biathlon' on TV this weekend. I guess you all know biathlon, a mix of shooting 50 meters on 11.5cm in diameter targets while standing and 5cm in diameter targets while prone and ski touring. Well these 'stars' were folks from the TV and music media including singers, news speakers and even comedians. Each team was supported by a former 'star' on the biathlon circus, most inactive for years already. Most of these non-pros were highly untrained and many never ever fired a weapon before this event and they were only trained for a couple of days. For this event they only needed to fire in the prone position using the larger discs. So they fired on the 11.5cm in diameter targets while lying prone after skiing a few hundred meters.
Well these 'experts' were able to hit these targets. Some better some worse. But many were really good and only needed some of the available extra rounds available to get their job done.
Now compare these folks with your average FPS that wants to show you realism, or something that comes close...

I know that BF2 is not designed to allow high accuracy ... else you wouldn't be able to run'n'gun and run around aimlessly on larger battlefields or even in the smaller city maps. So... I guess it is more or less pre-defined that I end up playing BF2 and getting out there a bit frustrated cause the only way to survive is to fire more shots than your enemy in a shorter amount of time.... where you fire them is most times secondary. Firing well aimed single shots on head or torso and needing three to actually kill the target compared to this same enemy running towards ya guns blazing, emptying almost his full clip on you lying prone in a steady position... guess who is dead in the end. Same for snipers... I kill snipers with a standard AR way easier than they tend to kill me. A sniper rifle that needs three hits to kill... a bit useless.
I guess you guys see that I would be able to go on almost for ever ;) ...
well... in the end... BF2 is a fun game but I guess INF took away the fun for me for such games... just doesn't feel right this way. I want to aim on my target and bring it down to the ground with a few accurate shots fired, or even only with one if I have enough time to aim... I don't want to rely on the random cone firing - or whatever is in place in BF2 - to give me a hit where I fired and aimed at.

Soooooo I can only second that we need Infiltration ;)


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Apr 21, 2003
Actually INF caused me to play very less games, because I simply can't enjoy all that BF2 crap, can't even understand how such buggy games are sold.

Sure the accuracy of a weapon is very high, so you can say, but what I dislike in curent INF is, that sometimes it becomes a point and click game, because the weapon is always aimed, tireness and injury affects you less and you turn out to be a combat turret. I mean the game becomes a fast point and gun thing (not run and gun in that case).

In reality the weapon is never really aimed most of the time, but aiming can be a very fast and effective process, but it depends on your movement and position.
Tireness affects you more, so you have to adapt your stance sometimes.

Accurate weapons, yes, but it is not like a crosshair point and click, you have an aiming process, stance change, movement change.
In INF you crouch not to control recoil better, but because the freeaim weapon movement is reduced and allows you to place the weapon more comfortable.
Because of the hitscan you hit when moving even when the weapon would shoot off normally.
It requires also more sortend CQB movement modes.

Without INF they is no game to me. Insurgency might be good, but when it turnes out to be rather a gameplay mod than an overall infantry experience, than I won't be able to enjoy it.
The current INF is still the best, but they are to many things that I can't enjoy anymore (allready before 2.9) and the old graphics is the last thing.