Nope, though I've heard the x3370 can overclock to 4ghz on air I'd never try it. I need 100% stability with the 3d render work I do, sometimes I can have a render going for five days straight and just the smallest instability and my work is lost. I'd really be afraid of overlocking the CPU at this point since it's so old and it's been really abused as far as usage goes.
The x3370 is still fast at 3ghz but lately I've been running into a lot of issue with it, the biggest issue is that it doesn't have hyperthreading so it's one single thread per core and the more time that goes on the more it's starting to hurt my workflow. Compare a CPU with mine that's exactly the same spec wise but has hyperthreading and it's almost 40% faster than mine in a lot of the video and 3d applications I use. My mobo is as old as my CPU which means that I already maxed out my ram at 8gb when I first got the board and with the stuff I'm doing I'm always at 95%+ ram usage which basically puts my comp out of commission until it's done with whatever I need it to finish. It's a great board but not being able to do anything while I'm waiting is a giant PITA. I'm slowly upgrading the parts, already have the Soundblaster Z, Samsung 840 EVO (mobo is only SATA 1 I think, lol), and my GTX970. I have 16GB of DDR3 G.Skill Ripsaws X series ram in the other room that's just waiting for a new mobo and CPU, I'm not sure when I'll be able to afford both but I'm hoping to get both parts ordered before mid-year.