Vers Vlees beat me to it *shakes fist*
1. Imperial Assault Gunboat
from Xwing vs. TIE-Fighter (see image)
2. USM Auriga
from Alien Resurrection (Sulaco is cool, I admit, but on the inside the Auriga kicks ass, whereas Sulaco looks too clean and blue.)
3. Hunter-Gratzner
from Pitch Black
4. Destroyers
from Independence Day 
5. Leviathans in general
from Farscape
6. The Cargo ship
from Jedi Knight, which seems to be nameless.
7. Was Terraniux
from Unreal1 a ship? I pretty much thought so when I first saw it over Harobed village...that massive looming 4-pronged shape.
8. X-wing from
A New Hope
9. Nebulon B Frigate
from Empire Strikes Back
10. That ugly ship on LV-429
from Alien (you know, the creepy one that holds the Space-jockey type creature who's "grown out of his chair"