Eyuva 'S' NRG said:
So did anyone figure out the truth yet? Remember kiddies, there can only be one truth.
Old habits die hard, my friend. As time goes by, I believe that mankind will amass more and more evidence for evolution, but I think there is strong evidence now. However, even with overwhelming evidence, I think there will always be some people who refuse to give up on their archaic notions of religion.
Religion comforts people. People are afraid of death and religion tells them that they don’t really die. It tells them that there’s something greater looking out for them. It tells people they can be forgiven for all the crap they’ve done wrong. People don’t want to let go of that. It’s like a frightened child holding onto its mother.
The bible was written by people; this is a fact that few will deny. People have found chapters that were written for the bible, but weren’t included. Now if the bible is supposed to be the word of god, leaving stuff out presents a problem. Somewhere along the line, somebody (man) decided that some chapters were inspired by god, and others weren’t. How does one make that distinction? You have people who aren’t perfect censoring what gets included in the bible. Sort of leads to controversy, doesn’t it?
Perhaps if we live for millions of years and become more intelligent, we will grow to dismiss religion, or at least the bible. We’ll understand the real meaning of the tales in the bible. The notions of a god can be separated from the bible. If your idea of god is maybe the most powerful being in the universe, then by definition, there’s probably a god. But that god isn’t something that created the universe, but evolved within it. Then you have to define your notions of “powerful” and that idea will be different for everyone.
So nothing is resolved and nothing will be resolved anytime soon. It’s all a matter of how deep you want to go into the rabbit hole.