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New Member
Sep 28, 2004
Phatazz..... well i did not buy ut2004 to play xmp i have played the unreal series since Unreal.bout 6 years now so i had 2004 on day one but alas it is just not Ut LOL same argument i guess .....we will wait and see no problem you do the spin if i win and i will sit hows that? BTW i have played alot of the new xmp but as i have stated before without crosshairs and a working up close weapon (for like generators in sunset beach) and i also rely alot on smoke nades ,without these tools the game as it is now is i know it is my opinion.but it is my story and i am sticking to it.
Dec 4, 2004
JagoXmp said:
When Panda said he pwns, I thought he was talking about pwning the other
team. :hmm:



LOL :tup:
that's going to be my new desktop background.
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noob for life
Aug 18, 2004
To whoever this applies,
I have played Tech almost exclusively in XMP for a year now. I am playing Tech almost exclusively in UTXMP I have tried everything I know to do almost to the point of complete frustration and unless someone can tell me how, I have no idea how a tech is supposed to compete against a Gunner.

If you can even come close to competing with a gunner as a tech, leave a note and I would like to see you do it... We can get in the server ... I will provide a Gunner you play tech and lets see what happens. Put your money where your mouth is....

Honestly I do not believe it can be done. Prove to me that it can be done, otherwise I will continue to believe that at this point that the balance is way off. If you don't think that you are a good enough tech to do it ....find me a tech that is good enough....I don't believe that such a person exists.

Either pm me here or look me up in IRC and lets give it a go. #NoBull irc

PROVE YOURSELF ! I dare you!

btw this is not meant to be a flame I just honestly don't think it can be done and I would love for someone to prove me wrong. Hey if needed I will fraps the duel and post the results. C'mon ...prove me wrong. ;)
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Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
I choose pikachu!!!

Disclaimer: Clicking on the following link, means that the user understands that the following is gross and detest. We have no liability to what may happen after you view the following.
Dec 4, 2004
Tenacity said:
To whoever this applies,
I have played Tech almost exclusively in XMP for a year now. I am playing Tech almost exclusively in UTXMP I have tried everything I know to do almost to the point of complete frustration and unless someone can tell me how, I have no idea how a tech is supposed to compete against a Gunner.

If you can even come close to competing with a gunner as a tech, leave a note and I would like to see you do it... We can get in the server ... I will provide a Gunner you play tech and lets see what happens. Put your money where your mouth is....

Honestly I do not believe it can be done. Prove to me that it can be done, otherwise I will continue to believe that at this point that the balance is way off. If you don't think that you are a good enough tech to do it ....find me a tech that is good enough....I don't believe that such a person exists.

Either pm me here or look me up in IRC and lets give it a go. #NoBull irc

PROVE YOURSELF ! I dare you!

btw this is not meant to be a flame I just honestly don't think it can be done and I would love for someone to prove me wrong. Hey if needed I will fraps the duel and post the results. C'mon ...prove me wrong. ;)

I'll take the challenge!


Co-Founder, U2XMP [Ч] Clan
Feb 26, 2004
teh Intarweb, duh
Tenacity said:
To whoever this applies,
I have played Tech almost exclusively in XMP for a year now. I am playing Tech almost exclusively in UTXMP I have tried everything I know to do almost to the point of complete frustration and unless someone can tell me how, I have no idea how a tech is supposed to compete against a Gunner.

If you can even come close to competing with a gunner as a tech, leave a note and I would like to see you do it... We can get in the server ... I will provide a Gunner you play tech and lets see what happens. Put your money where your mouth is....

Honestly I do not believe it can be done. Prove to me that it can be done, otherwise I will continue to believe that at this point that the balance is way off. If you don't think that you are a good enough tech to do it ....find me a tech that is good enough....I don't believe that such a person exists.

Either pm me here or look me up in IRC and lets give it a go. #NoBull irc

PROVE YOURSELF ! I dare you!

btw this is not meant to be a flame I just honestly don't think it can be done and I would love for someone to prove me wrong. Hey if needed I will fraps the duel and post the results. C'mon ...prove me wrong. ;)
It can be done. The only thing you need is energy and about 100 turrets.