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surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
MadMan2k said:
I think even noone cares - otherwise you would see, that your current release is as bugged as it is not playable anymore.

Speak facts, not fiction. Detail the bugs and I'm sure someone will take them into consideration. That doesn't mean that FMI will accomodate your tastes at the expense of everyone else's though.


New Member
Aug 2, 2004
MurderousPandaa said:
the most popular excuse used when someone gets owned nonstop.
dont conclude from you to others ;)

I can own without difficulty as gunner, but I used to play ranger or tech in U2XMP, being gunner is not what I want.
But playing the other classes is being canon fodder for the gunners.
So the gameplay has become simple gunner CTF - the whole class component is missing.

So the main aim of the patch should be giving the class component back by make the other classes more attractive.
Sure there are other Bugs which have to be fixed, but they are not that essetial.
I could look over the class menu bug and play ranger again for example if they had released a hotfix after they increased the sniper range and the pistol rate of fire.
Dec 4, 2004
The difference being I'm not using any excuses when I get killed. It happens, it's part of the game. Gunners aren't the be all end all of the classes, you just suck with what you're used to. Actually take time to adapt and you'll be well on your way to considering this game "playable". And let me be charming by using a smiley too. ;)


noob for life
Aug 18, 2004
MadMan2k said:
dont conclude from you to others ;)

I can own without difficulty as gunner, but I used to play ranger or tech in U2XMP, being gunner is not what I want.
But playing the other classes is being canon fodder for the gunners.
So the gameplay has become simple gunner CTF - the whole class component is missing.

So the main aim of the patch should be giving the class component back by make the other classes more attractive.
Sure there are other Bugs which have to be fixed, but they are not that essetial.
I could look over the class menu bug and play ranger again for example if they had released a hotfix after they increased the sniper range and the pistol rate of fire.

;) I couldn't agree more. The biggest 'bug' is the lack of class balance. I can deal with a lot of the other bugs and would love to see them fixed but without the balance it will continue to be nearly unplayable. :(


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
The lack of class balance is a bunch of people who get owned by gunner so they feel they can own better as gunner...fact of the matter is, rangers have been owning me more and more....those of you who switched to gunner and didn't take the time to sync yourself to ranger...are behind the 8ball got virgin xmpers that are getting better at your class...just because you couldn't sit there and try to work it out.
Dec 4, 2004
PhatAzz said:
The lack of class balance is a bunch of people who get owned by gunner so they feel they can own better as gunner...fact of the matter is, rangers have been owning me more and more....those of you who switched to gunner and didn't take the time to sync yourself to ranger...are behind the 8ball got virgin xmpers that are getting better at your class...just because you couldn't sit there and try to work it out.

my beloved phatty is the text of reason.

plus ****ing one


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
PhatAzz said:
The lack of class balance is a bunch of people who get owned by gunner so they feel they can own better as gunner...fact of the matter is, rangers have been owning me more and more....those of you who switched to gunner and didn't take the time to sync yourself to ranger...are behind the 8ball got virgin xmpers that are getting better at your class...just because you couldn't sit there and try to work it out.

How can you sync yourself to ranger when you cannot kill anyone over 10 feet away and you can not see your crosshairs? besides jumping all over the screen and not being able to dodge correctly ? sorry i am having issues with your reasoning here! :eek:


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
Magwa said:
How can you sync yourself to ranger when you cannot kill anyone over 10 feet away and you can not see your crosshairs? besides jumping all over the screen and not being able to dodge correctly ? sorry i am having issues with your reasoning here! :eek:

Wait, are you telling me that you cannot kill anyone over 10 feet away and can not see your crosshairs? besides jumping all over the screen and not being able to dodge correctly ? sorry, did you just admit to sucking at playing the utxmp version of the ranger? :eek: Perhaps you should play it more and learn to work with it.

Magwa, there are plenty of rangers who do pretty damn good, wonder why? Obviously, there is something that they are doing right. I'll give you the crosshairs issue but some people really don't have a problem with it.


New Member
Aug 2, 2004
PhatAzz said:
fact of the matter is, rangers have been owning me more and more....
can you exclude, that it is the matter of high vs. low skill?
Becouse it is also a fact that youve got an easier going as gunner, so IMO mostly good players dare to choose the ranger.

Theres no doubt that you can master the Ranger with enough practice, but if you find someone who did the same efford for the gunner you will lose.

Besides, theres no sense in arguing about it, since the changes we are talking about are alredy on the bugfix list.


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
PhatAzz said:
Wait, are you telling me that you cannot kill anyone over 10 feet away and can not see your crosshairs? besides jumping all over the screen and not being able to dodge correctly ? sorry, did you just admit to sucking at playing the utxmp version of the ranger? :eek: Perhaps you should play it more and learn to work with it.

Magwa, there are plenty of rangers who do pretty damn good, wonder why? Obviously, there is something that they are doing right. I'll give you the crosshairs issue but some people really don't have a problem with it.

Ok ten feet is a bit to close more like 50 yards ,seriously lets stick to the issue,and that is ,Is the ranger in Utxmp the same ranger as in U2xmp the simple answer is no way shape or form.Yes i could learn how to play with this less than optimal version of the ranger but that is NOT the issue the issue is that the ranger does NOT play the same as the U2 version and that is the version i learned to play ,and i played it very well if i wanted a new game to learn i would buy one.That is the same reason so many people have anticipated this Mod,they want to play U2 xmp but with decent fps and good smooth running gameplay.XMP was a great game just as it was ,i do not and will not play a nerfed copy with the same vigor as i played the original.
Phatzz you need to understand that anything less than pretty darned close to the original gameplay is not going to make it simple fact.don't believe me? wait and see
Dec 4, 2004
Magwa said:
Ok ten feet is a bit to close more like 50 yards ,seriously lets stick to the issue,and that is ,Is the ranger in Utxmp the same ranger as in U2xmp the simple answer is no way shape or form.Yes i could learn how to play with this less than optimal version of the ranger but that is NOT the issue the issue is that the ranger does NOT play the same as the U2 version and that is the version i learned to play ,and i played it very well if i wanted a new game to learn i would buy one.That is the same reason so many people have anticipated this Mod,they want to play U2 xmp but with decent fps and good smooth running gameplay.XMP was a great game just as it was ,i do not and will not play a nerfed copy with the same vigor as i played the original.
Phatzz you need to understand that anything less than pretty darned close to the original gameplay is not going to make it simple fact.don't believe me? wait and see

I rarely played ranger in u2xmp, yet when I try it in UTXMP I do just fine. How ironic.


New Member
Aug 2, 2004
MurderousPandaa said:
I rarely played ranger in u2xmp, yet when I try it in UTXMP I do just fine. How ironic.
yeah, really ironic - you want yourself be taken serious on a topic you dont have a clue of. :rolleyes:
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New Member
Sep 28, 2004
MurderousPandaa said:

I rarely played ranger in u2xmp, yet when I try it in UTXMP I do just fine. How ironic.

Ironic No but you yourself give the reason you know nothing about original Ranger gameplay you said you rarely played it .DOH! so how is it you are all of a sudden a expert and guru on the ranger? If i had never played the original i would not know how it played either but!! i did and i do ...
Dec 4, 2004
The point you both missed entirely is that if rangers are so "underpowered" yet I have no experience with them, how am I doing so well with them in UTXMP?

Go ahead and have an extra helping of retard and try not to choke on it.


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
MurderousPandaa said:
The point you both missed entirely is that if rangers are so "underpowered" yet I have no experience with them, how am I doing so well with them in UTXMP?

Go ahead and have an extra helping of retard and try not to choke on it.

Ok since this discussion is getting to the ten year old level i will explain it like i was talking to one of my grandkids,No it is you who still misses the point son,the red apple no matter how you cut it is NOT the same color as the blue apple...get it? i pesonnaly do not care how well you are doing with the red apple in fact i am happy for you son that you like the red apple,But i grew up on the blue variety and i still prefer them as do most of the apple eaters i know in this apple land...any clearer?
Dec 4, 2004
You've decided to talk about apples instead of how rangers are supposedly underpowered.

Ok ok, I'm going to throw the dog a bone and go along with what you said. You like the old style ranger and think they're underpowered somehow in this new build. Fine. You undoubtedly have more experience with rangers than I do, but the point that gets mangled in that hamster wheel brain of yours is that my inexperience with rangers doesn't hinder my game play with them. If gunners are so overpowered while rangers are so lacking, how is it I can still kill them even though I'm possibly the biggest ranger n00b? Do you get it yet? Myself with hardly any experience can hold my own against a gunner, yet yourself with considerably more experience are bitching about their short comings and complete gunner ownage. If you still don't understand, PM me and I'll make you a picture book about it. In spanish if need be.


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
well thanks for at least understanding my point. Now the reason you do well could be many,ping skill whatever and that is great i have no problem with those people who want it just like it is,but it is not the game i used to play or that many others used to playin the form it is now.I to can kill any gunner,tech or ranger in this beta i never said i could not kill them .what myself and the others who have issues with the way rangers are now have said is,in this current build you would have to change the way you play ranger shorted distance sniping means more up close fights with a gunner or tech and that means you are at a disadvantage armour wise and weapon wise cause the pistol does not funtion as before and besides all that i can not see the crosshairs well enough to fight duels like they are now...happy new year have fun. if you pm me speak english or Cherokee no understand de spanish More cervesa please.


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
MadMan2k said:
can you exclude, that it is the matter of high vs. low skill?
Becouse it is also a fact that youve got an easier going as gunner, so IMO mostly good players dare to choose the ranger.

Theres no doubt that you can master the Ranger with enough practice, but if you find someone who did the same efford for the gunner you will lose.

Besides, theres no sense in arguing about it, since the changes we are talking about are alredy on the bugfix list.

Madman, I consider myself a sub top tier gunner. I am not as good as the all time famous - silver, zaknefein, etc, etc but this has been my class for over 6 months and I'm decent to above average, yet people who have played UTXMP only as ranger and have not played u2xmp for months seem to own me as rangers now after - say 3 weeks of release?

"If a ranger continues to keep decent distance from the gunner, most decent rangers should win most of the matches against a gunner in the open field" - SwiftPaladin in regards to UTXMP and ranger vs gunner.

The only place they can keep a decent distance is in the open field, which is expected. But i think there's a misconception that gunners are all powerful creatures of supremacy and death on all areas of the battlefield. This is certainly not the case.

Rangers still own the outdoors period and end of story - and in light of current bugs.

The above has nothing to do with skill level as it appears there is a new learning curve for both vet and noob with the UTXMP ranger. I just would like to encourage all the vets to stick to playing the class they loved, especially ranger before writing it off, and I'm sure they'll grow into it very quickly and easily. Besides the point that the learning curve for both the gunner and ranger is totally different as well.

Effort into practicing a class also has no bearing. If you put in the same time of effort into either gunner or ranger class, that class will dominate the part of the game that they are suited to, ranger - outside, midfield, etc and gunner closed spaces, lots of obstacles etc.


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
Magwa said:
Ok ten feet is a bit to close more like 50 yards ,seriously lets stick to the issue,and that is ,Is the ranger in Utxmp the same ranger as in U2xmp the simple answer is no way shape or form.
I agree.
Yes i could learn how to play
I agree - but you haven't learned to play.
with this less than optimal version of the ranger but that is NOT the issue
Since you haven't learned to play the ranger - you can't call it less than optimal. And this was my issue. However, I will read on and entertain your issues. I can also prescribe you zoloft or prozac and the end of this session.
the issue is that the ranger does NOT play the same as the U2 version and that is the version i learned to play ,and i played it very well if i wanted a new game to learn i would buy one.
I assume you have bought ut2004 to play utxmp. That would constitute buying a new game, no?
That is the same reason so many people have anticipated this Mod,they want to play U2 xmp but with decent fps and good smooth running gameplay.
From day 1, the forums have said that this conversion can not be exactly the same and that there will be some creative aspects of FMI incorporated into utxmp. You have not been lead astray. You have in reality a pipedream.
XMP was a great game just as it was ,i do not and will not play a nerfed copy with the same vigor as i played the original.
Nerfed copy is a matter of opinion and a matter of comparison and something that is a personal taste. If that's how you feel, if the gold edition is nerfed in your opinion, go play counterstrike.
Phatzz you need to understand that anything less than pretty darned close to the original gameplay is not going to make it simple fact.
I don't believe you.
don't believe me? wait and see
I'll take your wait and see and raise you a sit and spin.
Thx and GG.


Feb 24, 2004
When Panda said he pwns, I thought he was talking about pwning the other
team. :hmm:


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