Mantik said:
Saying 'Still no patch' or 'Where is the patch' every day won't get it released any faster.
At this point, I think it's not about the patch being released as much as knowing what is going on.
Why don't you show a little respect and be good little boys and just wait patiently for it to come out instead of whining incessently because they are attempting to do something (read; make this TC) that you wouldn't possibly know how to do with your unappreciative and ungrateful little brains even if the knowledge, free time, and dedication fell out of the sky and hit you square in the forehead.
Well respect goes two ways, not only does it take the end users to respect the overworked, pro-bono coders/mappers/etc etc of FMI, but it also takes FMI to respect the end user as well. If you look at most of the posts back before UTXMP was released, a lot of people really supported outwardly in light of many setbacks, but slowly the rants have increased and part of the problem lies in the fact that the users don't know what is going on. Have no clue what's being tested, how long it will take...
And if you think I'm specifically meaning YOU personally, then I probably am.. and you suck. Ass. Guilty conscience much.
Listen, I agree with you for the most part Mantik, but you can't expect the end-users to be grovelling dogs in the dark waiting forever...they'll leave and they'll find better places to be. At least feed them with some scraps of information and update the site. I mean the last homepage update was 24+ hours after the initial release. There's no MOTD changes in the server browser since the release.
All this whining, you're seeing? It's all people who don't know...because FMI doesn't let us know. Perhaps, it's would be a good idea to let us know what's going on instead of having us sit around thinking UTXMP will come out some day...because that's how we're being before UTXMP was released - in the dark, fed on rumors and suppositions that makes the community bitter and very disappointed - all because people don't or choose not to communicate.
It's time to stop being passive aggressive about UTXMP and its development. I asked for some bug tracking and bug updates in the bug report section. It just seems like the support from FMI for UTXMP is very minimal to most users.
I know for a fact that FMI is working hard. I know that they are testing the patch and I know that it will come out soon, and that's me. I'm plugged in through IRC and what not, alot of others aren't and a lot of others have given up on getting information.
People are hungry for information, updates, and not necessarily the patch. As much as the users are not respecting FMI, the users feel that FMI are not respecting them. You can be high and mighty about it and say whatever - they're doing this for free and stuff. Well, with the current track record, they'll be doing this for free and for themselves and the few that decide to stick through it all.
Now, I've talked to several prominent players and these are their feelings. I can see their point. I can see yours, Mantik. Ultimately, there needs to be a common ground that's met where the users feel informed and FMI doesn't feel they are being whined and complained to.