Register UT3 Retail Key With Steam

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


May 20, 2006
Best news since one year BeyondUnreal!
Using the Steam network will surely push the game. After 3 hours of downloading everythink works perfectly for me. Nick and Settings are same like before because of the GameSpy login. This version is also patched to 1.3.

By the way, the game is no longer cut like the official german version was. ;) (So I haven't used that gore tweak that is avaiable through the web)
I want to mention that I never before saw that amount of blood and bodily parts flying around. Whoooa :D


New Member
Apr 22, 2006
I would like to move my files from the current default location to under my Steam folder. Has someone actually tried this and does it work if I simply move:

c:/program files/Unreal Tournament 3 to
c:/steam/steam apps/common

and then I add the game into Steam and let it do its thing? Thanks.

I did it and it runs fine... make sure you uncheck the read-only for the UT3 folder..


Aug 12, 2001
Just did the swap. After you enter the key just keep clicking through the screen and it'll start downloading. Once it starts, pause downloading and exit Steam. After that just copy Binaries, Engine, and UTGame from \Program Files\Unreal Tournament 3\ to \Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\unreal tournament 3\.
Start Steam again and resume update on UT3. Should only take a couple minutes to download.
After that uninstall the regular UT3 installation.


New Member
Apr 24, 2002
Visit site
I knew the anti-steam rants would start :p

My only other comment on the matter is that steam has made it as easy to legitimately purchase a game as it is to steal it. Lots of people 'try before they buy' with torrents for reasons such as their inability to pick up the game locally (sure as hell the case where I am..the PC section in our games store is woefully inadequate for people who don't want sims addons, world of warcraft or barbie pony adventures).

I've bought a handful of indie titles I'd never have had the chance to, as well as grabbing some REAL bargains on sales. All round I have no problem with steam and hope that VAC security is something ut3 will be getting out of this.


Feb 12, 2002
Hasn't Epic stated that a significant number of UT players are actually offliners?
Maybe, but that means squat. That's a significant amount of people playing what is essentially a multiplayer game offline. If that's the case something along the line has failed.

You might try actually using the service instead of complaining based on heresay.
He's been hating on Steam since 2004 all based on hearsay as far as I can tell :p


New Member
Mar 10, 2001
Maybe, but that means squat. That's a significant amount of people playing what is essentially a multiplayer game offline. If that's the case something along the line has failed.
Not necessarily. I play UT offline almost exclusively. I'm older and with real world commitments being what they are, I only get to game a few hours a week. The few times I've gone online it was absolutely no fun b/c I don't have the skills to compete with the average player, so I don't see the point. I can have a great game with a bunch of bots, and play exactly the maps I want with the options and mutators that I want. If I want a real challenge I can ramp up the AI, or if I want to relax I can dial it down.

If I recall correctly, Cliffy B said once that their stats show somewhere near half (maybe more) of 2K4 players had NEVER been online. People who prefer to play that way may actually be the "silent majority."

And far from being a sign of failure, it's a testament to excellent AI coding on Epic's part. It opens a whole gaming genre up to people who wouldn't have any fun if left to fend for themselves on public servers.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2004
Plus you don't have to deal with John Gabriel's Greater Internet ****wad Theory
Last edited:


New Member
Mar 10, 2001
I wasn't gonna go into that, but yes. I've yet to see a bot grief, or make very public proclamations as to the nature of my sexual orientation (not that there's anything wrong with that...) or the promiscuity of my mother based on how well or poor I'm doing in a game.

So there's that.


Apr 23, 2004
Houston, TX
I would like to move my files from the current default location to under my Steam folder. Has someone actually tried this and does it work if I simply move:

c:/program files/Unreal Tournament 3 to
c:/steam/steam apps/common

and then I add the game into Steam and let it do its thing? Thanks.

I tried it. uhhhmm, I think I may have done something wrong but after i did it and the file check finished ,it kept giving me a message that said "game currently unavailable".

I was like, wut. I think it may be mod related but I figure I just fudged up on a step or something.

So, damn, I guess I'm redownloading UT3. It's great that my ISP caps my bandwidth at 200kbps and I get to share all of that with three roommates. :rolleyes:

Beelzebud (Satanas)

New Member
Jul 15, 2003
Now if only they were using the Steam server browser instead of still using the gamespy service.

Does anyone know if the upcoming patch removes gamespy in favor of Steam, or are we pretty much just stuck with gamespy? Overall it's not a big deal, as the Steam community features such as the friends list will still work, but it would be nice to have Epic ditch gamespy and just set up their master servers with Valve.

Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA
Now if only they were using the Steam server browser instead of still using the gamespy service.

Does anyone know if the upcoming patch removes gamespy in favor of Steam, or are we pretty much just stuck with gamespy? Overall it's not a big deal, as the Steam community features such as the friends list will still work, but it would be nice to have Epic ditch gamespy and just set up their master servers with Valve.
I'm pretty sure the backbone will still be Gamespy, since they mention fixes for it in the patch.


ph34r t3h m33p
Feb 4, 2003
Visit site
Now, I'm really just curious here...but what made the steam compatibility such a stretch for the Epic guys? Not to discredit them, I'm more curious as to why or how this was such a rough push for them.