RAv3 beta for Monday.

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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jayhova said:
I'm putting a RAv3 version of scaling damage in the suggestion box. There is always a chance that any shot might kill you even if you are wearing armour. Ricochets and shots to the throat or face are examples. If you hit a guy with 5 pellets from a shotgun chances are one of those is gonna really hurt.
With any luck BS4 could take care of that instead.

Kyle Kellahshehskee

Mar 3, 2004
Metro Detroit, Michigan
Feedback on RA v3, VERY nice work...


My avatar's body actually has MASS now, imagine that? No longer can I change the direction of my sidestep on a dime, and just that little bit of adjustment brought an incredibly more intense sense of "Uh oh, I better think about what I'm doing with this very fragile life of mine..."

The new hit effects are pretty amazing. The first couple of times when my body was spun nearly completely around was a real surprise. However, I can't recall bots' animations ever displaying this kind of hit effect. One point of suggestion in regards to how the animations are now setup: several times I ended up having my gun and arms redirected so that they were pointing straight up. The shock of having it happen means that I was holding that position for a couple of seconds, and not only did it not look natural from my perspective, but it must look kind of odd if one's observing someone holding that pose as a result of being struck by weapons fire. I feel that it'd look a lot more natural if the player's view was directed up but that the arms automatically fall aside from the player's mind being stunned and then having gravity naturally pull them down.

It's been a couple of years since I last fired a hunting rifle, but the "shake" and bob of the weapon seems right. The weapon itself now behaves as if it has mass now too. Imagine that! ;)

One of the changes that was made, intentional or not, was that I'm no longer able to see through the SG 551's mesh. That's a good thing, as I like said weapon's handling characteristics, but was always annoyed by the fact that I could see through the weapon's model at times. Not anymore. :)

I'm excited about the possibility of getting an even steadier aim by being able to "rest" one's weapon on objects. Every application of physics feels or sounds like it'll be eventually truer to life by the time this mut's perfected.

(1) Is RA v3 currently configured so that EAS maps have the Silent Capture effect on? I checked my activated mutator list, and Silent Capture is not listed, yet the game behaved as if it was in effect once I activated RA v3.

(2) I read in an above posting that one has to have the New 40mm Grenade Sounds mut on in order for RA v3 to work, but I tried the mut with it on/off and the game seemed to work fine. What should happen if the New 40mm Grenade Sounds mut is NOT activated so I can better detect what's going wrong in the game?

The majority of this list is simply a copy of what I listed in another post for the RealTarget mut. I hope that this list strikes up some ideas/comments. I've posted a couple of new ideas that weren't listed in its original posting.

***I was wondering if other hit effects could be folded into this mutator as well, such as experiencing more consequences from pain from specific injuries. Such effects I'm thinking of are:

(1) A "pain strobe filter" that flashes a transparent red based on the degree of damage. The greater the damage, the more frequent the strobing, and the more opaque the filter is. If one desires to get real fancy, the filter becomes more opaque in the direction of where the pain's being generated.

(2) Mouse look/turn speed is reduced. This could simulate one's reduction in agility and dexterity one experiences when wounded. The more severe the wound, the greater the reduction in mouse turn speed. If first aid is ever reintroduced into the game, perhaps it could be configured so that the level of pain one's experiencing is reduced depending on the type of wound and how much time First Aid is applied to the area.

***Blood loss from an arterial wound would certainly lead to a greater sense of immersion. Perhaps one's stamina and mouse look/turn speed could be reduced in unison with each pumping of the heart? A blood spurt could be attached to the approximate area of where the grievous wound was recieved.

***It also seems to me that players/bots recovers far too quickly to being struck by enemy fire. No one's ever knocked down/stumbles to the ground from a hit, and I'm sure that this occurs even if a round/shrapnel never actually pierces through armor protection. Perhaps greater inertial effects could be folded in as well?

***Create a scenario where it's possible for the target's weapon to be accidentally shot out of one's hands. I'm NOT thinking of this as a kind of cowboy trick where one is purposely trying to shoot the weapon free, but rather, such a result would be purely by chance and would be influenced by whether or not the weapon is held by two hands, and also by calculating its mass versus the impact of the round(s) that is/are hitting it.

Of course I've come to realize that some of the aspects of this list that I wrote for RealTarget have already been implemented for RealAim v.3, but I felt that leaving these aspects in the list of what I originally posted would help cement the "big" picture I'm imagining in regards to hit effects on a target's body.

Keep up the great work on this great mod. Now, time for me to go to bed, as it's again WAAAY past my bedtime.

Goodnight all!

Apr 21, 2003
Nice, I like the inertia at most, something always bugged me in realistic games, in all games.

WOW, I checked the weapon sway and it is awesomly awesome. I thought the original 2.9 one is great, but this one is just awesomly awesome.

Always wanted increased weapon sway, the faster you turn and move your gun.

The bots improoved awesomly, now they run around, use more paths. One bot was rushing to my spawnpoint, he was running out the door and I got him in his back. I felt like I was playing online.
Last edited:


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Kyle Kellahshehskee said:
One point of suggestion in regards to how the animations are now setup: several times I ended up having my gun and arms redirected so that they were pointing straight up. The shock of having it happen means that I was holding that position for a couple of seconds, and not only did it not look natural from my perspective, but it must look kind of odd if one's observing someone holding that pose as a result of being struck by weapons fire. I feel that it'd look a lot more natural if the player's view was directed up but that the arms automatically fall aside from the player's mind being stunned and then having gravity naturally pull them down.
These 'animations' are actually a somewhat unintentional bug with a rotational inconsitancy. They were left in because they are, in fact, pretty neat, but at the moment I actually have little control over it. They are just weapon rotations, so they will not have a visible effect on the 3rd person representations.
(1) Is RA v3 currently configured so that EAS maps have the Silent Capture effect on? I checked my activated mutator list, and Silent Capture is not listed, yet the game behaved as if it was in effect once I activated RA v3.
Unintentional bug perhaps. RAv3 replaces the playerpawn, which has many, many more undesireable effects across the board.
(2) I read in an above posting that one has to have the New 40mm Grenade Sounds mut on in order for RA v3 to work, but I tried the mut with it on/off and the game seemed to work fine. What should happen if the New 40mm Grenade Sounds mut is NOT activated so I can better detect what's going wrong in the game?
The new40mm package (not the sounds, the 40mm mutator that adds grenade types) is assumed to be present and running. RAv3 must come before this on the mutator list for everything to work properly.

As for the recommendations, RAv3 is basically on hiatus of undeterminate length. I'm quite busy right now, and frankly I don't want to drop this project on someone else. There were some planned effects for wounding, although probably not as immediately noticeable as yours.
Bots should be basically uneffected by this mutator except possibly thier accuracy. Any differing behaviors that show up could quite possibly be yet again unintentional.


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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Is there any way to have a version of RAv3 with just the working features? The mutator covers alot of things, some of which would be nice to have running on a server without the bugs of others.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Derelan said:
Is there any way to have a version of RAv3 with just the working features? The mutator covers alot of things, some of which would be nice to have running on a server without the bugs of others.
Most of the bugs aren't caused by incomplete features.

Kyle Kellahshehskee

Mar 3, 2004
Metro Detroit, Michigan
Framerate drops, black smoke, and more...


Thanks for taking the time to so thoroughly explain what's probably going on and what's causing the bugs. That's one of the things I like about this community, even if a developer knows that it's unlikely a player knows much about coding, the developers around here tend to go the extra distance in trying to explain it anyway. Happily, I can follow you on a rudimentary level, and I appreciate the extra info.

A couple of other things I've noticed but waited on reporting till I could check into them more thoroughly. I noticed that framerates tend to drop irregularly as I move about a map, the slowdowns don't seem to be related to the region I'm in, or what map I'm playing. After you mentioned that RA v.3 alters spawning, I'm going to assume that it's the mut that's causing the slowdown.

Also, this may seem like dejavu, since I posted this query just a couple of weeks ago, but I'd like to eliminate the smoke that's produced by the M203 grenade. I've already followed the advice given previously in opening up the M16A4's ini file, and turning off the grenade effects, BUT ever since I've installed RA v.3 the M203's smoke's staying, even though I've deactivated the 40mm. mut, which means it seems pretty strange to me that the M203's grenades are still producing smoke even thought 40mm mut isn't on. I'd assume that once the mut was deactivated, the game would pick up on the adjustments that I made to the M16A4's ini file (I checked its contents and nothing's altered the variables I previously saved). I looked for an ini file for the 40mm mut, but I couldn't locate one. If there's any way I could deactivate the smoke, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Also, even though I implemented the fix to the Community Weapons Pack 1 so that I start out with the primary weapon that's in my loadout, after I've activated RA v.3 I'm back to starting out holding my kabar. I forgot to check to see if RA somehow altered the changes I made earlier. I'll probably check that out later tonight, if I have the time.

I have to say that the improvements that have been made via RA are really tremendous. I keep discovering more and more subtleties to how the game play has changed, and it's quite exciting. Before RA was recommended to me, I played with the micro Uzi for a while, but found it pretty ineffective in spite of how cool it is. Now, RA has made that weapon a useful tool. That's quite a change, and it's welcomed.

Thanks again for your hard work. I love this mut.


Last edited:
Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
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Yurch stated somewhere else that he abandoned RAv3 for lack of own and community interest (which is a real pity IMHO since it felt quite convincing after playing a while)

So no wonder he's not really into PR.

Here is the latest version he posted for dl... I still have no clue wether its the last one he compiled...


  • RAv3.zip
    144.3 KB · Views: 17