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Sep 17, 2004
Assassin's Creed [PC]: 9.0/10 (This game needs more extra jobs to keep it alive)
R6:V2 [PC]: 8.7/10 (Otherwise I'd be acro)
GTA IV [360]: 9.1/10

All of those I play with the Xbox 360 controller BTW.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
Ikaruga (XBLA) wtf/10

This game is the first game in a really long time that makes me want to throw the gamepad at my monitor. What an utterly frustrating game.

N+ (XBLA) 8/10

This game is so much fun to do. It does get increasingly more difficult, but it's so addictive and fun to try and complete every next little level that I easily lost hours of sleep getting that one more level done.

GTA4 (360) 9/10

Fantastic fun singleplayer and fun missions, with the annoying thing of the game rendering only a few types of cars at a time, failing a (longer) mission requires you to do it all again and the aiming is still a bit iffy. (switching between targets specifically) Great display of character of Niko so far.
Multiplayer is maybe not really competitive in the way that UT is, but it is mad fun. Getting together online with some co-workers, doing drive-by shootings while on vespas, having helicopter battles, insane car chases... I've not even touched any of the game modes yet and I'm loving it.


Mood Muzik
Feb 14, 2006
Washington D.C.
Test Drive Unlimited (without megapack): 6/10

As soon as I get this megapack then maybe (most likely not with all the problems) it will get a better rating. Its a good idea for a game, but Atari would be the second to last choice to make it.


Feb 12, 2002
Ikaruga (XBLA) wtf/10

This game is the first game in a really long time that makes me want to throw the gamepad at my monitor. What an utterly frustrating game.

N+ (XBLA) 8/10

This game is so much fun to do. It does get increasingly more difficult, but it's so addictive and fun to try and complete every next little level that I easily lost hours of sleep getting that one more level done.

Feel the pain of Ikaruga! xD It's a very good shooter. Hard for some ,easy for others.

No idea what's extra from the PC version but N was pretty fun and often frustrating.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Ikaruga (XBLA) wtf/10

This game is the first game in a really long time that makes me want to throw the gamepad at my monitor. What an utterly frustrating game.

I went to my local Gamestop and noticed they had a used copy of Raiden III. The screenies reminded me of what Ikaruga looked like. Anyone here play that series??


is ironing his panties!
Iron Man (PC) - -5000000000000000/10
Heh heh! Seriously? They made a good game from a movie?


---- Assassin's Creed ----

Gameplay: 6/10
Graphics: 8/10
SoundTrack: 9/10
Voice Acting/Dialogue: 9/10
Sound Effects: 9/10
Story: 10/10

Some of you are probably wondering why i scored the gameplay so low... heck even i wonder. The game is beautifull, i can't fault that, and running from rooftop to rooftop along a planned line assassinating roof guards as i go... hopefully seamlessly and oozing with style and grace I can't help but feel bad for scoring it so lowly.... however. It's important, i guess, to point out that i'm not a person who completes most games, I usualy lose interest or see someone else complete it first... the main exception to this is Hitman, to which i've completed every game in the series. When it comes to sneaking through the shadows to take down a planned hit, let us say, i'm in my zone. ;)

So i should love this game right? Right! However other than the main story, which is great and the basic gameplay, which is also nice but a little frustrating when it takes a couple of serious sword cuts across your face before you realise you have to lock onto your target before you can block it. The game, to me, seems hugh, it's full of life, peasants and guards alike but i'm only halfway through and am already slightly bored of climbing to the eagle views. At first i enjoyed finding the highest points of the city, now it seems like a required chore that takes time and does little to help my mobility around the city unless i do a leap of faith which requires me to get back onto the rooftops. :(
Also the flags and templars are pointless, except for bragging rights and Xbox 360 users but even to them it's only puiblic bragging rights. I can't help but feel like the game is lacking, the world is large enough to fill it with all sorts of content that could keep anyone amused for weeks but for some reason it only contains a handfull of missions loosely framed around the main storyline making the game, somewhat more linear than it could've been.

Also exitting the game is insane. I have to exit the game twice and then log back in before i can get back to windows? In future it'll be Alt-F4.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
GTA IV: 9/10 Very good game that's just massive. Solid graphics, much improved control, surprisingly good storyline/acting and a brilliantly realized Manhattan.

---- Assassin's Creed ----

Gameplay: 6/10
Graphics: 8/10
SoundTrack: 9/10
Voice Acting/Dialogue: 9/10
Sound Effects: 9/10
Story: 10/10

Ugh, really? 10/10 for the story? I wanted to kill the idiot writer that wrote that freaking game.

Altair was the world's stupidest assassin. What does he do at the beginning when his arch nemesis is accompanied by a half dozen fully armored knights? Does he assassinate his target from afar? Nope. Does he sneak up and take them from behind? Nope. He walks up, in plain view and gets his ass handed to him.

When Altair screws up, he's "killed" Only not really, and it wasn't even to fake his death... what? Then the master keeps giving obviously conflicting and bull**** excuses for the reasons people are doing things, but does Altair think, hey, wait, he sounds bat-**** insane? Of course not! If you can't get the plot twist about 10 minutes into the game, you must be completely dense.




Feb 12, 2002
Ugh, really? 10/10 for the story? I wanted to kill the idiot writer that wrote that freaking game.

Altair was the world's stupidest assassin. What does he do at the beginning when his arch nemesis is accompanied by a half dozen fully armored knights? Does he assassinate his target from afar? Nope. Does he sneak up and take them from behind? Nope. He walks up, in plain view and gets his ass handed to him.

When Altair screws up, he's "killed" Only not really, and it wasn't even to fake his death... what? Then the master keeps giving obviously conflicting and bull**** excuses for the reasons people are doing things, but does Altair think, hey, wait, he sounds bat-**** insane? Of course not! If you can't get the plot twist about 10 minutes into the game, you must be completely dense.

Couldn't disagree more.

When at the start Altair just goes in without any stealth and respect for his prey, it's to show how big headed and full of himself he has become at that point and how he's misinterpreted the Assassin's creed to form his own skewed perception.
(disrespect for innocent lives and not using stealth etc. - he's then reprimanded for precisely all those mistakes he does in the very first pre-game part which you speak of, by his master)
It shows that his ego has outweighed his skill at that point. (hence why you then have to start as a low rank and learn all about the ways of the Assassin's Creed all over as to not be that "stupid" or big-headed again)

And he does question why his master keeps giving him varying accounts of what the real reasons are for the missions. He does so as from the second memory block and starts getting more and more irritated about the fact that every time his master tells him something different.
Until the before last mission where it seems that Altair accepts one of the stories his master tells him.
I'd give AC's storyline a 8 or 9 out of ten too :)


Feb 12, 2002
I just played the PC Grid demo. I love it!
Handling is sweet, graphics are nice, cars crash and deform.
Just played online with my friend in Canada (10/10 Mbps) and it ran really smooth. Didn't have any visible lag with my friend in Canada at all. At one point we were six people racing and it was smooth.
Used a 360 pad to race.

Going to buy on release/10


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
Coming back on N+, I've finally completed the final level. Holy freaking hell, that was a LONG time to learn the specific paths for each level and then also hope you do it all right. Perhaps now it's time to go on to the coop missions! (more achievement points, eh?)

Especially the very last stage was mental, levels draining your time to get to the final level in which I literally had to race to get all the way to the middle for the doorbutton and then all the way out again before those zapping things came into the contraption.... I must've died like 50 times not wanting to slow down to make sure I'd make it.