Ranger underpowered? discuss.

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Mar 18, 2004
Alright, we all know the pistol is reminiscent of those nerf cannons where they shoot those yellow rubber balls that are a bit smaller than tennis balls. but what else do you think needs to be tweaked with the ranger?

I am finding that there are several issues in overall gameplay that affect me more as a ranger than any other class. Namely dodging... I lose my footing 75% of the time now, is this happening to anyone else? I seem to be dodging before I hit the ground, so instead of dodging left when i get there, i just take a step to the left. In U2XMP, i had a much higher success rate with my dodging. Are you able to start the dodge before hitting the ground in u2? or do you hit the ground sooner or something? I am unable to tell.

Crosshairs. Ohhh man crosshairs. It's hard to aim at a red person in Sirocco when your crosshairs are a dull orangish-brown.
"<indy`sleep> might ditch the current crosshairs altogether and just use the 2K4 ones."
---- I like this. The thought of going to the menu, selecting my own purple (or whatever) crosshair... I like that. Using a crosshair that fits my taste, and knowing that other players will be doing the same thing (so i wont have an advantage over them), i like this.

And... the hud is confusing. Having bars running down in every direction, that's hard. They should ALL go left, and ALL go down, or something. Or how about the ones that are horizontal on the right of the screen will drain to the right, and the ones on the left will drain to the left. That way they'd all be draining outward. Easier to understand at a glance. I've been playing this game for a few days now, the hud still feels REALLY unnatural, and i can't follow it without paying a lot of attention.

I know the FMI guys are working hard. For a beta, this is very nice.... And It's good to be able to play the game and offer input.

Summary - I can't dodge, I can't aim, I can't understand the hud... i feel useless in utxmp.

EDIT: I got a little off track here. I would like to see some people's views on the status of the ranger however, and would like to stick to that topic on a whole.
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New Member
Aug 4, 2004
I am finding that there are several issues in overall gameplay that affect me more as a ranger than any other class. Namely dodging... I lose my footing 75% of the time now, is this happening to anyone else? I seem to be dodging before I hit the ground, so instead of dodging left when i get there, i just take a step to the left. In U2XMP, i had a much higher success rate with my dodging. Are you able to start the dodge before hitting the ground in u2? or do you hit the ground sooner or something? I am unable to tell.

Crosshairs. Ohhh man crosshairs. It's hard to aim at a red person in Sirocco when your crosshairs are a dull orangish-brown.


New Member
Dec 15, 2003
since i'm used to play ranger, i know what you mean.

on garden and many other maps the sniper crosshair is just GONE. so it's like shooting blind. same goes for the pistol, not that it's only hard to aim, it's even almost impossible to hit in close combat since you only can shot every second or so.

as for zooming in and out with the sniper rifle, the zooming directions are switched. zooming in is out and out is in.

the grenade launcher is weaker too. in u2xmp it took 2 grenades to take out a raptor, now you need 3 or 4.

smoke grenades ae to slow and you can still see through the smoke. and who said in utxmp you would get more frames per second, at least i get the same or less than in u2xmp.

as for jumping and moving, it's strange. on sirocco i'm still able to get on top of the mountains, but when i cannot jump up from the cave on sunset beach to the artifact node, something just tells me, there is something fishy.


UT Newbie/Eldar Farseer/Anime lover
Dec 12, 2004
I don't think the Ranger is underpowered, just the crosshair needs work, whenever Im shooting a guy wiht the pistol nothing happeneds, I dont even know im hittting him beacause the xhair is so confusing


New Member
Jan 22, 2004
Well I for one play/prefer ranger after the first deploy or 2. Hes quick, has nice weapons, and you can help your teamates out by reviving or healing them. I know, as we all should; that the game is just beta and Im sure that any tweaking wasnt done intentionally. More less just not done yet.

The cross hairs are dull, they know this. But for me, Id just prefer a really bright white "Dot" to have as my crosshair for all weapons or a really small X like I used in 2k4. All these fancy xhairs are just for looks. Also the sniper rifle projectile is way off target. Never once can I actually aim at someone like in u2xmp as they are falling from a jetpack jump and hit them. You can see when firing at someone on the ground that the bullet hits like 3 feet away from them. Also at long distances you cant hit someone like in u2xmp. Id like to have that range back.


XMP Beta Tester
Sep 27, 2003
Visit site
Something I noticed but i'm not sure if everyone else has seen this problem:
Zoom all the way in with the sniper rifle, preferably on an object that will give you some frame of reference, and just move up and down. Does it move smoothly or really jerky? I know a few people who get really jerky motion but we've all got wireless logitechs. Anyways, just something for everyone to give a check to.


Feb 16, 2004
As a Ranger, I feel that man. I am disappointed with the pistol refire time not being up to par with the U2 pistol, but when it comes down to it, this is a beautiful beta. FMI did a great job, drinks are on me for any of them if they're in the area ;). Not to get off track but playing as a ranger, I felt nerfed the hell out. The only time I felt I had a chance was when I played as a gunner, oddly enough.

Dodging seemed tricky to me as well.

Crosshairs, would take a bit getting used to, but whatever, as long as I have some guidance that I can actually see, I'll be happy.

Other then that I want to thank FMI again for all the hard work. It is a lot different from the U2 XMP the veteran players are used to, but over time things change. Hopefully with the next beta release the Ranger and some of the bugs that we know about will be fixed.


Feb 16, 2004
Tyfane said:
Something I noticed but i'm not sure if everyone else has seen this problem:
Zoom all the way in with the sniper rifle, preferably on an object that will give you some frame of reference, and just move up and down. Does it move smoothly or really jerky? I know a few people who get really jerky motion but we've all got wireless logitechs. Anyways, just something for everyone to give a check to.

I might have found a bug, I don't know if anyone had this happen to them but when I was zoomed fully in with the rifle, then quick switched to Pistol, it remained zoomed in while I was using the pistol and only resumed back to normal view when I re-selected the sniper rifle. :eek:


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I think it's currently known.

I agree the pistol is messed up, but other than that I think the ranger is the most powerful class right now (super sniper rifle and less lag).


New Member
Feb 22, 2004
It's hard for me to tell what class is good/bad since I can't really play properly. However, I have noticed that your opinion on gameplay balance relies a LOT on how you play the game: I haven't heard anyone say that techs were the worst/best class, whereas I think it's easiest to kill someone as a tech. In other words... "Mmmmmm bop, dop ba doo bop, dooobeeyahbah doo bop, dop bah dooo, yeaaaaaaaah yeaaaaaaaaaaah"


CaSuAlTy Of SoCiEtY
Nov 25, 2004
i wonder why this mod doesn't support the "1 crosshair for all weapons" like UT2004 and any other mod i've ever played on UT2004, does? (edit: The only weapon this would be **** for would be the rocket launcher)

Maybe FMI will redo some of the crosshairs ... maybe they will enable the 1crosshair for all jobby... who knows!
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New Member
Aug 9, 2000
I totally agree with the pistol, crosshair and jump/mantling problems. Also it seems the sniper rifle now have a limited range. Tried to shoot a bot that was standing still, he was very very far away and i could hardly make him out due to the distance, he never died, anybody else experiensed this? Also, the cross in zoomed crosshair for the sniperrifle dont fit but is uneven.


New Member
Nov 16, 2004
cyb said:
as for zooming in and out with the sniper rifle, the zooming directions are switched. zooming in is out and out is in.

Thank you! Now i'm not the only one who takes this zooming thing all too confusing.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
Maybe the pistol could allow a very fast rate of fire, but reduce it's accuracy depending on how fast you shoot. Should then be useable for mid and close range.


New Member
Apr 5, 2004
I am finding that there are several issues in overall gameplay that affect me more as a ranger than any other class. Namely dodging... I lose my footing 75% of the time now, is this happening to anyone else? I seem to be dodging before I hit the ground, so instead of dodging left when i get there, i just take a step to the left. In U2XMP, i had a much higher success rate with my dodging. Are you able to start the dodge before hitting the ground in u2? or do you hit the ground sooner or something? I am unable to tell.

Crosshairs. Ohhh man crosshairs. It's hard to aim at a red person in Sirocco when your crosshairs are a dull orangish-brown.

*nod, nod* I couldn't explain it better.
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frequent eembotter
May 28, 2004
In the basement
There seems to be some kinda 'freeze' in the air which delays the landing. This is especially clear when using 3rd personview. You'll see that after a dodge, the animation freezes, and although you'll be able to move, the models stays in the last position. Only after you 'landed' (delayed) the animations start again, and you can dodge again.


The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
PETzizzleSeagizzle said:
It's hard for me to tell what class is good/bad since I can't really play properly. However, I have noticed that your opinion on gameplay balance relies a LOT on how you play the game: I haven't heard anyone say that techs were the worst/best class, whereas I think it's easiest to kill someone as a tech. In other words... "Mmmmmm bop, dop ba doo bop, dooobeeyahbah doo bop, dop bah dooo, yeaaaaaaaah yeaaaaaaaaaaah"
omf you bastard! Now I'm going to have to kill myself to get this crappy song out of my head.


yeah right...
Jan 4, 2004
|pure|Destruction said:
The cross hairs are dull, they know this. But for me, Id just prefer a really bright white "Dot" to have as my crosshair for all weapons or a really small X like I used in 2k4. All these fancy xhairs are just for looks. Also the sniper rifle projectile is way off target. Never once can I actually aim at someone like in u2xmp as they are falling from a jetpack jump and hit them. You can see when firing at someone on the ground that the bullet hits like 3 feet away from them. Also at long distances you cant hit someone like in u2xmp. Id like to have that range back.

.. Well.. i kinda liked the XMP idea of having a unique and fitting crosshair for each weapon... Isnt it possible to just bring back the xmp crosshairs?.

Also, the crosshairs give you some feedback about the accuracy of the weapon. (a little white dot for a shotgun or flamethrower is not a very good representation :))


+-aka Arcturus, HalcYoN, goBOT etc-+
I agree with sentiments posted above. Something is "off" with the ranger in UTXMP. The other classes seems less affected.
Some things already discussed
-Sniper scope zoom is less smooth and actually reversed (need to change this)
-Bring back U2xmp style crosshair for sniper rifle (they glow orange and help on a majority of maps)
-Sniper bullet contrail is missing currently
-Pistol fire (nuff said)
-Sniper round appears less accurate. Performed some testing across similar map in U2XMP with stationary friend (ie target). Able to 'headshot' repeatedly while moving side to side...
Similar map and distance to target maintaining same movement in UTxmp yields less accurate results. Round does not hit target with same frequency.

Because of the aformentioned issues I now find myself playing as a tech or gunner more often cause the ranger needs tweaking..
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Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
Nerfing rangers is only good for the game. Snipers had already become too cocky with their ridiculous dexterity and speed. The balance was pretty screwed up in U2 towards ranger which seems to be "fixed" by accident now. In ol´ XMP I (a pretty good gunner say what you say) could never frag as experienced ranger due to overwhelming speed advantage.

About pistol. It´s a semiautomatic pistol = you have to pull the trigger for each shot. Now this happens in natural and credible speed because the hand must return to its original direction for precise firing. It´s plain impossibility to do this any faster due to recoil: go try this at nearest shooting range. This is not realism whining. If pistol is said to be semi-auto then it´s the same in year 3000whatever as well.
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