Public Servers ran by Me

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You Give Odie a Boner
Nov 19, 2001
Austin Texas
I am tired of the PM's, Posts, and hounding [while in game] about server settings. Players want this or that, or this sux. Everytime I change something a crap load of other players hate it.

I just can not keep up with everyones wants and it is driving me crazy freaking nuts! So, I am no longer Running Public Servers.

I am now ready to play on someone elses server.


because respawns suck
Jun 8, 2002
well, you tried something thats not possible: pleasing everyone

we have a slightly different policy - we just please ourselves
and sometimes other players like it, which is a nice thing :)


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
I have told Odie 50000 times to please just listen to the few people close to him like myself, geogob and a few others. But like Cleeus said, its impossible to please everyone and Odie is making the same mistake Shan was for awhile. Ah well, its a sad day to see no GD server running. Maybe its time for some GD again to pitch in some funds and rent a server to run {GD}EAS for NA.
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You Give Odie a Boner
Nov 19, 2001
Austin Texas
The biggest issue I have is the wording of some requests. It is like I am someones bitch or something. Needless to say I am having a very bad day today and I believe I just *snaped*.

Other than adding some mutators [Duke Nades/IWE] the servers ran by me have not really changed lately. I even have ran polls @ GD forums to get a better over-all view of players wishes [not just what I think or a few players]. A few GD's vote and perhaps one or two non-GD's.


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Odie polls for that stuff dont work, like you saw. Again, my advice is to listen to the few close people you have that know the game and play daily on your servers, and the rest will put up and deal. Anyone who whines can go to another server. If you conitnue to listen to 200 people at once, you will never have a set mutator or map schedule.

As for people ordering you around and being nasty when requesting something, tell them you do not tolerate that and that you will ban them for a week from the server if they do that again. Its your server and you dont gotta put up with anyones BS you dont owe them NADA.


Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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Fully understandable and I don't blame you. Have you thought about going to a private server and passworded invite only?

Actually maybe not passworded. Make it private and don't except suggestions. Set it up the way you want. If someone complains ban them.

Sad to see it comes to this.


Jan 11, 2001
This can't be true! Without your servers there will be like 1 server left... :(
Everybody loves you, don't leave us !


All Hail to the Hypnotoad!
Nov 22, 2004
That are very sad news. Sadly its the way of the world that the guys that are never pleased are often the loudest. I think the majority of the people really likes how your servers are set up. But its often easier to complain than to praise someone for his efforts.

Oct 28, 2003
France, Cannes
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I agree with Cleeuss, you can't please everyone,
and im sorry about few things:

-every requests for your server should be in a polite form and your final decision you should not be followed by "a crap load of other players hate it", i think this but i guess its kinda an utopia, i think all people that provide free and public services ever felt like you...(ask Sentry Studios ;) )

-The polls on GD forum didnt work, im sorry too about that, i did vote and asked few other players to do (for the request i posted about DTAS) but some were afraid or enough
busy to not fill a form for registering to the forum...Since most players are on this forum, i think all active servers should have a sticked thread on this forum for all request, reports, polls or more, well, its just an idea :)

Thanks again for providing us another dtas server, I and certainly more appreciate this :)


Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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Just make clear and up front to every. You run a PRIVATE SERVER you just do not password it. You will not except complaints or suggestions from anyone. Anyone that does so will get banned with no second chance.

Meanwhile if you want to take suggestions from people you respect do that behind the scenes.

It is your server. You control it.

To those that don't like how it is setup go somewhere else. If you cannot find one you like, rent one and set it up how you want it.

Make it a liver you may have a deal.


You Give Odie a Boner
Nov 19, 2001
Austin Texas
Well, after a cooling off period, I now recant my withdraw of my Public Servers.

Thanks for the kind words from all. However, I do not think I will start banning anyone for wanting changes to the server.

On a side note: RT has been removed. I also should have some Cammo adjustments once I get with NT.


I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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Odie: The problem was RT and our frustrations with it - not you as an admin. Well, and the camos... :(

You're a good admin, and I consider you (and most of GD, except for edmond) a friend of mine. So when we say 'this setting is gay' or 'these camos are gay'; we're not calling you gay - we're just senselessly bashing the gay community because we dislike certain things about the settings - and we, as gamers, can't just say 'please change this'. But if you are gay, I can see why you'd be offended. ;)

It's fine to run mutators (even a lot of them) - the problem is running beta mutators for extended periods of time.

Sure, we all like to help out and help make INF more realistic. However, I think I speak for the majority of the gamers when I say that we'd prefer for there to be a scheduled time (perhaps even a different server) for testing, whereas the main public server would be used for stable mutators and public play.

Those of us that exclusively play EAS (rarely jumping onto DTAS) were just getting very tired of 'getting gayed', and last night, the majority of us just snapped (yay, let's all snap together).

When it comes down to it, we'd rather play something else than play with the current RT + strafers. No offense to you, just the truth of the matter.

I'm glad that you changed your mind however - I really like your server.

And finally - if your server ever goes down, I will provide the community with an EAS server. I refuse to let TDM win this battle... :mad:

Geo (mostly) / Duke / whoever is working on stuff: I like what RT is trying to do - however, I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed playing a game with RT running (as is it right now). 'Certain players' recently have been exploiting RT to no end. Mostly the pistol-only guys that see nothing unrealistic about strafing around people and bunnyhop nade-spamming. While you're trying to help by providing us with more realistic hitboxes - you're also making it impossible for respectable players (people that actually crouch and aim before they fire - in most cases) to win in a firefight with the strafers and jumpers.

The Vanilla hitboxes are bad - but RT is causing a lot of 'BS' moments, sadly. I've been noticing bullets flying through the bodies of people all the time - and I've even been able to say, 'yeah, you got gayed, I should be dead' a lot recently. Just yesterday, a buddy of mine shot me with the shotgun from about four feet away (about six times) - not one pellet hit my body. Every shot passed through me and I killed him immediately (which was total BS).

I think there's an issue where the hitboxes and the model separate from one another. It's the only way to describe what happens. Sometimes, if you shoot to the left of the model, of behind it, etc., you finally get your kill. It's pretty random sometimes. And this happens without server lag, I might add.

And until somebody fixes the movement issues, there's no point in even fixing those hitboxes - as it just makes the bunnyhopper and strafers invincible.

So, keep working on it I suppose - but please, someone, find a way to fix movement and jumping once and for all. It's being abused more than ever lately, and the only way to fight back is to do the same thing back at them.

If I could offer a suggestion: Remove jumping completely and replace it with climbing (if it can be implimented realistically).

Anyway, everybody needs to just coooooooooooooooooool out. Keep working on RT and perhaps, post on BUF when you intend to have a public beta testing session - I'm sure we'd all be glad to take some time out to test for you guys.

But please, until you feel you've reached a point where 90% of the bugs have been worked out - keep it off the public servers.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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Uhm...I believe I saw Odie say something about having had enough of suggestions for while. Maybe we should take the hint and just be happy he has changed his mind?

Thanks a million Odie. You rock!
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I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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My suggestions were to the modders, not to Odie.

(except for the suggestion of the 'beta-testing server' ;) )