[GU]elmur_fud;2459981 said:
@Dr Stephen Falken
You asked me to respond and I always do my best to keep my word.
I am saying that the number of conflicting opinions expressed are decreasing. And that those who berate others for there different views are becoming more verbally abusive of there peers that have said conflicting opinions. In other words the flaming is more rude and mean then it used to be and some people just avoid saying anything.
That, and most of the people on here are just trolls. Even one of the administrators openly admits that they are a troll.
Anyone noticed that the ignore button has vanished?
These links deserve more reading but in the first paragraph of the first link from wiki. I seem to recall saying similar. Except I have been focusing more on 'environmental influences'. I have admitted a possibility of other influences from the outset merely maintained that my observations suggested to me said 'environmental influences' and said that perhaps they all were this way simply without evidence we had found. That still could be the case but I admit that it isn't necessarily so. I also admit that the weight of evidence points else wise. I don't think it wise to dismiss it as there are multiple possibilities that have yet to be fully explored. For instance what if there is a genetic/biological predisposition that is environmentally triggered?
Then I'm still right.

It can't work without a bilogical, structural, or genetic predisposition towards that end result.
You used gays and horse-****ers in the same sentence also. Who cares that is irrelavent. They were both in the same sentence but the contrast was to them both being attractions to something that as a life form is out of place in the rhythm or pattern of life. The result of some outside impetus , be it on a emotional level or a biological one. The causality of this anomaly is what curiousitates me. I was compairing the 2 on the basis of the target of the affection. The context was that they classify these 2 "unnatural attractions" as mental disorders because they are "unnatural attractions" why not this 3rd? I just felt there should be uniformity or better definition of the classifications. As there are cases for those who are homosexuals that have a 'environmental influences' which is evidence that they claimed then didn't exist. However I now look at it from the perspective of that homosexuality isn't the disorder but the result of a disorder or some trauma.
And you're still wrong.
People who are "made" or "become" homosexual as a result of being bum-raped as a child, or through daddy not giving them any love because daddy thinks that will make them gay, or some other weird trauma, are the exception rather that the norm.
Most homosexuals are born.
I am not. It is every1 Else's messed up assumption that disorder means something negative. Even the founding member of the movement to remove this classification agrees with that statement. Remember what I quoted A good question to ask yourself would be why is it so negatively viewed? Is there a good reason? My answer for myself was no. Some disorders are bad, but not all, so to me the term is simply a classification for a specific grouping of mindsets. No more negative then canine is to dog. Or homosexuality vs. heterosexuality.
In 1973.
A disorder is abnormal functioning. Some can be turned to your advantage, but that does not negate the cost.
Homosexuality is not a disorder, and you have no proof of otherwise.
What you think proves that homosexuality is a disorder is actually proof of the power of "daddy issues", or the end result of this trauma you're hanging on to, and the failure to deal with said trauma.
It isn't a big enough deal to me to have it classified as such and as a result place people under needless persecution. I thought we had grown past holding such stigma's as a society is all.
And yet without this classification, which has been proven to be wrong simply by studies of physical brain structure, which I have previously linked to, your argument falls apart.
It's not a disorder.
It's not a mental illness.
But, there are things out there that look like homosexuality, just like there are things out there that look like heterosexuality, for example: PAEDOPHILLIA.
Bet you didn't see that one coming, did you?
Uhm sorry no it doesn't, it says that the love of money is the root of all evil. It does imply causality upon eve for eating the forbidden fruit but she and Adam had a choice. though it refers to that specific case ambiguously several times it's always speaking of a specific person not women in general. As far as dominion ... yeah thats pretty factual we humans dominate everything we can and attempt to dominate the rest. We are a controlling species. Indeed I agree with spirit vs. letter to a point but I have come to the thought of What does this have to do with homosexuality and prop 8 anymore? Nothing.
What it has to do with is your using the bible in your posts. Don't. You can see how I regard the bible, so you can see how I will not accept arguments based on it.
Theology is not reality.
1)'It' meaning the Bible. I.E. if you believe in the Christian/Jewish god you probably believe at least part of the bible to be divinely inspired.
No. The original "bible" was 300 books long. It was written in hebrew. It has been mistranslated. What we have today is the end result of 2000 years of edits, censorship, and chinese whispers.
The only part, in my opinion, any christian of any denomination should trust to be straight from god, is the part where it basically says "Only god can cast judgement for only god is wise enough, only god knows.
2)I am not a bible thumper or anti-homosexual. I am a fair minded individual and made my comments regarding the bible to correct some misrepresentations. If we are going to insist on being correct and factual the street goes both ways. You don't have to believe in what it says to agree that that those are the words on the page.
Yet your posts sound very anti-homosexual. Your posts seem to say that homosexuality must be a disorder, that it must be a mental illness.
Well I may catch hell for this but in all honesty I take the same aggressive stance with fear as I do with anything unknown I seek to understand it and I confront that fear head on. As I child afraid of the dark I would take walks at night and would keep one hand in contact with a surface at all times because I am night blind.
That wasn't fear, that was self preservation, and what you did was a little dumb. It was like a child who suffers from fainting fits playing atop a tall building, or some long stairs.
I'm still afraid of heights to this day.... guess why?
Some fears are there for a reason, and it you suffer from night blindness then maybe your fear of the dark is something you should listen to?
Just my opinion.
The empowerment of taking charge of the situation allowed me to rationalize my fears realize they were baseless and get past them. I am doing the same thing with needles in a way. My wife likes guys with tattoos and piercings, so I started by setting out to pierce my own nipple. I first read up on it and practiced on other objects like fruit and meat) I looked at videos of piercings online. And I milled my own needles to test bending breaking and dulling factors as well as look into sterilization. When comfortable with that I purchased the necessary tools and materials from a reputable online site and did exactly that. When I caught 1 on my wedding ring in the middle of the night and tore it clean out, I let it heal properly dug down and pierced it again. My next step is tattoos and turning over the reigns to sum1 else. I have taken much similar presteps and have even been designing my own tattoos. So I get just what I want.
What the smeg is wrong with going to a proffessional?
"Time not important only life important"
Which has
what to do with you using crap from 1973 in what seems like an attempt to prove that homosexuality is a mental illness?
No. Though in the case of subject A extreme paedophillia was involved the result was not power issues but an aversion to males as sexual partners and a general distrust of most males in general as a eventual outcome after further trauma.
No. Her abuser had the power issues, she just had an understandable reaction to what I know to be a terrible experience.
I am saying this is the reason as I have observed it. Yes there may be others. I suspect an interconnection. perhaps I am wrong about any such interconnection and perhaps it's a 'only sometimes' scenario. It is simply my view and I am not calling it fact. I am saying looks factual to me.
You are presenting 5 cases, some of whom I feel are just weird rather than gay, drawing your own conclusions based on your own misunderstanding of what is involved, based on your own ignorance of how things work, and dumping them on
all cases.
You don't have enough of anything to draw what conclusions you have drawn, from my point of view.
There hasn't been that much of a shift in my thoughts, more crystallized overall, changed slightly here and there but really the same notion. I keep repeating myself as I feel like there is some communication gap when horrific accusations are thrown back in my face.
It's because you clearly don't "get" the subject in hand, or the fact that your arguments are baseless, or the fact that FACT ruins your arguments and the conclusions you are drawing, conclusions which are based on nothing but this weird insistence of yours that homosexuality is a disorder, a mental illness, a sickness.
Given that, can you really blame anyone for getting tired of you and just throwing nasty words at you?
He was quoting me. My guess, he forgot to highlight/hit the quote button. It was a mashup of Justin bieber, Britney spears, and a badly done doo wop song cover. 2 songs were 4/4 time and 1 was 3/4. That and they sped the doo wop up to much to match the BS and BJ(JB) songs, It's distorted discordant rhythms and unharmonious sound turned a headache into a migraine. I listened to the whole thing cause he made it and asked for my opinion. It may have been his version of a rick roll, though musically a rick roll would have been an incredible improvement.
You messed with the quote system, added your own words after the = and it confused the forum a little. I fixed it by changing the []'s to {} or something like that.
This is me done.
You can either accept the fact that homosexuality is not a mental sickness, and that you just don't "get" it (because you have all you need to truly trst your hypothesis), or you can learn to love the heat, y' get me?