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BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
Visit site
Sir_Brizz said:
How does that help the nubs?
Well, let's see.

The other team wins in 2 minutes.

The other team wins by taking artifacts.

The artifacts are always located at your teams node.

Therefore everybody knows exactly where the other team is going to go, if they want the game to be over in 2 minutes.

Assuming that there IS some requirement for the game to hold your hand all the way until you become a pro, what else can they do? Put a big blinking arrow on the screen saying GO HERE TO BLOW UP THE NICE MAN or something?

There are ways to help the n00bs without breaking the gameplay by altering the node energy thingy.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
UT2k4 made improvements to the game to help n00bs....and what do you know, the vets are still playing.

Bots don't significantly help the n00bs.

If there IS a proper tutorial included in UTXMP (like there should be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) then, first it should mention the likelihood that you will get rushed, but second it will solve all of the little flaws like this that are caused because people playing for the first time don't know wtf is going on.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
\/\/0RF said:
They decreased the applicability of things such as dodge jumping, wall dodging, boost dodging, etc. They changed the way Bio shots work, the amount of damage and limited spread of the minigun, the size of the HUD, the player->map size relationship, the translocator, etc etc etc. All of these changes had virtually no effect on the so-called "pro" community but were instituted to make it easier for n00bs to learn the game without "pro"s taking advantage of their knowledge.

edit: as in XMPs cas, it's not a matter of "groud breaking gameplay changes" as much as a matter of accessibility. All of those changes I listed above weren't THAT groundbreaking, but it isn't as easy to take advantage of a new player in 2k4 as it was in 2k3. As I've said before, I think the 2 minute games could be solved in other ways that don't effect gameplay as harshly as "energy level".
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000

Well in some cases that's true. Except I don't think weapon balance was off all that much in 2k3. Most "pro"s didn't mind it. But all the whineys on Atari forums complained tha tthe minigun was too weak and the bio rifle was too strong so they got "fixed". I personally thing they made the minigun too powerful (up close)/not powerful enough (far away) and made the bio rifle worthless. But that's just IMO.

Anyways, my point is that FMI should try to fix things like this for the closed beta, and if they don't work change them back.


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
well the only thing here that bothers me is the matter of factly way somepeople say the game needs no changes what are you gods?..this is a discussion if you have another way besides power change lets hear it.

PS both 2k3 and 2k4 are nerfed beyond anything that even resembles UT.
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
In addition I don't and have never cared if they fix this problem. They could try if they want, though.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Sure it is because HOW you play the game affects the gameplay tremendously. If you're not allowed to play the game for more than 2 minutes because of a "rush" I'd say that affects it pretty much. Although, how is being able to rush across the map steal both artifacts, return to your base, and score "your 'team' playing...properly"? Because if it's a team game, then anything you would do should involve your team and not just one or two people, right?

The "team not playing the game properly" argument doesn't work. If your team should have to defend, then their team should have to use Offense, which two people running both artifacts without cover is not.


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
well after three pages of heated debate. Indian once again comes to the rescue with a sounding voice reason. In 8.. count'em.. 8 glorious words he has rendered the topic useless. Congrats to Indian on his acheivments. :D He is DaThread Killa :D


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
Bots actually do help nubs a lot, as long as they have multiple skill levels and proper AI. As a mapper, I don't really want bots because pathing can be a real pain, but as a gamer I like having bots when I don't want to get pissed off by a bunch smacktards on a server (which happens pretty often, I mean there's almost always one), and bots can't smack talk or camp seriously or spawn kill purposely (unless you have the gall to code it that way).

Also, you could stick info about various game strategies in the tutorial that MUST come with the mod. I mean, if you don't want to change gameplay (obviously it won't be changed) but you want more nub-friendly games, then stick it in the tutorial. They'll basically have to look because the gametype is so confusing at first, and looking shows that you actually care about following the XMP learning curve.


Jan 22, 2004
can't somebody just make a noob friendly server where we can just help the noobs, xmp has a good tutorial but like nobody reads it before they play.


New Member
Jan 3, 2004
I'll always play like a noob... between several autoimmune diseases including lupus and arthritis (They effect my dexterity and nervous system) I'm not real fast on the draw in a face to face.
Hehe, but I have fun anyhow.
I'll always accept any helpful strategy tips that may help balance out that fact against you guys that are fast and agile.

I recently went through some new illness developments and have been missing from play...
But I think I'm up enough to start playing again.

I noticed that the in-game server browser looks like a graveyard... very sad, but not surprising.
XMP was an instant favorite of mine, and I'm REALLY pleased to see that it's being converted over to run as a 2k4 mod so that it gains a more widespread audience.
