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Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
Look it's really quite simple. If you lose alot due to one or two minute games, get energy faster.. or defend. I absolutely love people who bitch about not having defense and therefore losing games, meanwhile they are off on some hill trying to stationarily snipe people and contribute nothing to their team. XMP has a learning curve. Sad that those of you who have been playing for months can't seem to quite figure it out yet. You know the button that says "I'm on Defense!?" Yeah, use it :rolleyes:


Reach out and torch someone
[_X_]BULLDOG said:
what game? did not see the game start it just ended.
Rushing is no fun at all, whats the point of playing the game if you guys the game ends before peeps spawn in game,
hmmmm it goes to shows you that peeps that rush the game cant play game at all.
xmp needs real players who can play a good game. :D :D
I've heard of this new concept, it's called defense...


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
[BBF]Mantik said:
Look it's really quite simple. If you lose alot due to one or two minute games, get energy faster.. or defend. I absolutely love people who bitch about not having defense and therefore losing games, meanwhile they are off on some hill trying to stationarily snipe people and contribute nothing to their team. XMP has a learning curve. Sad that those of you who have been playing for months can't seem to quite figure it out yet. You know the button that says "I'm on Defense!?" Yeah, use it :rolleyes:

Wow you are leet..:) it is NOT as simple as you say if you stay and defend then almost all the power sourses are taken and then defended by snipers who will watch over a couple of them really easy to defend a couple of generators from a little distance and you can not get it any faster than the time it takes you to go to them and that would be a few minsad you have not learned there is more to the game than just rushing...and besides your point misses the problem making the game more balanced ONLY in the beginning hard is this to grasp if the node has no power how can you take a artifact from it?Since if that same node has no power you can not register what you end up with is one or two peeps hiding waiting for power to come up unless of course your leet defence has so many deployables out your node is still not powered up lmao....come on get a grip.

The whole idea behind having power in the beginning of a game is to allow both teams time to spawn get power or fight for itand get the game going if i want a 1 min game i will play something else.


XMP Beta Tester
Nov 11, 2003
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[BBF]Mantik said:
Look it's really quite simple. If you lose alot due to one or two minute games, get energy faster.. or defend. I absolutely love people who bitch about not having defense and therefore losing games, meanwhile they are off on some hill trying to stationarily snipe people and contribute nothing to their team. XMP has a learning curve. Sad that those of you who have been playing for months can't seem to quite figure it out yet. You know the button that says "I'm on Defense!?" Yeah, use it :rolleyes:

Don't tell them that, then they'll be camp sniping on a hill spamming the "I'm on defense" button...

However, this whole issue MIGHT make a good mutator for pub play. I'd defnitely need to see it in action before giving it a thumbs up or down though. Maybe someone could code it and put it out during the closed beta and give it a try. If it sucks, can it. If it works well, release it.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Why couldn't FMI evaluate possible solutions to the problem during the closed beta? I think that the problem could be solved non-traditionally without effecting either gameplay or power usage.

The point is a newbie who sees games consistently being completed in 2 minutes isn't going to enjoy the experience. The reason alot of people still play XMP (especially old Beta testers) is that they played the game before "rushing" became a problem so they got to enjoy the game first. You can't always count on 4 vets being in a game with 2 on an opposing team as the solution to a problem.


Apr 20, 2004
I remember when i started to play demo my first artifact captures was rushes with better player in the raptor. I really liked it!


VFX Extraordinaire
Apr 8, 2003
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PRG said:
Don't tell them that, then they'll be camp sniping on a hill spamming the "I'm on defense" button...

However, this whole issue MIGHT make a good mutator for pub play. I'd defnitely need to see it in action before giving it a thumbs up or down though. Maybe someone could code it and put it out during the closed beta and give it a try. If it sucks, can it. If it works well, release it.

:tup: on both counts. Good thinking PRG. If you don't like it, make yourself a mutator. That makes both sides happy. :)


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
spineblaZe said:
:tup: on both counts. Good thinking PRG. If you don't like it, make yourself a mutator. That makes both sides happy. :)
I know that you know as well as anyone else that that won't make a difference.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
fireball said:
I've heard of this new concept, it's called defense...

Defence on public servers is very common. It's just a shame that it's normaly in the wrong base ;)


VFX Extraordinaire
Apr 8, 2003
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Sir_Brizz said:
I know that you know as well as anyone else that that won't make a difference.
You see right through me Brizz. :D

I'm aware that even if you could get admins to run that mutator, nobody would join the servers. But shhh!! Don't tell anyone else that ;-)


BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
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You don't need the WHOLE TEAM on defense. Other people can still go and fight for energy sources.

Plus there is balance and counter-balance in the game. If your team is down you can still take back gens. If a sniper is on post you can work on taking him out or at least moving him out of position. If you can find the enemy Raptor you can make it a lot harder for them to get back to base. Many times, especially in Sirocco, I actually get into OUR OWN Raptor and drive it far far away so they can't steal it to escape. When you know what to look for, you can counter-plan. There are a lot of obstacles you can overcome if you stay back to stop a rush, but if you DON'T stop the rush, or if you don't rush yourself... well... game over, next map.


New Member
Aug 19, 2004
Waterloo, Canada
Don't like getting rushed and pwnt?

1. Defend your node.
2. Steal their arties.
3. Take gens early and hold the enemie below 800 energy.

Magwa said:
BUT you do not need power to steal one

If there were energy requirements on stealing arties you would only shorten games where your getting screwed for energy, they have all the arties and the only thing keeping you in the game is their weak defence and your team constantaly theifing their atries to stay in the game long enough to get your own node online.

There is nothing wrong with the current system at all.


New Member
Aug 19, 2004
Waterloo, Canada
Nothing needs to, they will learn how to play the game just like everyone else did. We were all nubs once and managed to live through the 2 min games just the same as the 1 hour long ones.


Apr 20, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
How does that help the nubs?

Q18: What's the current work for the team? Porting maps or developing core game elements? Minor tweaking or major coding? Some dramatic things affecting the release date significantly?

RaptoR: The coding is just being finished off at the moment. Work has begun on bots (yes, bots ;)), and they're coming along really nicely. We have lots of maps in development including ports of some U2XMP classics. Hopefully they'll all be ready in time for the first public release!



New Member
Sep 28, 2004
[Lithium] said:
Don't like getting rushed and pwnt?

1. Defend your node.
2. Steal their arties.
3. Take gens early and hold the enemie below 800 energy.

If there were energy requirements on stealing arties you would only shorten games where your getting screwed for energy, they have all the arties and the only thing keeping you in the game is their weak defence and your team constantaly theifing their atries to stay in the game long enough to get your own node online.

There is nothing wrong with the current system at all.

Exactly. :)