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New Member
Sep 4, 2003
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Energy requirements for taking and registersing artifacts !?

Originally posted by Magwa

As long as they FIX the annoying bug where you have to have power to register a artifact BUT you do not need power to steal one ..=LAME and make alot of games last about 1 min why? because before you have the power to defend and set up defences the other team stroles in steals your artifacts and is just waiting for their power to win the game.

Solution= you MUST have power to both register and steal a artifact if the node is NOT powered it won't work period.!

Just something that I thought could stand discussion here.

Opinions !? Flames !?

Emmet Otter

I miss XMP :(
May 26, 2003
Home of the NHL Devils
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HAHA. I remember these arguments way back in the unreal2 forums. Magwa always complained about these minute games.
I always believed the best thing to do is to take energies right away when they've taken your arties at the start of the match. This way it just hurts them MORE cause now they have 2 guys hiding and not doing anything and waiting for their struggling teamates to obtain energies when they are low on manpower. Then this way they cant register fast to win.

Anyways, the most important thing is to grab energies first of course.

Whats the point of energies when you cant even grab arties when you are even low!? What should happen if you had an arty in hand and your energy drops?

*edit* Welp, maybe a mutator would be cool to add so that to grab an artifact you need to have the artifact node powered up i guess. Some servers may try this and would be interesting to see. This would lead to more fierce battles getting energies at the start of a match. A mutator called the Non-minute game :lol:
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New Member
Sep 28, 2004
As long as they FIX the annoying bug where you have to have power to register a artifact BUT you do not need power to steal one ..=LAME and make alot of games last about 1 min why? because before you have the power to defend and set up defences the other team stroles in steals your artifacts and is just waiting for their power to win the game.

Solution= you MUST have power to both register and steal a artifact if the node is NOT powered it won't work period.!

Please make XMP the very best i know it will own if this is fixed well it already owns but will own much more :) peace


VFX Extraordinaire
Apr 8, 2003
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Don't mess with it. It doesn't need "fixing."

My friends and I used to rush all the time, it's a great strategy. If your team can't defend a rush, you're not going to win in the long run anyway. This is a strategically-oriented game after all. If you can't come up with a strategy to defend against a rush, go play qWaKE omf lolorz :lololol: ;)

Anyone that plays RTS's knows this. ;)
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New Member
Sep 28, 2004
yes it would make a huge difference ...:) and yes otterman i was a huge complainer of the one min wonder...:).Now you are correct that it would cause fierce battles at the beginning of the game and that has to be seen as a good thing yes? the problem since the beginning is that when good players take off to get power the defenders have nothing to work with and they in turn also go for power no one home to protect the artifacts and boom gone game over , all i am saying is the game (nodes ) should work one way they are either powerd up or not powered up and if they have no power then you can not register or steal a artifact.....god i love this game and am stoked to see it back.


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
Mods please close this thread as it is reduntant and not needed my bad for not seeing someone else posted the same subject sorry...peace


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
true at least for pub play, though, it's annoying...mostly because you team NEVER defends or grabs energy at the beginning of a match.


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
well i can only speak for myself but i always played on pubs and i played with otter and alot of great XMP players and we had many games last for over 45 min,LMAO getting power was all i ever did ....


XMP Beta Tester
Jan 22, 2004
That would totally change the way XMP works. Artifacts being available at the beginning of the game is an awesome play strategy. If your team is good enough to get the energy while having a guy with an artifact, then you deserve to capture that artifact.

The keys to prolonging games are playing a two or three man defense at the beginning of the game. If they are good defenders, they will most likely kill the ranger or hurt him so that a midfield interception can be done.

Personally, I have done tons of one or two minute games because I love to rush. The huge majority of the time I get away because there is no defense to stop me. I think changing it to where you can't steal until you have 800 energy is stupid, giving the defense time to set up. I have seem some killer defenses by some really good techs just 600 or 700 energy into the game, and they can be really frustrating to get through when the rest of your team is playing midfield and defense.

A change this big to XMP would seriously hinder old strategies and make games MUCH longer. Think of Lowlands and Kaminari. If the teams keep on switching energies, then it would take an extremely long time to get to 800 energy, not to mention THEN you would have to try and get arties and once you do you lose the energy again.

Magwa, you say that defenders at the beginning of the game don't have anything to work with. Yeah right. A good tech and a shotgun can take out a ranger one shot when he goes for the arti in the node. A good gunner can put the flamethrower stuff on the node and use incendiary grenades if a ranger is near. A good ranger on D can chase after the guy who has the arti.

Bottom Line: Don't change XMP.
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VFX Extraordinaire
Apr 8, 2003
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Right on =vD=Auron, :tup:



Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
=vD=Auron said:
That would totally change the way XMP works. Artifacts being available at the beginning of the game is an awesome play strategy. If your team is good enough to get the energy while having a guy with an artifact, then you deserve to capture that artifact.

The keys to prolonging games are playing a two or three man defense at the beginning of the game. If they are good defenders, they will most likely kill the ranger or hurt him so that a midfield interception can be done.

Personally, I have done tons of one or two minute games because I love to rush. The huge majority of the time I get away because there is no defense to stop me. I think changing it to where you can't steal until you have 800 energy is stupid, giving the defense time to set up. I have seem some killer defenses by some really good techs just 600 or 700 energy into the game, and they can be really frustrating to get through when the rest of your team is playing midfield and defense.

A change this big to XMP would seriously hinder old strategies and make games MUCH longer. Think of Lowlands and Kaminari. If the teams keep on switching energies, then it would take an extremely long time to get to 800 energy, not to mention THEN you would have to try and get arties and once you do you lose the energy again.

Magwa, you say that defenders at the beginning of the game don't have anything to work with. Yeah right. A good tech and a shotgun can take out a ranger one shot when he goes for the arti in the node. A good gunner can put the flamethrower stuff on the node and use incendiary grenades if a ranger is near. A good ranger on D can chase after the guy who has the arti.

Bottom Line: Don't change XMP.
I'm assuming you have a demo of this on a pub?

The problem never was people who KNOW what they are doing, it's that most of the people don't and don't care.

I agree that having to have full energy to grab an arti would be ridiculous...I'm sure there is some other resolution.

edit: it could be different in UTXMP though, because I know alot of times in U2XMP you would be chasing a rusher and lag would run you into a wall or slow down your dodge jets, and anything but Ranger Vs Ranger was ridiculous.

One thing I think is ridiculous, thinking back, is two arti carriers in a Raptor...
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CXP Director
Jan 31, 2004
I concure with auron, the people who are skilled enough to get arti registering capability and capping all arti's in 2 min are quite skilled, and should win that fast, because it takes a lot of working together to get that if your a clan :).


Reach out and torch someone
Sir_Brizz said:
One thing I think is ridiculous, thinking back, is two arti carriers in a Raptor...
If you even HAVE midfield, warn them. EMP/Shock/Rocket will annihilate both and earn the guy massive points (always good in his eyes) and set the enemy team back due to the loss of their rush.
Now, if you don't have someone covering midfield, that's another problem. But I've intercepted dual-carrier raptors on pubs more times than I care to think about.