Since when did that happen? Last time I played ut2003 online it worked straight out of the "box", not physically though. Box..physical box, physical UT copies..hmm straight out of the box.
Don't know, but right now the first master doesn't work. I'm not sure exactly when it when down. I don't know if it's an old problem and it's definitive or if it's just for the last few weeks and it'll be back.
As for Unreal II, I think that's the only UT game which nobody seems to care about. The original Unreal has a small player base, whereas Unreal II hasn't.
Unreal II not having a multiplayer and being generally unstable means it's of no use to anyone. XMP could have something going on, but it came so late back in the days that it had but a tiny playerbase which dwindled quickly, and it started so low it quickly went to 0. Sometimes a couple of people get a game going but that's a rarity. At least the first Unreal still works great as a SP mod platform, and its compatibility with UT99 in many respects means it's kept alive by the beating heart of Unreal Tournament.
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