yeah. thats the spirit. charity begins at home. how can you flit off money to perfect strangers when you have friends and family who could use it too?
I disagree, but that would be nice. There are other people who need it far more, and charitable donations are not just to stave off guilt...they are the only thing which lets charitys work at all, and in many parts of the world charitys are the only thing providing food/medical supplies at all. Of course, many people donate only to make themselves feel good and many charitys spend more on admin than actually doing anything, but that doesnt mean the whole system is bad.
I disagree, but that would be nice. There are other people who need it far more, and charitable donations are not just to stave off guilt...they are the only thing which lets charitys work at all, and in many parts of the world charitys are the only thing providing food/medical supplies at all. Of course, many people donate only to make themselves feel good and many charitys spend more on admin than actually doing anything, but that doesnt mean the whole system is bad.