You want some what?
Made some more things wireframed in the vision mode thingy. Dom points, destroyable objectives, few onslaught thingies, and flag and bomb stuff, I think. I was getting some lag with it on some maps (really bad in some cases). I changed the way it works and now all the lag seems to be gone. The only sacrifice I had to make was weapon pickup bases are no longer wireframed. But now pickups themselves are drawn in the neutral color while waiting to respawn. Those weird, ugly gun turret thingies in onslaught aren't drawn, though. I d'know why. :\
The weapon itself I think is pretty much done. It shoots people the way I want, though I may still screw with the balance type stuff.
I'm not sure what I want secondary to do. I've considered making it turn the wireframe stuff off, but that seems sorta pointless. I'm also sorta considering making it activate some other crazy feature of the vision enhancement junk, but I d'know what, and I had previously planned to make any cool vision enhancement stuff work automatically. It already chooses which type of projectile to shoot by itself. Which reminds me, the explosive ones'll still blow up team mates. Gotta fix that. Oh yeah, and I'm gonna make it an option again to use the new or old model (rather than forcing the old one on you as it does now). I think that's all for now.