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Jun 2, 2001
Uhm... maybe? <.< I kinda got sick of UT, but I've taken a pretty long break from it. I'll see if I can come up with any cool ideas for stuff to make.


Jun 2, 2001
Okay, so I started a new gun, but then got distracted by homework and JFDuke. So, like, I'll work on it some more one of these days. <.<


Jun 2, 2001
First test. It works, but as can be seen here it needs some calibration. XD


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Jun 2, 2001
Upgraded laser sight. :D Looks slicker in-game when it's moving. I'm planning to modify the code a bit for the laser sight so it'll be effortless to implement in other weapons, then start working on a spiffy scope while tweaking the other aspects as I see fit. I'm still thinking about how the spread should change for certain situations. Like, have it generally wider when not using the scope, and tighter when you get a direct hit (to encourage direct hits when sniping, as opposed to shooting in their general area and doing almost the same amount of damage). Also an option is reducing the number of pellets rather than increasing the spread in these situations. Or a little of both. Other than that, I may mess with the tracers some more. With the laser sight, they're unnecessary for locating snipers. Same with the smoke puff, which I already removed. Mm, I think that's it. Observe the shot.


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Jun 2, 2001
Okay, so I was adding some random jitter to the laser sight, an' as I was messin' with the equations for that I was like "Hey! I could so totally make a spiral really easily like this! 8D" So I thought of doing that just for fun, but didn't. Then I realized I could use the same math to make the spread of the buckshot be in a circle rather than a box, so I decided t' do that, and used a spiral pattern to test it. It worked, but I got some unexpected designs. Finally I realized I was using 360 when I should be using 2pi. Duh, radians. Anywhere, there's a neat little jitter to the laser now, and the buckshot has a snazzy round spread (wich I doubt anyone will notice XD). Direct hits do more damage, and I think I'll keep it that way. I'm thinking of making the laser move around when a bot's using it based upon the bot's accuracy or something. Then have the actual shot go where the laser's pointing, so where the buckshot hits will actually be where it looks like the bot's aiming. Yis. BTW, I forgot earlier to mention that when using the scope the laser appears in the center rather than to the side, since, y'know, when lookin' through the scope the laser's just under the barrel which is just under the scope which is acting as an extension of your eye. Speaking of the scope, I'm still not really sure what I really wanna do with it. Hopefully I c'n come up with somethin' slick.


Jun 2, 2001
Okay, so the sniper shotgun's been pretty much done for a while now. The scope slowly bobs up and down with your breath, swings up when you fire, has two zoom stops, and has scan lines which I may remove since they didn't really accomplish the effect I was going for. I worked on the zappy gun s'more, which was the weapon I was working on before I was interupted by the sniper shotty. Primary's now cooler, though it took a REALLY nasty if statement. XO And I still need to mess with it to make it work properly with monsters. I've had a general idea for secondary for a long time, but I can't make up my mind on the details. XP My bullet weapons have nicer sparks now, bots can aim the flamer vertically, and the machine gun's power's been upped slightly again, as well as made the assault rifle replacement. The new minigun replacement is the Izu. Inspired by shadow warrior, has it's sounds and the crosshair is modelled after the shadow warrior one. Secondary reloads. Can, of course, be used akimbo style, and kicks major ass that way. So much ass, actually, that I'm not sure I really should add the other feature of akimbo I was thinking about. I want to make the second izu aim at other targets while you're firing. Ooo, or have one aiming where you point it, but have it decide on which izu to fire based on what side of the screen the target's on. But that'd be less fun, 'cause there wouldn't be the crossingness there. Anyway, I think having it able to shoot at two people at once, one of which takes no effort to aim at, might be over-overpowering it (since it's already pretty damn powerful akimbo as it is). But it'd be cool. XO So I'm gonna give it a shot. Some details I may add are shell casings, visible clip ejection during reload, and random tracers (would be particularly nice for the two-target business, 'cause you could really see the two lines of fire, plus it'd help the SW feel a bit more). Finally, the sniper shotgun still uses the quadshot damage type, which I may change so it'll affect vehicles properly (haven't tested if it's overpowered against vehicles, yet), and the izu needs its own ammo and damage types. Oh yeah, and I made the machine gun's fire sound louder. I'll probably be doing that to most of the weapons, since UT2K4 likes to muffle them (half their volume, as I've come to discover O_O).


Jun 2, 2001
Izu's comin' along nicely. I made it so akimbo reduces your accuracy slightly, and your left hand fires even less accurately, but will aim at people automatically. I'm working on getting it to point properly. I think I got it's vertical rotation working pretty well, though I'm still tweaking it to try to get it as slick as possible. Working on getting its horizontal rotation working. Bots can aim the flamer up and down now. Might try to change how they aim it, though, so they quit waving it around so wildly. May have changed a few other things since my last post, but I can't remember.
Is anyone actually reading this junk, and does anyone actually care?


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Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
I am and I do. I'm glad you're still working on this. In fact I can't wait for that Izu, looks cool.
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Jun 2, 2001
Well it's coming along pretty well. I finally got the damned thing to point at things properly. And now I've memorized that 65536 = 360 degrees after messing with rotators so much. XO It respawns regardless of the game's settings, though it'll respawn quicker if you have weapons set to stay. You also throw two out if you have two. I screwed with a few weapons spiffing them up slightly. Izu has it's own damage and ammo type. I may release this stuff soon even though a number of things aren't finished 'cause it seems like it's been forever since I gave you people anything new to play with. If I get the machine gun to let you hold it when you have no ammo to use the hook as a melee weapon, finish the zappy gun, and add a replacement for the shock rifle, I'll have a full arsenal replacement, minus the super weapons and onslaught weapons. The only thing is that my idea for the shock replacement looks the same in my head as the izu. And I'm not really certain of all the details an' stuff. We'll see.


Jun 2, 2001
Spiffin' up the flamer.


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Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Does the flamer still make the game take a crap when you try to unload all the ammo using infinite ammo?


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Well when I use the infinite ammo mutator I always do, and I press secondary to dump all the ammo, it crashed out with an infinite recursion error. I believe this was discussed in one of those "quote the quote the quote the quote" etc. private message marathons we have.
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Jun 2, 2001
I thought it was with that RPG thingy? I don't remember you mentioning an infinite ammo mutator.


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
I surely did. It tries to empty the ammo and can't, so it keeps trying. And then crashes.

In the meantime I want some Pain2K4 A5 lovin here. Finish that Izu, it looks cool. :p