i'm not really into power struggles but if i'm gonna play... that's why i like UT.
so since i made a change for her i asked for her to make a change for me.
otherwise i would have never said a word about her princess logo. although i would have still not liked it.
Amanda- i think women are equal to men in everyway except maybe sheer size and physical strength, and i'm sure they excel over men in many ways. there would probably be less war if more women were in political power.
i like the idea of girls kicking guys asses. i usually use a female war machine as my player. so just becuz i used that pic of the blond doesnt mean i dont respect them. women are more sexually powerful than men. otherwise men wouldnt need money
just wanted you to know cuz i think the thing you disliked the most was the appearance of gender disrespect.