If there weren't forums then the world would be a peacefull place where pets and omni's could let there children date each other, there would be a black women president of the united states, north korea would give up its nuclear arms struggle, there would be peace on the gaza strip, mantik would be able to appraise people's houses for 'fair' value, crow would grow out of puberty and into womenhood, willy wonka would let us all into his factory. . .
until then, cut the Fuc|<ing sh1t, this is the lamest, sorriest argument in any game i have ever played in my entire life. ITs not interesting, its just the same thing over and over like we don't already know it, "omni is teh cocky suq" "pet is rude and ruinz0rz XmP".
I'll admit it , pet has no talent, most of us have bad attitudes and use sarcasm to an extent of sheer lunacy. Our own members leave because they don't get the jokes, everyone feels awkward around puppy because he's constantly humping everything in sight, and to top it off, there's only 200 people that play xmp so you can't avoid our asshattery! So, as this thread goes on into a dismal wah wah from both sides, There's only one place to solve such a misplaced rage of verbal spammage. . .in the game. This will not go away, much like saito still obsessively posts even thogh he left xmp 2 months ago, its like a virus, it spreads, gets people all emotional, gets hearts broken drives out the weak. I've done my best to calm my team down but there's always someone that instigates sh1t and gets them all rowdy again so wtf do i bother for. we will c ya'll in igl, until then,
detta/crow/jimmeh/rage/raccoon/nept/monkey has poopy pants!