Well, I was going to stay away from this since every PET thread turns into a mudslinging war.. but seeing as how I was inevitably drawn into it due to the fact that I hosted the file.. sorry, I'm here to post.
Crow has never done anything wrong to me. He has never been a dick to me and we always have GG's when I play with him. Omni, likewise. I like Omni.. I think you have some really cool/good players on your squad and you are always nice (those of you who talk anyways). Now.. me.. being unbiased towards either party.. gets asked to host another video by Crow. I say sure why not! I'll host any video's people want me to host. I like watching videos and seeing the things people can do that I assure you I cannot do myself
Well ok. For the record I didn't even watch the video before I threw it on there, we had just gotten done scrimming PET (getting annihilated, rather) and I was going off the comp for the night so I just slapped it up and walked away. I come into work today, do my stuff.. am AFK for a few hours and come back to find that I am kicked, and banned, from Omni's IRC channel for the simple fact that I happened to host the file
I wasn't aware that anyone who didn't share your opinion of another clan was automatically on "ban" status with you too. I realize it is your channel and you are free to do with it as you please, regardless of how a-holish it is, so don't worry.. I don't mind so much. I just think that shows poor form on your part. Sorry to see a bunch of people I held in the highest respects in this game due to their skill and ability in game, and their attitudes on and off the field.. sink down to the peoples level whom they so publically like to call "immature."
The video has been taken down out of one last sign of respect to you guys.
Your offer to scrim tonight, however, we regretfully decline.