OMF! New [pet]crow jumping video

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Puppet Master of BBF
Mar 28, 2004
Webster, NY
I have to agree with Mantik here... as an independent 3rd party I have to say poor form, omni.

Ban Crow is you want but to assume the rest of his clan or now Mantik share his opinions is looney.


New Member
Jan 27, 2004
By the way, Nept, thanks for your amateur psychoanalysis. Although it is highly incorrect with assumptions, your effort is noted. Hopefully with practice it will get better, your game on the other hand, is a lost cause.


Jan 23, 2004
Ontario, Canada
You were banned by Jimmeh and I can certainly see his viewpoint. When someone hosts a file, it's usually inferred that they know its content and have judged it to be suitable for distribution. All Omniscient members have admin status in both the server and the irc channels, and if one of them feels the need to ban someone, I really couldn't care less. Their decision. Jimmeh's decision to ban you may not have been the most polite or mature thing to do, but if you were to place yourself in his position and your work were being insulted, you may be able to understand why I feel the ban wasn't completely unwarrented (though I'm sure he'll remove it once he sees you hadn't watched the video). Screen your content bud; what's available on your site reflects on you.

As for the whole Omni vs. Pet deal, I'd like all Omniscient members to drop the subject. We've all played the scrims, we've all seen the outcomes; we've no need to care about the opinions of a few prats. Bottom line, Omniscient is undefeated in both scrims and matches. We've lost one or two maps while not playing our normal roster in scrims, and have never lost a ladder map. Until you've beaten us in a ladder match, you've nothing to boast about. Cocky though that may sound, this childish argument needed to be put to rest.


Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
I understand Nept and I do agree that it is partly my fault. I have removed the file though, and have heard I am un-banned, thank you for rectifying the situation with me.. I probably jumped the gun a bit instead of waiting for a reply from an Omni in IRC before coming to the boards.



Jan 23, 2004
Do you want a screen shot? I'm sure you'd love that.

many times = 3 times total

Who are you trying to kid? We have SS'ed every scrim vs you guys...Plz go ahead.

& honestly, do you really think a scrim bears any relation to how we play in an official match? :rolleyes:

Mantik, I'm really sorry you had to get caught up in this...

Snake, you have talked to Nept or I many a time on IRC about this kind of behavior, are you ever going to step up and let your feelings be known?

Anyways, I'm cutting this post short 4 now b4 I post something I later regret.


New Member
Mar 26, 2004
omni you sure do sound proud of beating a team that never practices or devises strategies or anything of the sort. guess what, it'd be pretty damn sad if you lost to an unprepared team, with as much effort as you guys have put into xmp. and plz, save the "oh we dont put any effort into xmp, we all play lineage2 now" crap.


New Member
Jan 27, 2004
To begin with, I have NEVER made any attacks on anyone without them starting it. For example, poor Jimmeh did his little "ban crow for some unknown reason when he's subbing against us" thing. Next, Nept with his "Oooooo look at me type a lot of irrelevant and pointless 'facts' which quite frankly mean absolutely nothing." Examine yourselves before trying to blame others...

Finally, thank you for your virtual pity, I will put it to good use. [You guys really need to loosen up and gain a sense of humor....]



Feb 29, 2004
Over there!
Jebus! "tkers and lamers and cheaters are killing xmp!" WTF all i can say to that is "Negative!" dont you people see. WE are killing xmp with all this bullsh** arguing "my clans better than yours so huh! :p" some people are better than some people thats a fact that you cannot change BUT aslong as theres a flow of new people in xmp there will always be someone better and worse than you! omni and pet are all great player as iv played with most from the 2 clans, you guys really need to stop a sort this out before you screw us all backwards!


/me bubbles
Feb 25, 2004
OMF HGAX!!! I love Omni. Making a new IGL thing, so hopefully we can play tomorrow. Bunny's leaving thursday so it has to be before then. :)


New Member
Apr 12, 2004
Sorry for banning you Mantik, it was a moment of anger and I wish to apologize.

As for the banning of you crow, it's because of all the games I've ever seen you play (pub/scrim) you're less than mature about any outcome, and excuse yourself if/when your team loses for multiple reasons as the outcome might have changed had you all od a sudden not been lagging/afk/talking. You've taken it upon yourself to open the floodgates of disrespect, then you toss your name in the hat once more for the asshat title by attempting to trash something I made. Truth is, if this is the kind of attitude you show in real life, I hope to god you're never in a situation with someone who won't tolerate it.

Whatever with your e-penis or real likeness there. Frankly, I wouldn't understand why another group of guys would let you piss on their name, good or bad.

It's easy to be a dick to someone, it's easy to be an ******* to everyone. Regardless of whether you're good or not (nept... ahem), I assume you found it too hard to be respected simply for your talents, or lack of. I made a movie for fun, and because I wanted to show a few people what the game might be capeable of. You then took it upon yourself to say "look at me, I can do this." I didn't do it because they were hard, I did it because I had fun making it, and then watching others emulate the jump was fun. I had a great time coming into servers and showing everyone and their mother how to do those jumps after I made my video.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, I realize that I shouldn't be mad at you for being jealous. The greatest form of flattery is what?


Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
It's all good Jimmeh. I was afk when you pm'd me, so sorry for not getting back to you. I jumped the gun, should have tried to PM an Omni member before posting. My fault completely, and I can't blame you. No worries.


May 3, 2004
Like any of this matters anyways....I own Omni and Pet as well so this is all redundant and bow to followers and I will take you to the promise land of XMP.....I also just farted..thought I'd share.


New Member
Jan 27, 2004
OmniJimmeh said:
As for the banning of you crow, it's because of all the games I've ever seen you play (pub/scrim) you're less than mature about any outcome

If you actaully think I'm not kidding when I say those things I truely feel sorry for you.

(well not really, you've already shown your intelligence many a time to me. So basically, you probably don't realize that I'm kidding when I say things to the tune of: "omfomf pet stacked the other team!!!111")

I'm sorry omni is too uptight to handle any sort of joke, even when they're not being talked to in any fashion.


New Member
Jan 27, 2004
Oh yeah, and whenever say I'm lagging (which I don't, I say I have packetloss) I'm talking about the kind of packetloss in my signature...But since your godlike omni you could handle playing with that kinda ping, right?


Feb 2, 2004
Ðetta said:
. . . . . .

Take this topic, the 1 ragging on Chiron and the 'Omni Show their true colours' post as a few examples...

Now look for a thread started by an Omni ragging on Pet or any of its members.

Beginning to see a pattern?

Dearest Detta,

I respect your opinion and such but I wish to state mine... I was not saying that it was all Omni or all Pet... I was simply stating that noone, and I mean noone, gains anything, at all, from this Internet Flame War... Both Omni and Pet have made mistakes in the past... I am simply stating that if niether party has anything to gain from this pissing contest, then it logically should end... The Chiron thread was a joke, and Seagull and I promptly apologized to Chiron for any inconvenence we may have caused Him... As for The "Omni shows their true colours" post, crow had a valid complaint. It may not have been voiced in the most appropriate manner but it was still a valid compliant. As I saw it, Crow really didnt do much to incur bannage. You may have had a history with Crow, but it is kind of bad form to ban the other teams sub during a scrim without consulting the team leader, IE Myself. Seeing as he was behaving relatively well, maybe you fellows should have left him be and been the bigger players. I do, however, agree that Crows OmniJimmeh bashing was totally uncalled for and really ruined the fun spirit of Jimmehs video. The point is this will never end if one of either groups doesn't end it. I've played with Pet as well as Omni and I can say that I think both clans are comprised of great players and I've had nothing but GGs with both clans. So fellas, Enough. Like Splinter said, This sort of thing is what is tearing Xmp apart. Now I want the flaming to stop NOW, Lest I visit my wrath upon both clans and own you all with UNMATCHED FURY!!! (lol jk don't hurt me :D :lol: )

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