sure here are a few more. didn't realize you did peace corps in honduras, would you recommend the experience? i'm thinking about spending next year in central america, though i'm still looking for an organization to do it with.
Peace Corps can be anything from great to a total waste of time, depending on a lot of different factors. For me it was a defining experience in my life and I'm very glad I did it. I would recommend it to people who:
Like working independently
Don't get lonely too easily
Like new experiences and are good at dealing with adversity
However, if you go into it with nothing but lofty ideals about helping the downtrodden poor and hopes of getting something good to put on your resume, chances are you're heading for disillusionment.
You can't be too attached to specific outcomes, because it's hard to get a lot done all by yourself in two years with little to no financial resources to draw upon. There are MANY factors you can't control, such as your health, the support provided by your local Peace Corps office (or lack thereof), the willingness of people in your village to work with you or their time availability, etc. But if you bring a strong work ethic and an expectation of personal growth if nothing else, you will not be disappointed. I wrote
this story to express some of the frustrations that I ran into. But as I said, even with those problems, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
Also keep in mind that it's a mandatory 2 years if you want to finish your service, and there's no point starting it if you're not willing to stick around at least that long, imho.